Super Monk

Chapter 3079

The fire of Honglian karma is the first sacred fire of Buddhism. This flame is fueled by karma. If there is karma in the body, it will be burned by the fire of karma. Karma can also be seen as cause and effect to some extent. Trampling on an ant is cause and effect. Scolding a person is also cause and effect. Even eating rice, chicken and pork every day is cause and effect. Under heaven, all living beings are living beings. Human beings are living beings. Chickens, ducks, fish, pigs, plants, insects and birds are all living creatures. If you eat them and hurt them, you will also have cause and effect. However, cause and effect also have different sizes, which determines the strength of karma and the power of fire of red lotus. If the cause and effect are not related to the body, the fire of karma will fall and die.

Those powerful gods will try their best to avoid being infected with the great cause and effect. If they have to be infected with the great cause and effect, they will try their best to end the cause and effect. Cause and effect is not a good thing for monks, and even determines the final direction of many things.

I didn't expect that the protection of pharmacist Wang Buddha's main temple was Honglian Yihuo. The Buddha light outside was just a warning. The real Honglian Yihuo was the killing move. I'm afraid it's impossible to break into the Buddhist temple of Wang fo, the pharmacist. Zhao Fugui's eyes show a trace of dignity. The Buddhist temple of Wang fo, the pharmacist, is not so easy to break into. If it wasn't for the sudden entry and extermination of pharmacist Wang fo, I'm afraid it would have left more than these hands. It's hard to say whether Zhao Fugui and other monks could break into the pure land of colored glaze. "Bang!" Lanshanjun was full of confidence driving the treasure boat into the Buddha light, but the Buddha light turned into the red lotus fire in an instant. The magic array outside the treasure boat exploded in an instant, and the red lotus fire poured into the treasure boat in the next instant. Lanshanjun's beautiful maids didn't even scream, so they were burned to ashes in the red lotus fire Embers. "It's said that Lanshan king of the Nine Star Palace is reckless and plunders beautiful women everywhere. Any woman he likes is forced to use all means to get it. These women will be abandoned in a few days, and those who obey him will become his accomplices. It seems that the rumors are true.

there are many causes and effects in each of these maids In mid air, a monk looked at the scene coldly and said.

"But Lanshan is worthy of being the master of the Nine Star Palace. Even the astrolabe, one of the three treasures of the Nine Star Palace, has been given to him!" Another Friar's eyes flashed a strange light, and he followed.

"That thing, the astrolabe? It's a good idea to use it Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed, looking at the magic weapon suspended on the top of Lanshan Jun's head, he said to himself. There are three treasures in the Nine Star Palace: the sun, moon and star plates, the sun plate, the moon plate and the star plate. Lanshan Jun has an astrolabe in his hand. If it wasn't for this astrolabe, he would have died in the moment when the fire of Honglian industry poured into the treasure ship. Lanshan Jun played with many women and forced many women to die, causing many people to die. There is no less cause and effect on him. "Damn it The astrolabe releases the dim starlight, which resists the fire of Honglian industry and is constantly annihilated and reborn in the fire of Honglian industry. Although lanshanjun is protected by the big palace owner in the Nine Star Palace, growing up in a honeypot, he has never suffered a big loss, but what he practices is the strongest magic power of the Nine Star Palace, and what he gets is the biggest resource inclination of the Nine Star Palace, so his strength is really not weak. Lanshan Jun roared in panic and pressed the astrolabe fiercely. His strong aura poured into the astrolabe. At this moment, the sky was a little dark, and a piece of stars appeared in the sky. Those stars released thousands of starlight and fell directly into the astrolabe, and the dim

starlight on the astrolabe solidified instantly.

Taking advantage of the starlight to protect his body, lanshanjun rushes to the outside of honglianye fire. Fortunately, the Buddha light he intrudes into is not deep. In a twinkling of an eye, he rushes out before the starlight annihilates.

But after he rushed out, the folding fan in his hand was also lost, the Star Palace treasure boat was also destroyed, and several beautiful maids were burned clean. Lanshan Jun was as embarrassed as he was. He didn't have the appearance of your son before.

"Pa Pa Pa!" As soon as lanshanjun stood still, a friar clapped his hands and said with a sneer, "lanshanjun is really good. He can still come out after a break in the fire of Honglian industry. It's powerful. It's really powerful!"

"Son of a bitch, you know there's a red lotus fire here and you're watching me break in. Are you trying to kill me?" Lanshan Jun cried out angrily, but as soon as he said this, there was a strong sense of killing.

"Who are you calling, son of a bitch?" A cold voice rang up and asked, and Huang Sha Lao Zu looked at it with a bad look. Many friars also have the same expression of bad looks. Lanshan Jun just cursed, but he cursed many people.

"You, hum, my father is the leader of the Nine Star Palace. Don't deceive people too much!" Lanshanjun's momentum suddenly weakened. He also knew that this is not the Nine Star Palace. Lanshanjun was also afraid that Huangsha would do harm to him. Nine star palace now several palace masters have successfully rescued, but only lanshanjun in the vice palace master has successfully rescued, and the other two vice palace masters who tried to rescue have fallen. One of the reasons why Lanshan Jun was able to survive the disaster was the astrolabe, and the other was because the master of the Nine Star Palace gave him Dharma protection, otherwise Lanshan Jun could not survive the disaster.Although LAN Shanjun has survived the thunder disaster, he can't compare with those who rely on his own ability to survive. Therefore, he doesn't dare to provoke the famous old devil like Huang Sha Laozu, but he has a different attitude towards those who are not famous. "Nine Star Palace is so famous. I'll see how long your dead father can protect you!" Huang Sha said unkindly, but he didn't do it directly. It's not good to do it here. So many monks look at it. If they kill Lanshan Jun directly, I'm afraid the Nine Star Palace won't give up with him even if it's chasing into the flying desert. Huang Sha didn't want to do anything bad.

Lanshan Jun's face changed. He didn't dare to argue with Huang Sha, but he retreated to the distance and didn't dare to show off. Zhao Fugui didn't care about things here at all. He looked at the red lotus fire with a dignified face. Zhao Fugui's reputation of killing gods in Zhenwu circle is not in vain. Many people have died in his hands. The cause and effect of Zhao Fugui's look is also not small. Even if most of the people killed by him are bad people, they get less good work, but good work is good work, cause and effect is cause and effect. Zhao Fugui's good work can't put out so much red lotus fire. Even if Zhao Fugui is powerful, he doesn't think he can break into the red lotus industry.

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