Super Monk

Chapter 3080

"Damn, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait? Can't we just wait here if the light of Buddha doesn't disperse? " A friar seems to have been waiting here for some time, and suddenly roars impatiently.

"The light of the Buddha does not disperse, and the fire of the red lotus industry does not disappear. What else can you do? Do you dare to break into the fire of the red lotus industry?" Another friar said in a strange way.

"Hum, would you like to wait for me? This is not the only Buddhist temple in this place. I'll go to other places to find my treasure!" The friar gave the friar a cold glance and said with a cold hum. Then the friar turned and left, flying directly to the Buddhist temple in the distance. The friar took the lead and several of them hesitated and left. There must be good treasures in this largest Buddhist temple, but ten birds in the forest is better than one bird in the hand. Instead of waiting here all the time and not getting into the Buddhist temple, it's better to go to other Buddhist temples first and see if you can find any treasures.

Some of the monks who stayed here left, but more did not. Obviously, these monks wanted to get the best treasure in the pure land and were not willing to give up the chance to enter the biggest Buddhist temple. "Take the fire of red lotus as the array. Although the fire of red lotus has dissipated most of its power in ten thousand years, with the power of the array now, I'm afraid it may not be able to be broken even if the immortals come!" Zhao Fugui said to himself with dignified eyes. It's not only power that can break the fire of Honglian industry.

of course, it's not difficult to break the fire of Honglian industry with absolute power, but I'm afraid it needs more than Luo Jinxian's strength. But in order to break the red lotus fire, we don't have to be extremely powerful. If a real moral immortal comes, the strength of the earth immortal can be broken. But in this world, there are many real immortals, but there are not many moral immortals who are less involved in cause and effect. In a word,

absolutely, I'm afraid there is no such moral immortal in the whole twenty-nine sect of Xianmen.

"This Buddha vase, I hope, is not only used to guide the way!" Zhao Fugui thought for a moment, and the vase reappeared. Then he hit the vase directly into the light of the Buddha.

This is the pure glass land of the pharmacist Wang fo. The reason why the pharmacist Wang fo left here must be that he hopes that he can come back one day. The Buddha bottle may be the backhand of the place where he buried it. In this case, the Buddha bottle may be able to open the red lotus industry. However, there are still some things that Zhao Fugui can't figure out. For example, since this is the pure land of glass left by Wang fo, the pharmacist's Taoist temple, now that these great powers have escaped from the seal of Kyushu, why hasn't wang fo, the pharmacist, returned to this pure land? Although the current strength of the pharmacist Wang fo may not be able to master the pure land of glass, this is not the reason why it does not appear here. What's more, the pure land has been born, and the pharmacist Wang fo has not come, either it has not come, or it has been born, and it can't come for the time being. If

is so, it seems that the reincarnation of these great powers is not plain sailing. "That boy again!" Huang Sha's eyes were cold when he saw Zhao Fugui hitting the Buddha bottle, but he didn't move. He also guessed that Zhao Fugui might be trying to open the red lotus fire. Although there are some conflicts between Zhao Fugui and him, and he seems to be familiar with Zhao Fugui, in order to fight the red lotus industry, this small conflict is not worth mentioning at all, at least for the time being. Zhao Fugui knocks out the bottle of Buddha, and the bottle falls directly into the light of Buddha. As soon as the bottle falls into the light of Buddha, the light of Buddha begins to change. All over the sky, the fire of the red lotus industry began to separate a channel, and the Buddha light also began to gather. Finally, the Buddha light turned into a giant Buddha sitting on the lotus platform. This Buddha holds a priceless pillar in his left hand and three seals in his right hand, which is majestic and grand. "This is Wang fo, the pharmacist. Is this really the Taoist temple of Wang fo, the pure land of glass?" Seeing the image of the Buddha, some monks were surprised and said, and then their surprised look turned to great joy. The pharmacist Wang Buddha is one of the three Buddhas in the world. Among all the Buddhas in Lingshan, he is also one of the top ten. The glazed pure land Taoist temple left by the Buddha must have infinite Buddhist treasures, especially its main temple must be a great treasure. Others don't know, but Zhao Fugui knows very well that the sword of Beiluo swept all the sky in those years, mainly aimed at those powerful creatures. Although the magic weapons were also targeted

, they were not as powerful as those powerful creatures. This also led to the fact that most of the magic weapons were suppressed in the seal of Kyushu, but Beiluo failed to take away all the magic weapons of some secret places. Now, there are still infinite treasures in the secret places of the Taoist temple left by the great gods, which is the same as


Zhao Fugui estimated that the sword of beiluona swept all the heavens and suppressed about 89% of the artifacts in the Three Kingdoms. However, there were still 12% of the artifacts that were not greatly affected.

"This is the main temple of Wang fo, the pharmacist. This time we are lucky. We can't stop the chance!" A friar exclaimed excitedly.

"Look, there's a passage. It goes straight to the Buddhist temple!" At this time, some friars roared excitedly.

Zhao Fugui saw that the vase he had knocked out fell into the hands of the virtual shadow of the Great Buddha. Then the Great Buddha put his hands together and recited the name of the Buddha, and it began to disappear slowly.After the virtual shadow of the pharmacist Wang Buddha disappeared, the Buddha bottle disappeared. However, a passage appeared in the middle of the red lotus fire. The passage was wrapped by the red lotus fire, but there were two iron ropes in the passage. The iron rope led from the entrance of the Buddhist temple to the outside.

"Come on, get in!" The three eager monks saw the passage appeared in the fire of honglianye, and immediately rushed to the passage with the magic weapon. If they could enter the Buddhist temple first, they would seize the opportunity and get some of the best Buddhist treasures. "Ah But when the three of them just entered the passage, their magic weapon lost control and immediately fell to the fire below. The three monks were not idle people, and immediately wanted to step in the air, but at this moment, no matter how they urged their aura, they could not step in the air.

The two friars let out a shrill scream, and then fell directly into the sea of fire. They were burned to ashes and disappeared in the fire of honglianye. Only one friar was lucky to catch a chain when he fell, holding the chain and didn't fall. "It's the chain. You can only enter the temple through the chain!"

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