Super Monk

Chapter 322

"My condition is very simple. The mineral water produced by your company must have the words" Wan Village mountain spring ". In addition, there must be a brief introduction of Xiaowan village and happy farm!" Zhao Fugui said.

"It certainly can't. our own company must name itself. I can give in to the price, but we can't give up the right of naming!" Ma Weidong shook his head and said.

"I don't want Mr. Ma to give up the right to name. The words" pure water "on the mineral water bottle are still the biggest, but there should also be the words" mountain spring in Wan Village ". In addition, there should be a brief introduction about Xiaowan village and happy farm!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Here it is Ma Weidong hesitated for a moment, beckoned the sales director who was not far away to come, and they discussed in a low voice for a while.

"Mr. Ma, happy fruit has already spread out in the domestic market, and not only in the domestic market, but also in the Japanese market. Shenzhu club also pushes happy fruit among high-end consumers. Happy fruit will definitely become a gold lettered signboard in the future. It's good for us to launch our products by naming it on the mineral water bottle! " Said the sales director.

"Happy fruit is the only one. If we can cooperate with president Zhao, we can also become the only one for this precious water resource!" Ma Weidong thought about it and made a decision in his heart.

"We can also agree to Mr. Zhao's condition. One ton of 100000 plus the title, we need at least 150 tons a month!" Ma Weidong said.

"Mr. Ma, you can see that the mountain spring water is so big. It flows out from the cracks in the middle of the mountains. There is not so much water. The most I can give the horse is 30 tons a month Zhao Fugui said quietly in his heart.

The big water tanks built by Kaixin farm are all five tons, with a total of two. It takes two or three days to fill the mountain spring water. In other words, the mountain spring water can only stay for about ten tons in two or three days. Ten tons of water in three days, three tons for Ma Weidong, and the rest for the orchard irrigation, this amount is almost the same.

"Boss Zhao, instead of irrigating the orchard and wasting it, you'd better sell it to Mr. Ma!" A doctor interjected.

"Happy orchard, with an annual output value of at least one billion. If you sell all the water to Mr. Ma, you can earn at most 100 million yuan a year. Do you think I should give priority to irrigating the orchard or sell the water to Mr. Ma? " Zhao Fugui pointed to the direction of happy orchard and said with a smile.

As soon as the doctor blushed, he stopped talking. He was good at scientific research, but he couldn't do business. His education didn't represent ability, at least not most of his ability.

"OK, 30 tons a month is 30 tons. Anyway, we want to open up the high-end market, and hunger marketing is also a way!" Ma Weidong quietly calculated that 30 tons of water a month, one ton of water can make nearly 2000 bottles of 500 ml mineral water, and 30 tons is 60000 bottles.

From the perspective of the whole domestic mineral water market, this is a drop in the bucket. In summer, the sales volume of mineral water in an ordinary city is more than that, but it is different for the high-end market. The domestic high-end market is not so big.

And even if you can only produce 60000 bottles of water a month and sell 500 bottles of water a month, you'll get 30 million yuan of sales a month, 300 million yuan or 400 million yuan a year, a lot more.

"That's settled. Let's sign the contract." Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

Ma Weidong readily signed a contract with Zhao Fugui, and then directly paid the money for the first quarter. That afternoon, Ma Weidong transferred a water truck from the provincial capital branch, ready to pull some water back. This kind of water truck is specially made, sterile, pollution-free, highly sealed, and has no effect on water quality.

"Mr. Ma can send a car to pull water on the 10th of every month, three times a month, five tons each time!" Zhao Fugui said.

"No problem, it's just two more trips. Zhao is always a pleasant person, and I don't talk nonsense!" Ma Weidong nodded and said, "Mr. Zhao, we've actually designed this kind of high-end mineral water bottle. We'll do the outer packaging then. I'll send the sample to Mr. Zhao in two days!"

Zhao Fugui stayed with Ma Weidong for a meal. In the afternoon, the water truck pulled five tons of water to go first. Ma Weidong took his company's people from Chengdu to fly directly back to Shangjing headquarters.

Three days later, the director of Qingtian postal bank personally sent a gift box with exquisite packaging. The postal savings in Qingtian township have been merged with postal express for a long time, and Xiaowan village has no other express delivery points, so it can only express things through postal express.

"Fugui, you see, ice spring pure water has sent the sample!" Chen Yihan takes the gift box to the office and finds Zhao Fugui.

This gift box is very exquisite. The package can catch up with tens of thousands of yuan for a bottle of wine. Zhao Fugui opened the package. Inside was a small glass bottle.

"This mineral water is made of the same glass as cosmetics. Why, there are some fake diamonds on it Zhao Fugui curiously took this bottle of high-end mineral water and said that the name of this bottle of water is "Wan Village mountain spring". The glass bottle also has a brief introduction of Xiaowan village and Kaixin farm. Zhao Fugui is quite satisfied with the bottle.

"It's not glass, it's crystal, and it's Swarovski crystal. You see, there's a sign here! Besides, these diamonds are not fake, they are real broken diamonds! " Chen Yihan took a close look at the white crystal bottle and said with emotion, "they make the bottle the same as art works. I'm afraid the price of this bottle of water will not be lower!""Can he really sell at such a high price? Thousands of dollars a bottle of water, who will buy it Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"If the promotion is good, these water will soon appear in the hands of some big stars and the rich second generation. In addition, there are some top weddings made by the rich, and these water will also be frequent customers. Nowadays, the weddings of the rich in China are more and more luxurious. Don't underestimate the consumption power of the domestic high-end market. " Chen Yihan said, "if they do a good job in marketing, 60000 bottles a month is not enough to sell!"

"Nowadays, it's hard for some people to earn money. For others, it's just like the wind. They even find it hard to pick up money. It's easy to earn money!" Zhao Fugui said with emotion.

"The present era is a paradise for the rich!" Chen Yihan pointed to Zhao Fugui's desk drawer and said, "your mobile phone rings again!"

"Oh Zhao Fugui opened the drawer, did not see who called, directly connected the phone. "Hello, I'm Zhao Fugui!"

"Mr. Zhao, I haven't come here for a few days. Even the water park is almost finished here!" A proud female voice came out from the phone, which made Zhao Fugui's face suddenly change.

"Xia Hongyan?" Xia goblin came again.

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