Super Monk

Chapter 323

"Richness, whose phone?" Chen Yihan saw Zhao Fugui answered the phone, looking a little nervous, and suddenly asked strangely.

"No, no one!" Zhao Fugui said in a hurry. At the same time, Xia Hongyan's complacent laughter came from the phone, as if she had found something interesting.

"Well, there's nothing else. I'll be busy. I'll call Bingquan pure water later and say we're very satisfied with their design!" Chen Yihan didn't think much about it. In her impression, Zhao Fugui is always honest and reliable. How could she expect Zhao Fugui to lie.

"Good!" Zhao Fugui quickly nods, Chen Yihan turns around and goes out of the office. When Zhao Fugui sees that Chen Yihan has gone, he lowers his voice and asks, "Xia Hongyan, have you come to Xiaowan village? What are you doing here? "

"Why, boss Zhao doesn't let others come to do business?" Xia Hongyan eyebrows a pick asked, she is standing outside the water park, tall model figure attracted many people secretly look over.

Next to Xia Hongyan stands a handsome man who is more than 1.8 meters tall and slender. The man's face with a faint smile, but hear Xia Hongyan call, eyes from time to time across a trace of displeasure.

"If you can come, if you can, play whatever you want! I'm very busy now. Have a good time. I'll hang up! " Zhao Fugui is really a little afraid of the Xia goblin. After two words, he wants to hang up.

"Zhao Fugui, if you dare to hang up, I'll go downstairs and shout that I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with your baby!" Xia Hongyan eyebrows pick, said aloud.

With these words, the smile on the face of the tall and handsome man behind her could not be maintained immediately, and his face became ugly. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't open my mouth in the end.

"Xia Hongyan, are you kidding?" Zhao Fugui was startled and couldn't help shouting. If Xia Hongyan shouts at the door of the small kitchen, Zhao Fugui's reputation will be ruined.

"I'm not kidding. I'll give you five minutes to come to the water park, or I'll pass! I have something to do with you today. Hurry up! " Xia Hongyan "pa" a handsome hang up the phone, happily to the water park looked in the past.

"Beauty, you're a girl who hasn't married yet. You should pay attention to joking with your friends, otherwise it will be very bad to be heard by others!" Tall and handsome man seems to be inadvertently said.

"Tang can, who said I was joking with him? Maybe I'm pregnant with his baby. Even if I'm not pregnant now, I will be in the future! " Xia Hongyan disdained to see a handsome man, coldly said.

"Beauty, don't be angry. I know you are joking!" Tang can looks ugly and says with a smile.

"Don't be hypocritical in front of me, Tang can. Don't think you can cheat my parents. I know exactly who you are. Even if all the Chinese men are dead, I will not marry you! " Xia Hongyan said coldly.

"Beauty, I don't know what you heard, but I can guarantee that they are all fake! If you are my girlfriend, I will treat you well! " Tang can's handsome face is not good-looking, but he still said in anger.

Just at this time, Zhao Fugui, who was also angry, rushed over from the farm stove. Seeing Xia Hongyan, Zhao Fugui couldn't help roaring, "Xia Hongyan, what are you up to?"

"Oh, boss Zhao, why are you so angry that you don't want to admit what you have done?" Xia Hongyan laughs.

"What have I done? I didn't do anything. I don't want to admit anything! " A fight with Xia Hongyan, Zhao Fugui's momentum is suddenly a vent, unwilling to say.

"You didn't do anything bad? That night, while Jiajia and I were drunk, I seemed to remember something vaguely! " Xia Hongyan said with a smile. Xia Hongyan said this, Tang can's expression immediately sank down.

"I sent you back when you were drunk. Nothing happened!" Zhao Fugui thought of the hot kiss that night, and turned a long face. He quickly shifted the topic. "What are you doing here? What's the matter? Please tell me quickly. I've been very busy recently! "

"Well, I have something to ask for your help! My elder sister is pregnant for seven months. She feels a little uncomfortable recently. I'd like to invite you to have a look! " Xia Hongyan said.

"Pregnant go to the hospital, do not go to the hospital to check what to look for me?" Zhao Fugui said speechless.

"Hongyan, your sister's pregnancy has always been the responsibility of our Tang's traditional Chinese medicine. We don't need to look for other people. Especially for some people who have no educational level at first sight, if you look for them, you will find that they have been cheated? " Tang can looked at Zhao Fugui disdainfully, and said to Xia Hongyan with a smile on his face.

Zhao Fugui frowns. Tang can's words are obviously aimed at him. The first time we met, we didn't have any grudges, just like this. This person's quality is too bad.

"Boss Zhao, I know your medical skills are very good. My sister doesn't want to see Western medicine. They have radiation when they take B-ultrasound X-rays, which is not good for children. Just go and have a look. It's OK! " Xia Hongyan ignored Tang can and continued to say to Zhao Fugui.

"I'm really busy recently. I'm seven months pregnant and I don't want to see Western medicine. It's definitely risky. I advise you to let your elder sister go to the hospital to have a look. Everyone comes here like this. It's nothing to take a B-scan! " Zhao Fugui doesn't want to go with Xia Hongyan, but he just doesn't want to go."If you don't go, I'll buy a big horn. Every day, I'll tell you that you're always giving up, which makes me pregnant and not serious. I'll see if your little girlfriend believes in you or me! " Xia Hongyan's eyebrows stand up and says viciously.

Zhao Fugui really wants to shout. If you have the ability, go and shout. But after looking at Xia Hongyan for a while, Zhao Fugui is still defeated. Xia Hongyan is a woman who doesn't play according to the routine. Maybe she can do it.

"I'm afraid of you. This time, it won't happen again!" Zhao Fugui said, biting his teeth.

"OK, it's not going to happen again!" Xia Hongyan screams happily. She hugs Zhao Fugui fiercely and wants to kiss her face. Fortunately, Zhao Fugui hides quickly. Otherwise, Zhao Fugui can't explain clearly when she is seen by Xiaolian and Zheng Yue.

Tang can clenches his fist and looks at Zhao Fugui's eyes. Xia Hongyan takes Zhao Fugui to drive, and Tang can follows him with a gloomy face and gets on his own car.

More than an hour later, Xia Hongyan's car drove directly to the gate of Tang's TCM. As soon as Zhao Fugui got out of the car, he was shocked. He had never seen such a luxurious TCM clinic. Where is the clinic? It's a five-star hotel of Chinese style.

Tang can looks at Zhao Fugui's face with a baozi like expression. He immediately shows a proud expression. His heart is that you are waiting to lose face. Offended Laozi, Laozi let you regret to come to this world.

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