Super Monk

Chapter 3377

"Shaking the world, shaking the sky!" After the water demon king finished, there was no stop at all, and he made another blow. The water demon king blows a blow from afar, and a layer of cloud gas is immediately dispelled. At this moment, ripples appear in the void, which is like the water surface of a stone. In the Tongtian River at the foot of the water demon king, the whole Tongtian River was pressed down fiercely. The Tongtian River within a hundred Li seemed to be pressed down by a huge force, and the river on both sides of the river bank was full of water, setting off huge waves. There is a long corridor in the Tongtian River area within a hundred Li, which stretches for a hundred Li, all of which are hard pressed out by the terrible blow of the water demon king. In the sky, a mountain like crazy burning lacquer black fist Gang blows hard at Zhao Fugui. This fist can explode the mountains and destroy the city and the country. If the water demon king's fist falls directly on a city like the provincial capital, I'm afraid it can blow such a big Terran city away and make millions of people die instantly. If this blow is directly on a heavy aircraft carrier, it can also directly blow up a heavy aircraft carrier. Many friars in heaven and earth, from Daluo Jinxian, have begun to surpass all the technologies before the Terran. Starting from Daluo Jinxian, take Daluo Jinxian as an example. As long as it does not appear in the nuclear explosion center,

even the nuclear bomb can not be eliminated. If a strong man of Hunyuan daruo Jinxian level is prepared to sacrifice Xianbao to resist, he will not die even if he is in the center of a nuclear explosion, unless he is a top-level killer like da Yiwan. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the Immortal King. As for the stronger immortal Zun, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor and pseudo saint, they can no longer be eliminated by any scientific and technological weapons on earth. The world's aura recovers and immortals rise. Even without the great change of heaven and earth, which completely destroys the technology of the human race, human beings can't stop these immortals. However, in that case, human beings will definitely fight against these immortals and eventually give up the control of the world. Unfortunately, after the great change of heaven and earth, human beings have lost the power to fight against these immortals.

In the face of this world shaking fist, Zhao Fugui took a deep breath, and the deep fist seal on his chest quickly disappeared. Zhao Fugui took a deep breath. The aura of heaven and earth within a hundred Li was just like being swallowed by a whale, which was directly swallowed by Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui swallowed the massive aura of heaven and earth within a hundred Li. In the blink of an eye, it was refined and purified, turned into a heat flow and integrated into the body of the glazed gold body. This power converges into the power of the stars, with Zhao Fugui's same blow.

"Open it for me!" Zhao Fugui roars, and the power of terror moves with it. Zhao Fugui blows directly on the mountain which is burning like a mountain. Today, Zhao Fugui's Kendo has reached the acme of the world. His next step is to transcend the world's Kendo, and Zhao Fugui's KUNDO has long been close to KUNDO. Zhao Fugui's boxing is close to the acme of the world. Maybe it's only half a step short of Zhao Fugui to master big boxing, and his boxing is also extremely powerful. "Bang!" Zhao Fugui's glass body is still cross legged and high in the clouds. When the black mountain like crazy burning black flame fist Gang appears in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes, Zhao Fugui blows out. The Golden Buddha flame was entangled with the dark demon flame in an instant, and Zhao Fugui's golden fist fell on the black mountain like fist gang in an instant.

The terrible power broke out from the mountain like fist gang. The Golden Buddha flame on Zhao Fugui was suddenly dark. The mountain like dark fist Gang suddenly appeared dense cracks, but Zhao Fugui was pushed back by the mountain like fist gang.

At this time, the power of the water demon king has reached the later stage of Daluo Jinxian, and this world shaking magic boxing is the ultimate boxing of Daquan. The power of the water demon king's boxing is even more than five times stronger than that of the three thousand li Tianhe water area condensed into the Tianhe water spirit. Zhao Fugui's glass gold body was shocked by the water demon king's fist and flew back thousands of feet. His whole body was full of blood and mana, and a layer of gold blood burst out directly from Zhao Fugui's arm. Then the gold blood was instantly vaporized and burned by the Buddha flame burning on the surface of the glass gold body, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But after all, Zhao Fugui blocked the blow. On the other side, xuanhuang Linglong tower and sun moon star shine, protecting Zhao Fugui's main body and Chen Yihan two or three hundred miles away, and resisting the aftereffects of some attacks.

Even if it was two or three hundred miles away, Zhao Fugui's main body had to urge xuanhuang Linglong tower and sun moon star three sets to resist the aftereffects of the attack. Now in the sky, it is not the two golden immortals fighting, but the two great golden immortals fighting. Even these two great golden immortals are still the strong ones in the later period of the great golden immortals. In the later period of Da Luo Jinxian, the strong one was two levels higher than Zhao Fugui's Tianxian Da Yuanman. Such a huge gap could not even be filled by any post Tianxian utensil.

Perhaps only congenital treasure can make up for such a gap. If Zhao Fugui has a congenital treasure in his hand, then he may be able to intervene in such a battle.

It's a pity that Zhao Fugui doesn't have such a treasure in his hands, so his main body can only retreat with Chen Yihan. Now they have retreated two or three hundred miles away, and they are still retreating to the distance.If it wasn't for the grand battle between Zhao Fugui's glass body and the water demon king, they couldn't even see clearly the battle between Zhao Fugui and the water demon king at this distance. "The gold body of the pharmacist Wang fo is really extraordinary. It's a great chance that you can get the gold body from the pharmacist Wang fo. It's a pity that you can't give full play to all the power of this glass body. Otherwise, I'm not your opponent at all, even if I understand the world shaking magic fist Water demon king saw a punch directly hurt Zhao Fugui's glass body, a trace of jealousy in his eyes flashed and said coldly.

"One punch won't kill you. You're looking at my second punch! The world shaking fist, the second fist, will crush the sky The water demon king thought that Zhao Fugui's body was the same as that of the pharmacist Wang fo, and that the body was the same as that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which had the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian are two different things. The water demon king was also a Daluo Jinxian in ancient times, but he was never close to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. So the water demon king was very jealous when he saw Zhao Fugui's body. But the water demon king didn't know that the body had fallen into the realm when it was refined by Zhao Fugui. Now it's just the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

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