Super Monk

Chapter 3378

The second fist of the water demon king exploded, and the power of the fist soared again. The second fist of the world shaking fist was several times more powerful than the first. This fist is like a black dragon attacking the sky. The whole sky seems to be torn at this moment, and countless cracks in the space appear madly. Time and space storms tear everything, and those deep cracks can't heal for a long time. The water flowing through the Tianhe river is shaking, and the roaring wind is sweeping by,

it seems that a typhoon is blowing in this moment. The black demon flame rose from the sky, and the dark flame blocked the sky. At this moment, the demon flame directly suppressed the burning Buddha flame. The terrible figure of the water demon king stepped out of the air, and its figure directly suppressed all the sounds, and then the terrible demon flame gathered all over the sky to the body of

the water demon king. The torn space debris also gathered around the water demon king's fist, and the space debris with terrifying power gathered around the water demon king's fist, becoming the power of the water demon king's fist. It seems that the terrible space debris can tear up everything. Now even if a warship is stuffed into the space debris, I'm afraid that warship will be torn apart in an instant. "It's amazing, it's amazing. Water demon king, you are really a character. You have lived from ancient times to the present. You have been a water god in heaven. Now you have ambition to ascend to the position of God of Tongtian River. You really have the chance and strength. It's a pity that you met me! " Zhao Fugui

faced with this sword, a sword in his eyes soared up into the sky. He reached out to the void and suddenly the void was split. A huge sword fell like the Milky way and appeared directly from the void.


This sword is Zhao Fugui's attempt to surpass the great sword Daoism. This sword is Zhao Fugui's deduction of the great sword Daoism, which makes the great sword Daoism to the extreme. It also refers to the sword created by one of the swords in Tianhe sword Sutra. The Tianhe sword Scripture is the Kendo of Beiluo, Zhao Fugui is the present of Beiluo, and Beiluo is the past of Zhao Fugui. But after all, Zhao Fugui and Beiluo have become two independent individuals. So after the achievement of great sword Daoism, Zhao Fugui began to deduce his own

Kendo as soon as he had the opportunity. Zhao Fugui wanted to learn Tianhe sword Sutra, but he didn't just want to learn Tianhe sword Sutra. He had to go his own way and smelt his own Kendo. This sword reincarnation is far from perfect. It's just a preliminary idea deduced by Zhao Fugui. But even if it's just like this, this sword is also a solid step taken by Zhao Fugui on the shoulder of great sword Taoism. No matter it's one step or half step, Zhao Fugui has taken this step

. In Zhao Fugui's eyes, this sword is far from perfect, and it still has numerous flaws. However, the power of this sword is faintly beyond the great sword Taoism. If we say that the original great sword skill's bonus to Zhao Fugui's sword power is one plus one, but now the bonus of this sword skill has become one plus a little bit. Although there is little improvement, the slight improvement has surpassed the limit of the world's sword skill. With this magnificent sword, it seems that time and space are beginning to be traced back. Time seems to begin to reverse for a while, and then it seems to speed up. This is not the real reincarnation of kendo, but the time is disturbed. With Zhao Fugui's current strength, he is far from being able to achieve the real reincarnation and reincarnation.

only the penultimate sword in Tianhe sword Sutra, the second strongest sword in Tianhe sword Sutra, can achieve the real reincarnation.

But it's great to just interfere in time. Even the time knife can only interfere in time with the help of the bones of a strange beast with special powers. Time is the most mysterious thing in the world. Time is so long that even saints can't stop it. Saints can look back on themselves, the past, the present and the future are the same, but they dare not easily interfere in the long course of time, let alone let the long course of time go back. Time goes on and on. If it is interfered by force, it can be corrected automatically. If it is interfered severely, it can even annihilate the sage. A time point error can even damage the Taoist foundation of the sage, fall from the throne, and finally be annihilated by time. It's not that this kind of thing has never happened. Before ancient times, there were great powers who wanted to interfere in time, go back to the past, and change some inevitable things, but all of these great powers eventually fell. Since then, it has been the iron law of many great powers to go back to time in a small range and not affect the flow of time. After the three thousand Avenue, there is great light and Yin, but there is no great time. Although great light and Yin is also about time, it has nothing to do with time, and it can't change time on a large scale. In fact, Da Guang Yin Shu is a reduced version of Da Guang Yin Shu. In the three thousand Avenue, Da Guang Yin Shu's

ranking is not high. If there is da Guang Yin Shu, Da Guang Yin Shu can definitely rank in the top three of the three thousand Avenue, but there is no real Da Guang Yin Shu in the world.

The brilliant sword was cut on the fist of the water demon king in the blink of an eye. The space-time fragments on the fist of the water demon king began to twist, and then restored order and gradually disappeared. The space-time fragments that can instantly tear up a warship disappear in the blink of an eye, and the sword ends up directly on the fist of the water demon king. At this moment, the breath of the water demon king began to change, its body suddenly began to accelerate aging, as if its body time began to speed up the flow. In other words, this is not just to speed up the flow, but to flow away at a very fast speed. The original life of the water demon king should be very longYes, even if there is no God, it should have no problem living for thousands of years. The life span of the water demon king can't be measured by the life span of the Terran. But at this time, the long life of the water demon king actually passed quickly in a very short time. The body of the water demon king was not attacked, but the time line of his body was interfered. Under the reincarnation of Zhao Fugui, the time line of the water demon king's body was speeded up, and it had come to the end of his life. "Damn it There was a look of panic in the water demon king's eyes. It had never met such an attack before. Zhao Fugui's strange sword made the water demon king's heart suddenly surprised. Then the water demon king's almost extinguished black flame soared, and the breath of terror soared to the sky. The water demon king roared, and his violent power soared, and he resisted Zhao Fugui's brilliant sword, and then smashed the huge sword with one blow. "Not at all!" When Zhao Fugui saw that reincarnation sword was suddenly smashed, he shook his head slightly. There was a trace of regret in his eyes. The flaw of this sword was still too big to kill such enemies as the water demon king.

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