Super Monk

Chapter 348

"Zheng Yue, be my girlfriend!" A single voice called out, followed by a group of people uniform voice called out.

Huge volume from the stage car's tweeter, instantly swept the entire community. The residents at the top and bottom of the residential area, hearing the sound, look out one after another to see what happened.

"Come, come, Yueyue, your good luck is coming. You must grasp it this time." As soon as the sound of the high pitched loudspeaker sounded, Zheng's mother immediately got excited and yelled, "we'll live in a high-end community and live a rich life, but we'll depend on you!"

Zhao Fugui didn't know what Zheng's mother was shouting, and Zheng Yue didn't seem to know very well. Zheng Yue asked inexplicably, "Mom, what are you talking about? Do you know the man downstairs shouting

"Yueyue, promise me, I'll wait for you downstairs!" Zhao Fugui and Zheng Yue are still baffled. The voice of the high pitched loudspeaker comes again.

"Pa!" As soon as the loudspeakers finished shouting, the door of Zheng Yue's house was opened, and Zheng Yue's mother pushed her out.

"Yueyue, go quickly. Master Ming is not an ordinary person. Look at the things he brought to your father yesterday. The wine is two or three thousand yuan a bottle, and the cigarette is one or two thousand yuan. Master Ming is a real rich man! " Zheng's mother looked up and down again, and Zhao Fugui said, "do you like this? When I come to the door, I don't even mention anything. I'm a poor man with empty hands. Follow this kind of person, your whole life is over! "

Zheng Yue is blushed by her mother for fear that Zhao Fugui's influence on her mother will be extremely bad. Zheng Yue said angrily, "it's my freedom to like what kind of people. Now what era, you can't interfere with me!"

"Yueyue, don't tell me about free love. I'm happy now. When you cry in the future, if you meet your father's situation, do you want to wait to die when you find someone like Heida who has no money Zheng mother said impolitely.

Zhao Fugui watched his mother and daughter quarrel. He was not dissuaded by an outsider. I'm afraid he would add fuel to the fire as soon as he spoke. But last time Zhao Fugui saw Zheng's mother, she didn't seem to be such a realistic person. How did she suddenly become like this.

What's more, young master Ming? What's this? Where did it come from? Zhao Fugui just wanted to see why Zheng Yue didn't go to work. He didn't expect to encounter this situation.

"Mom, how can you say that about wealth?" Zheng Yue angrily said, "Dad's illness can be cured, or rich help, our family owes money is also rich help, life can't be so heartless!"

"He paid us back?" Zheng's mother looked at Zhao Fugui up and down. Zhao Fugui nodded to Zheng's mother faintly. Zheng's mother thought about it and said, "even if he helps us pay back the money, when you marry master Ming, you can pay him more!"

Zheng Yue is almost mad at her mother. Before her father got sick, Zheng's mother supported her daughter to fall in love freely. But when her father got well, Zheng's attitude changed.

"Yueyue, don't be shy, come down! I made a reservation at the triumph hotel. Let's have a romantic candlelight dinner When Zheng Yue was very angry, the voice of the high pitched loudspeaker rang again.

"Well, Zheng Yue, do you know the people downstairs? I think we can go down and have a look first! " The more Zheng's mother says, the more outrageous she is. Zhao Fugui doesn't want to completely destroy his good impression of her.

In those years, Zhao Fugui and Zheng Yue almost fell in love to see their parents, and Zhao Hongqi beat Zhao Fugui with hatred. But Zheng's mother's attitude is not bad. I don't blame Zhao Fugui. On the contrary, I say that Zhao Fugui and Zheng Yue can be friends. If they can both enter a good university and want to talk about friends, then they can.

At that time, Zheng's mother was really a good person, and Zhao Fugui was grateful for a long time.

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot. Yueyue, get down quickly!" Zheng's mother remembered that her second-generation son-in-law was still waiting downstairs. She quickly pushed Zheng Yue down.

"When you come back, what do you do with young people?" At this time, Zheng Yue's father appeared at the door on crutches and angrily denounced Zheng's mother.

Zheng Yue's father nodded to Zhao Fugui, then turned and walked into the room. Zhao Fugui was awed in his heart. It seemed that the old man still remembered him and seemed to know something.

"Yueyue, you are obedient. If you miss this village, you will not have this shop. It's not so easy for the rich second generation to meet you!" Zheng mother reluctantly looked at the old man, said a word to Zheng Yue, and finally turned to the house.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh!" Zheng Yue follows Zhao Fugui downstairs with a dull head and goes down one floor. Zheng Yue suddenly says.

"Every family has its own difficult classics. Your mother is also for your own good. I hope you can find a good family and understand it!" Zhao Fugui doesn't know how to comfort Zheng Yue. Today's event is really embarrassing.

"My mother was not like this before. My father has been ill for the past two years. She has suffered a lot. Everything she can sell at home has been sold, and she has begged all the people she can ask for a little money. I don't know how much she has heard. She knows how desperate people are when they are poor. She dare not let herself fall into that situation, so she wants me to find a rich one Zheng Yue wiped the tears that wipe canthus to say slowly.Zhao Fugui's family used to be so poor that he didn't go to school, but no matter how poor his family is, it doesn't look like Zheng Yue's family in the past two years. People are going crazy, so Zhao Fugui can understand Zheng's mother. It's not reality, it's not her heart, it's scared by life.

"I know, your mother is a good man!" Zhao Fugui thought of her former mother Zheng. The only difference between her and today is that she is forced by life. Life can change people and anyone. Zhao Fugui didn't want to continue this topic. He changed the topic and asked, "where did the rich second generation downstairs come from? Do you know him? "

"I don't know. It's like it came out of the blue. My mother cheated me back yesterday. She only said that she met a rich second generation who took a fancy to me. My name is master Ming, but I don't know such a person at all! " Zheng Yue shook her head and said.

"Master Ming? Is that the boy? " Zhao Fugui doesn't know a young master named Ming either, but he knows a brother named Ming. He beat the boy up next to Heilongtan a few days ago, but he should not know Zheng Yuecai, and he should have gone back to Beijing, maybe not the same person.

Zhao Fugui thought so and accompanied Zheng Yue downstairs. As soon as he went downstairs, Zhao Fugui saw a flaming red Ferrari supercar. Then he saw the guy on the stage car holding the microphone and preparing to sing a love song. Zhao Fugui's eyes narrowed. This guy is really an old acquaintance. He's really brother Ming.

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