Super Monk

Chapter 349

Brother Ming's face changed when he saw Zhao Fugui. Since he was beaten in Heilongtan last time, he was a little afraid of Zhao Fugui. However, when he looked at more than a dozen young men around him who were called to help build momentum, brother Ming's face showed a sneer.

There are many people with him today. If Zhao Fugui doesn't know his face, brother Ming doesn't mind picking up the boy and collecting the interest first.

"Yueyue, you are here at last! You know, I've been attracted by you since I first met you. You are my destiny. I want to give you everything, house, car, ticket, and make you the happiest woman in the world! " Ming brother relies on his own side of the crowd, did not pay attention to Zhao Fugui, he took the microphone affectionately to Zheng Yue said.

"Ah! How romantic! How romantic! If only I could meet such a romantic man

"Rich, romantic and affectionate, a perfect man. This woman is so lucky that she can meet such a good man. Why can't I meet such a good man? " On the second floor, a woman with hair and hair, wearing men's pajamas and one meter six high, said jealously, hoping to weigh 160 Jin.

"If anyone drives a Ferrari with millions of dollars to come to me, don't make such a courtship. I'd like to hook my fingers and stick it upside down!" Said a young woman watching downstairs.

"Do you know the boy?" Zhao Fugui had no idea that brother Ming would make such a show. What's more, he was surprised that brother Ming knew Zheng Yue.

"Once, when those models came to shoot that day, when they sold tickets!" Zheng Yue looks ugly and says that she has a bad impression of Mingge. This person is frivolous and shameless. Zheng Yue hates such a person most.

"What do you think?" Zhao Fugui asked again.

"What do you think I think?" Zheng Yue angry white Zhao Fugui one eye, turned to go upstairs, Zhao Fugui quickly pull her.

"If you don't like it today, you have to drive this boy away, otherwise people like them will come to harass you every day! I'll get rid of this kid! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes Zheng Yue nodded, but she was very angry that Zhao Fugui didn't believe her.

"Zheng Yue, be my girlfriend!" Mingge is very satisfied with the scene he arranged today. Thinking that a country girl can't stop her attack, he pretends to be affectionate and shouts to Zheng Yue.

"Zheng Yue, marry master Ming!" More than ten young people around Mingge also yelled with microphones. Two huge stereos with a height of more than one person made deafening sound, forming a sound wave that swept the whole community. Even the residents of the farthest buildings looked over here.

"Promise him, promise him!" Several onlookers can't help but scream and coax Zheng Yue to agree to brother Ming's love.

There are even many women who hold their faces in their hands and blush. They stare at brother Ming and fantasize that they are the one being courted.

Mingo vaulted his hand to the crowd and jumped down from the stage. He pointed to the red Ferrari and yelled, "Yueyue, promise me, this Ferrari is a gift for you!"

"My God, this is Ferrari's super run, at least two or three million! It's a big deal. You can fight less for a lifetime if you find such a boyfriend! " The crowd was not calm and began to talk.

"Zheng Yue is really lucky. He's a golden phoenix flying out of the chicken coop! Damn, I'll be a woman in my next life. I can earn money by lying down! " A man also blushes jealously to say.

"I'd rather laugh in a Ferrari than cry in the back of a bicycle. If only someone could drive a Ferrari and make me laugh!" A flower crazy woman yells.

"Yueyue, my mother is counting on you. I must promise him!" Even Zheng's mother poked her head out of the window and yelled downstairs, hoping Zheng Yue could hear her.

"Are you ashamed? I've never been up to anyone in my life. When I'm old, you want me to sell my daughter, but I can't look up in my neighborhood?" Zheng Yue's father angrily hit the two bottles of two or three thousand yuan a bottle of good wine with a crutch, smashing the bottle and yelling.

"If it weren't for you, would our family be like this? You still have the face to lose your temper! I don't want to make my daughter's life easier in the future. Do I want to harm her? " Zheng's mother roared angrily.

"I don't know you, and I won't promise you. Don't disturb me again!" Zheng Yue didn't expect that Mingge made such a big deal of trouble, which completely affected her peaceful life. Zheng Yue couldn't help shouting.

"I'm afraid I'd like to rush on it now and still put it on my face. It's really funny!" A young young woman looked at brother Ming, a face of spring ripples, heard Zheng Yue's words disdain said.

"Pretend, pretend, you think everyone knows money as well as you do. Get the hell out of here The man next to her immediately gave the young woman two slaps, then dragged her to the community, and the two soon fought.

"Yueyue, we met in Heilongtan. How could we not know each other? I fell in love with you at first sight. Don't be embarrassed. Promise me Brother Ming thinks that he has the chance to win. He takes a provocative look at Zhao Fugui. He thinks that I'm going to bubble your first love in front of you."Others are so smart, left early, why do not you so smart, still do not leave Chengdu?" Zhao Fugui looked at walking into some elder brother Ming and asked faintly.

"I didn't care a lot about you last time. Do you think I can't deal with you?" After listening to Zhao Fugui's words, Mingge subconsciously touches the corner of his eye, where there is still a little bruise that has not been completely eliminated.

"You rich second generation are used to being arrogant and domineering. You don't treat others as human beings, but here, you are not arrogant!" Zhao Fugui said with a sneer, "go away and find your man. If you dare to harass Zheng Yue again, I won't be so polite next time!"

"Looking for a man? How could it be looking for a man? Is this rich second generation a gay man As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, the onlookers burst into flames. Everyone's face was full of gossip and began to talk freely.

"Maybe he's really gay. You see, he drives a car in such a lousy color. I think he's not only a gay, but also a popular guy." Some onlookers snickered and said aloud.

Brother Ming's face showed a trace of panic, and then became completely gloomy. He didn't even know that he was playing with the second generation of rich people. How could Zhao Fugui know?

Brother Ming's face was gloomy, and his eyes flashed with evil and angry eyes staring at Zhao Fugui.

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