Super Monk

Chapter 3504

"What's that?" Chen Yihan looked at the banners in the Pan Gu banner. The colors of the banners were different. All the banners were divided into five colors. Black flag, green flag, gold flag, yellow flag, Xuan flag and five color flag shot in all directions as soon as they appeared. "Boom!" Then the huge Pan Gu banner shrank slowly, and then fell down, directly into the Kunlun Mountains, thousands of miles away from the Kunlun sect gate. The huge Pangu banner has shrunk a lot, but it is still as big as a mountain peak. Even standing on the mountain peak in Kunlun sect, you can get a glimpse of it. There are no such dense names on the Pangu banner now. The whole huge Pangu banner only has the names of the big people written by the moral God himself. There are only a few dozens of names on the whole huge Pangu banner. Other names on the Pangu banner appear in the five color flag

. In addition to the names of dozens of great figures, there are also various kinds of clergy in daomen's Tianting. The clergy of daomen's Fuqing Zhengshen is looming, and the clergy of Tianzheng Shen is clearly revealed in 365 weeks. However, those clergy are vacant, and no name has been written behind the clergy yet. Every monk can clearly see the vacancy of the 365 Zhou heavenly orders. The vacancy of the Sanqing heavenly orders is obviously to lure the monks of that week. These orders are the pancakes painted by the Sanqing Dynasty. There are hundreds of thousands of monks of all nationalities above the golden elixir period. I don't know how many of them can live to see the 365 names on the list.

"My name is on the black flag!" Zhao Fugui's eyes fell on the flags, and soon found its name on the black flag. The flags flew very fast, but it seemed that the owner of the name could see which flag his name was on.

"My name is on the gold flag, but it's not the same as many other names Chen Yihan also said strangely.

"In that case, the black flag is the name of the weakest friar, and the gold flag should be the name of the friar gods around Jinxian!" Zhao Fugui said thoughtfully, "what does Sanqing want to do when they separate these names and turn them into small flags?" "Those flags are coming down!" At this time, Chen Yihan saw that several recent flags were about to fall. Although they had five colors, they were not only five. There were many flags, some in Dongsheng Shenzhou, some in Xiniu Hezhou, some in Nanzhan, and some even in Beiju Luzhou.

The flags that flew to distant places soon disappeared, and even most of the flags that landed in Dongsheng Shenzhou soon disappeared. Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan could only see the flags with their names falling in Dongsheng Shenzhou, but they only knew a general direction. "The black flag has the largest number, followed by the green flag, the gold flag and the yellow flag, and the Xuan flag has the smallest number. The number of black flags is the most. I roughly counted them. There are hundreds of black flags, but there are only three black flags! " Zhao Fugui pondered for a while and said, "the number of black flags is the largest, and the number of people on them is also the largest. After that, the number of various colors of flags is less and less. When we get to the Xuan flag, there are only three sides left, and finally there is an ancient flag!" "Sanqing is to let the monks of the three realms ascend the flags of other colors step by step from the black flag. They want to grasp the atmosphere in their hands by this way. Those who can live to the end are those who have good luck. If they don't have good luck, they won't live so long under the disaster.

" These flags of different colors together are like a ladder to heaven, and the top of the ladder leads to the vacant 365 Zhou heavenly right God's clergy on the Pangu banner, and even the holy position of daomen Fuqing right God. The deities of those Taoist Fuqing and Zhengshen are looming, and they may be the means used by Sanqing to win over the top strong or big people. In daomen Fuqing, the lower one is not the same as the upper one. Sanqing doesn't count. It's just the four emperors, the five elders and the six divisions, which can be used to win over the great figures. Even the Fuqing Zhengshen, who are in charge of the six divisions, are far superior to the three hundred and sixty heavenly Zhengshen, not to mention the five elders and four emperors above the six divisions. In the era of daomen Tianting, even the supreme Buddha was only one of the five elders, sitting in the position of the Western Buddha. Even the Tathagata could only sit in the position of one of the five elders at the peak of daomen heaven, let alone other people. If daomen Tianting can be reestablished, Sanqing's position will certainly be unbreakable, but the positions of Siyu and Wulao can be used to win over the top figures, liusi Qiyuan Baji can also be used to win over the less important figures, such as Maitreya Buddha, and Jiuyao Shidu can also be used to win over the less important figures, such as

dizang king of Buddhism or pharmacist Wang Fuzhi He is a man of the stream.

The four emperors and five elders should be used to attract the Tathagata, Dijun, yaoshengxi, the ancestor of the Styx River, Kunpeng, Amitabha, Jinhuang, Bodhi and Jieyin.

Even the level of Jiuyao Shidu is very attractive to some great powers. For example, Shidu has the worst status among the daomen Fuqing Zhengshen, and its status in heaven is not as good as those six main gods. Their status is even lower than that of the six main gods. But Shidu doesn't work in daomen heaven, but in hell ten hall. If the king of Tibet, who was in charge of half of hell, gets the clergy of Shidu, he is in charge of the whole hell. In that case, the status of the king of Tibetans is equal to the decline of the light and the rise of the dark, let alone the rise of the skyThe six main deities of the court, even the six divisions, are not as important as it. I'm afraid this has great attraction to the king of Tibet. The mission of 365 Zhou Tianzheng God was thrown out by Sanqing to attract the monks of all nationalities in the Three Kingdoms. The vast majority of the monks were satisfied to be the 365 Zhou Tianzheng God when they could climb the ancient banners, and they had no higher requirements. As for the position of Fuqing Zhengshen, it is used to attract and attract real and important people. This time, the Lingshan Tathagata will not be willing to go to daomen's heaven to be the four emperors and five elders. This time, it must establish a central Buddhist kingdom to govern the Three Kingdoms. The position of the four emperors and five elders has no attraction to it, but Sanqing's doing so may not have no attraction to other great powers of Buddhism. As for the emperor Jun of the demon clan, without the East emperor Taiyi, the foundation of the demon clan is unstable, but there may not be no chance. After all, the demon clan has two demon emperors and two demon saints. The demon clan and Buddhism will be the enemies of the three Qing Dynasties.

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