Super Monk

Chapter 3505

Zhao Fugui almost knew Sanqing's plan with a little thought. He could see this, and naturally countless people could see it. But what Sanqing did was cunning, and everything was on the table. If you want to be the God of heaven in 365 weeks, you should follow the rules of three


I'm afraid Sanqing began to lay out its layout soon after the seal of Kyushu was opened, and regarded the Three Kingdoms as a chessboard. However, Sanqing's move is tantamount to flattening the chessboard. He redefined the rules, arranged the chessboard, and disrupted the layout of other big figures. Now Sanqing has taken the lead. They have already taken the lead and are likely to take the lead step by step. Now the whole situation is very unfavorable to other great figures, but it doesn't matter to those friars who have no chance to be the Lord of the heavens.

it doesn't matter who builds the new heaven, as long as they can get the clergy in the new heaven.

So everyone knows that Sanqing is so resourceful, but there will still be countless friars of all nationalities scrambling to climb up to Pangu banner. "Sanqing really began to calculate the Taiyi, Dijun, the ten great ancestors, the witches, and the Buddhas and Buddhas in the middle ages. Everyone knows that they are scheming, but there will still be countless people jumping inside!

”Zhao Fugui said solemnly, "from now on, I'm afraid the creatures in the three realms, even if they don't have hatred, may become deadly enemies at any time!" Zhou Tianzheng's position is only 365, but there are thousands of people who want to compete for this position, so these thousands of people are naturally enemies. From now on, I'm afraid that even if no one is provoked, they will be calculated, or even trapped by someone they haven't seen in the past.


"Wealth, you see, is the direction of those flags!" Chen Yihan nodded with a worried look. Then she was surprised and pointed to the direction where the five color flag had just fallen. As soon as Zhao Fugui looked up, he saw several pillars of light rising in all directions.

"Black light and cyan light!" Zhao Fugui saw several pillars of light appear in all directions around the Tongtian River. He could see about three black pillars and one green pillar. These four pillars of light soar up into the sky. The huge pillars of light almost connect the heaven and the earth, and have not disappeared for a long time.

"The direction in which those flags fall is almost the same as the direction in which these light beams appear. These light beams should be generated by those flags!" Chen Yihan said strangely that she didn't know what these light columns represented. Zhao Fugui frowned and was about to speak when the light and shadow of the three black light pillars and one blue light pillar suddenly changed and turned into the appearance of the main hall. The black light pillar turned into the appearance of the black main hall, and the blue light pillar turned into the appearance of the blue main hall. The main halls were magnificent in the light and shadow

, and there was a main hall in each light pillar.

Just after the appearance of the halls, a tall figure appeared in the air, and then a huge voice rang through the world. "The great calamity has come, and heaven and earth have been set again. Today, Daozu has set up 100 Jiaolong halls, 30 Zhenlong halls, 10 Jinlong halls, five Canglong halls, and three ZuLong halls with his supreme power. This is the ladder to heaven. Only those who can enter the ZuLong hall are qualified to enter the Pangu banner and fight for the position of God of Zhou Tianzheng The tall figure stands between the heaven and the earth. It unfolds slowly with a golden scroll. The golden scroll is like an imperial edict.

This huge figure is the Immortal Emperor of Antarctica, and even one of the four emperors. Its status is higher than that of the Jade Emperor, who was once the nominal leader of the Three Kingdoms in daomen heaven. Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan listen to this with a dignified look, but what Zhao Fugui thinks about is not the so-called Jiaolong hall, the real dragon hall or something, but the eternal emperor of Antarctica himself. I'm afraid that the Immortal Emperor of Antarctica has at least regained the strength of the immortal God and even the Immortal King. He was once one of the four emperors. In name, he was second only to the Sanqing in the Three Kingdoms and even higher than the Tathagata, one of the five elders. But once the position of the Taoist God of Fuqing was the bargaining chip in the hands of Sanqing. If the Immortal Emperor of Antarctica could not show enough strength and make enough contributions to the Three Kingdoms What Qing is satisfied with is that it may not be able to hold the position of emperor Changsheng. "Those who are below the true immortals enter Jiaolong hall, those who are above the human immortals enter Zhenlong hall, those who are above Jinxian enter Jinlong hall, those who are above Daluo Jinxian enter Jinlong hall, those who are above Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian enter Canglong hall, and those who are transported by the atmosphere enter ZuLong Hall!" The grand voice of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor still did not stop, he continued with the gold roll

. "If you enter the five dragon hall, you can get the true biography of Kunlun and the supreme biography of Daozu. In order to build daomen Tianting, those who have made great contributions can enter ZuLong hall and fight for the position of God of 365 Zhou Dynasty. The Taoist gate stands in the heavenly court, and Zhou Tianzheng's position of God can be sealed. See this decree, according to their own names to the five dragon hall, less than a month

in addition to the Taoist book, forever can not be granted heaven God, heaven official Until the emperor of Antarctica finished these words, its huge figure slowly dissipated between heaven and earth, and the huge gold roll fell into the earth, which has become the law.

Sure enough, those Jiaolong hall, Zhenlong hall, Jinlong hall, Canglong hall and ZuLong hall are all used to win over the friars of all nationalities in the Three Kingdoms. The words of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor are very clear. If you enter the five dragon hall, you can get the secret legend of Kunlun. Kunlun secret biography is the best way to direct at the realm of Daluo Jinxian, which is a little worse than the Taiping Taoist Scripture practiced by Zhao Fugui. However, for most of the monks, whether they are reincarnated or the outstanding people of the hundred ethnic groups who have the chance to step into the path of practice after the great change of heaven and earth, most of them can't reach the realm of Daluo Jinxian, which is the inspiration of Kunlun secret biography Gravity is already very big. Now that we have begun to practice, who doesn't want to practice better Tao and changeAre you more powerful? As for the true biography of Daozu, it's even more amazing. If you can get the true biography of Daozu, even if there is no hope for the false saint, you can always get the chance to Hunyuan, luojinxian, xianzun, Xianwang and even Xiandi. Apart from those great figures in ancient times, who can cultivate to the realm of Immortal Emperor? Who doesn't want to be a big character in the new heaven?

If Zhao Fugui didn't get the inheritance of Beiluo, the star DaoTi Jue and Tianhe sword Sutra, I'm afraid Zhao Fugui would not be able to resist the temptation.

Sanqing's arrangement is strength. If you go to Wulong hall, you may get it. In addition, Sanqing has also arranged the future. If you have strength and great fortune, you may even have the chance to become the 365 God of heaven in the new heaven. This is the future. If Sanqing does this, it will have strength and future.

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