Super Monk

Chapter 358

All the villagers of Dawan village went out. Yamamoto gave them 300 yuan to plant fruit trees. People from mysterious company inspected the surrounding area. If the fruit trees were planted badly or slowly, they would be severely reprimanded.

In Dawan village, nearly a thousand villagers, except those who are too small and too old, almost seven or eight hundred people were sent out to work for Yamamoto. They were busy until the middle of the night when the seedlings of 100 mu of land were planted. After planting, Yamamoto asked the villagers to carry water for the seedlings.

The villagers were so tired that they had to carry water to irrigate the land, and then someone quit. As soon as Yamamoto threatened the villagers not to pay them if they didn't water, the village head of Dawan village couldn't help saying good things and reluctantly persuaded the villagers to carry water to the fields. It wasn't until four or five in the morning that the work was finished.

"Soga, good job, good job!" Yamamoto also waited until early in the morning, to see 100 acres of seedlings are all planted, but also finished watering, Yamamoto was satisfied with the Dragon nodded.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Fugui got up and saw that 100 mu of land had been leveled out, which was already covered with lush seedlings. There are many kinds of these seedlings, all kinds of seedlings.

Zhao Fugui looked at the lush seedlings, raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and shook his head disdainfully. Everyone's success has its own unique way, repeat the way of others, others can succeed, but the imitation is difficult to succeed.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao. I'm the president of MCH hospital. Do you remember me? We met some time ago! " In the morning, Zhao Fugui received a phone call. As soon as the phone was connected, the people inside said.

"Oh, I remember you. What's the matter?" Zhao Fugui had no good impression on the president of the maternal and child health care hospital, he said casually. Nowadays, when a person is hit and killed by a car when he goes out, ten people die in the hands of doctors. Nowadays, doctors are not really respected professions.

"Well, Mr. Zhao, because you have a high passenger flow, we think you will need some medical staff, so we want to set up a medical point in your place. Deal with some first aid trauma and other issues! " The president said politely.

The tone of the president made Zhao Fugui a little strange. Even if a medical center was set up in Xiaowan village, the maternal and child health care center could not make a lot of money. For this reason, the president of MCH hospital not only made a phone call in person, but also kept his attitude very low, as if he was afraid of Zhao Fugui's refusal. It's really strange.

"OK, you can send someone to come here, but there should be fewer people. I can't use so many people!" Although Zhao Fugui feels a little strange, it's also good for Xiaowan village. There are too many people, so it's hard to avoid bumps, heatstroke and fever. It's impossible for Zhao Fugui to deal with all these minor diseases in person. It's also good to have a western medicine clinic.

"All right, all right, Mr. Zhao, we'll arrange for someone to come over soon. Thank you so much for your support!" Said the dean.

Zhao Fugui hung up strangely, but he soon hung up on the matter. Chengdu City Maternal and child health care hospital, the president is flattering attitude of the phone.

"Things have been done. Zhao Fugui has no doubt. You can send someone over whenever you want!" The dean said flatteringly.

"Well, it's good. The money has been put into your account. You should remember that those people were sent by the maternal and child health care center. If anyone asks, don't let it slip! " Said the low voice of the telephone.

"Yes, yes, don't worry. I won't let it slip!" Said the dean. The other end of the phone immediately hung up, and the Dean showed an excited smile on his face. He made a phone call to arrange this little thing and made five million yuan, which is also very easy to earn.

In the afternoon, Zhao Fugui went to the water park to have a look. There were still a lot of tourists in the water park. People could be seen everywhere in the jumping machine and other projects. There were also a lot of people in the water. The water park was very popular, but the atmosphere was not as enthusiastic as the swimsuit show.

Zhao Fugui wondered if he had to hold some regular events, such as swimsuit pat, underwear show and so on, to make the water park more popular.

The water park is now in good operation, the rescue team and first-aid workers are in place, and their work is also good. Zhao Fugui is quite satisfied with the current situation, and the cause of happy farm is booming.

Although there are a group of annoying guys in Dawan village, it's not a big problem. If these people don't come out happy, the fruit will naturally leave. Zhao Fugui belittles the cruelty of capital competition. The mysterious company in Dawan village has invested tens of millions of dollars, not to do scientific experiments.

On this day, except for the strange phone call from the director of the maternal and child health care center, there was no other strange thing in Xiaowan village. But the next morning, not long after the sun rose, there was a commotion in Dawan village.

"Mr. Yamamoto, no, no, get up quickly!" The next morning, Ouyang Xia panicked and ran into the best house in Dawan village. He patted the door of Yamamoto's room. While patting the door, Yamamoto cried out in panic outside the door.

After about ten minutes, Yamamoto opened the door slowly and said, "Ouyang Jun, what's the matter? You have a saying in China called "Mount Tai is collapsing in front of you, but not in disorder." why can't you learn such a simple thing? ""Mr. Yamamoto, Mount Tai is not collapsing now. The sky is collapsing!" Ouyang Xia can't help but explain. He takes Yamamoto and runs to the field in a hurry. Yamamoto struggles for several times but fails to break free. He is very dissatisfied. Ouyang Xia's behavior made him feel impolite.

"What day is falling? No one can collapse with me here! " Yamamoto said discontentedly, but when he ran to the 100 mu of land that he had just finished processing, and looked at the group of agricultural experts and cultivation talents of the company, his face suddenly became ugly. Quiet land money soon sounded Yamamoto's roar, "how can this be? Who can tell me why? "

In just over a day, more than half of the branches and leaves of the 100 mu fruit seedlings with sunshade net were dried up and obviously died. Zhao Fugui is able to grow and live in this way, but why is it their turn to plant, but they can't plant and live these seedlings in the same land?

"The land is the same, so is the climate! It's water, it's water. It must be different. Zhao Fugui's water is different from ours! " Yamamoto turns around fiercely and stares at the direction of Daqingshan stream. He looks extremely ferocious. He can never accept failure or allow failure.

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