Super Monk

Chapter 359

Ouyang Jun, the only difference between Dawan village and Xiaowan village is water. There must be something wrong with the water they irrigate the land! I'll leave it to you. You must investigate it. Today you will take people up the mountain. Make sure you get the water from that stream and check the ingredients in it! " Yamamoto's face is gloomy, back to Ouyang Xia, eyes flashing inexplicable light said.

If there is really a problem with water, you can even airlift all the water from Daqing Mountain back to Japan, and move the origin of happy fruit to Japan. Bring the glory of producing the best fruit in the world to the great Japanese Empire, and let the Chinese die.

"Yes, Mr. Yamamoto, I'll get things done!" Ouyang Xia said quickly.

"Besides, destroy all these damned seedlings for me, and the head office must not know about it! Otherwise those stupid directors will interfere in our plan! " Yamamoto said coldly.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Yamamoto, I promise no one will talk too much!" Ouyang Xia said quickly. Then he hurried back to Dawan village and hired villagers to pull up the saplings of the dead trees. He was also ready to arrange for people to go to the front of Daqingshan Mountain to get water from the stream.

"These short, long and ugly Japanese are really insane. They are all dead in this season." The villagers of Dawan village took the money, but they walked out of the village reluctantly. They said, who is willing to work in such hot weather.

"These little Japanese have wasted a lot of money on 100 mu of fruit seedlings. They deserve it!" Another villager also said.

"But how can we make money if these guys are not mentally ill and like to toss about?" The villagers ridiculed the Japanese foolishness without fear of being heard.

When Dawan village began to take action, Zhao Fugui got the news from Xiaowan village. The seedlings just planted in Dawan village two days ago died clean. Even with the protection of sunshade net, these seedlings could not survive.

"Fugui, you see, all the seedlings in Dawan village have been dried to death. They are beginning to pull out the seedlings!" Liu Erjie excitedly called out Zhao Fugui and said happily.

"They can't grow so many seedlings outdoors this season. Leave them alone and let them toss about." Zhao Fugui was not surprised by the result. Without the diluted water, why did they plant the seedlings in such a big sun?

Zhao Fugui was dismissive of Dawan village's actions. But at this time, Ouyang Xia and two people disguised as tourists drove over from the urban and rural roads, parked in the threshing ground and got off at the threshing ground.

"Manager Ouyang, you can't go up the mountain from here. There are villagers of Xiaowan village guarding here all the time. Tourists are not allowed to go up the mountain! If you want to go up the mountain, you can only walk from the apricot blossom forest. There is no one to stop you! " One of Ouyang Xia's men said.

"Just go from the apricot blossom forest and get the bottles ready. We must steal the water today!" With a wave of his hand, Ouyang Xia took a man and a woman to the direction of apricot blossom forest.

Chen Dadan and Chen Erdan are helping the village's distillery to pick apricot flowers today. In the apricot blossom forest, many elders are doing morning exercises, playing Tai Chi, singing, playing suona and playing erhu.

These people are basically retired from government offices, and their children are successful in their work. They don't have to worry about it. They have a lot of spare money. They rent a single room in a Farmhouse Inn. Some of them eat with the villagers directly and keep healthy in Xiaowan village.

Chen Dadan and Chen Erdan carry big basket, which is fresh apricot flowers with dew. At this time, Ouyang Xia took two people disguised as tourists to the mountain.

"Go that way!" There are also villagers on this side of the mountain, but there are many tourists on the mountain, and the Qingshi road is long. They can get into the woods from many places, and sometimes the villagers can't take care of it. Ouyang Xia looked at the empty space, winked at the two men and said that the three men quickly walked over there.

"Well, what are you doing? Stop! You can't go in Chen Dadan and Chen Erdan learned the lesson of the last time. They also paid attention to the situation on the mountain road when picking apricot flowers. When they saw a tourist drilling into the forest, they immediately called out, but they were too far away to stop.

Ouyang Xia and his two men ran faster when they heard the sound, and disappeared in the woods in a twinkling of an eye.

"What's the matter, big egg?" Two villagers on patrol heard the news and ran to ask.

"Why don't you see anyone in the mountain? That's a lot of trouble! " Chen Dadan anxiously said that if there were any more tourists in Daqingshan, Daqingshan would have to be closed, and the trouble was not small.

"What? Someone's in the mountains? Hurry up, hurry up. There are many poisonous snakes in the mountain this season. Don't have an accident! " A villager's face changed greatly, and he turned to chase him in panic.

"What's your use in the mountains? Go and inform brother Zhao Fugui quickly!" Cried Chen Dadan. The two villagers nodded and ran down the mountain.

Ouyang Xia with two men into the mountain, a mountain just found that this is a hard work. As soon as summer comes, the vegetation in the mountain is extremely luxuriant. It's hard to walk. From time to time, there are snakes and insects, which frighten the three people who have never been in this kind of old forest.

"Be careful, that stream passes through the middle of the farm. Let's walk along the edge of the farm and go back when we get water!" Ouyang Xia see this situation, immediately changed his mind said. Originally, their plan was to find the source of the stream along the stream. It would be a great achievement if the location of the source of the stream could be determined."Manager Ouyang, we listen to you!" Ouyang Xia's big breasted girl hands quickly nodded and said, her half body almost hung on Ouyang Xia's body. Three people walked carefully for a long time, avoiding a few poisonous snakes, and finally saw the stream from a distance.

"Wealth, no good, there are tourists into the mountain!" Two villagers rushed into the office, anxiously said to Zhao Fugui.

"What?" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he did not care to criticize the two villagers. He ran to Daqingshan in a hurry. It's summer, but it's not winter. The danger in the mountains has already doubled. An accident will happen if you are not careful.

Zhao Fugui hurried up the mountain from the apricot blossom forest, and immediately contacted Da Hei with a pagoda. Da Hei and the ghosts were not afraid of the sun, and they were also patrolling during the day. As soon as he got in touch with Dahei, Zhao Fugui immediately knew the location of the three tourists. The pagoda directly photographed Da Hei from a distance. Zhao Fugui jumped on Da Hei's back and chased the three tourists.

Da Hei's walking speed in the mountain forest is amazing. As soon as Ouyang Xia and the three of them finished taking water from the stream, Zhao Fugui arrived.

"Stop, put the water down!" Zhao Fugui saw that the three men were risking taking water from the stream. His face changed and he yelled.

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