Super Monk

Chapter 360

"Who are you? We want to go into the mountain to see the scenery. We are thirsty when we pass by. The water is very clear, so we have some water to drink! " Ouyang Xia saw Zhao Fugui's face slightly changed, but he had already thought about the reason and said immediately.

Ouyang Xia knew Zhao Fugui. When the company investigated Xiaowan village, Ouyang Xia saw Zhao Fugui's photo, but Zhao Fugui didn't know Ouyang Xia.

"Into the mountains to see the scenery?" Zhao Fugui didn't know the purpose of these people entering the mountain. He frowned and asked in doubt. Three people, one of them is a big breasted woman, is it really a tourist? Or even tourists who want to find a place to fight? If you have ulterior motives, you should not bring a big breasted girl to get in the way, thought Zhao Fugui.

"Yes, the scenery here is primitive. We want to go into the mountains and have a look!" Ouyang summer see Zhao Fugui seems to be some believe, immediately said.

"You don't even take a bag when you go into the mountain to see the scenery? I don't have any preparation. I don't have anything with me. Are you going to take my water down the mountain? " Zhao Fugui suddenly found the abnormality and said with a sneer.

Whenever tourists come out to play, they will carry backpacks with them. There were some snacks, water, purses and even clothes, but the three men didn't bring anything except two mineral water bottles for water, which was obviously abnormal.

"Our bags are in the car. I forgot to take them when I got off the bus!" Ouyang Xia's face was sweating. In this kind of environment, looking at the strong Zhao Fugui, he was really afraid.

"Are you from Dawan village? You think there's something wrong with the water Zhao Fugui said coldly, "I didn't expect that there are really smart people in you!"

The sweat on Ouyang Xia's face came out immediately, and his two men were also nervous. The means of capital competition emerge in endlessly, which can be said to be omnipotent. As long as the interests are big enough, those capitalists can do anything.

In Xiaowan village of Zhao Fugui, the company's valuation is US $300 million, that is, RMB 1.89 billion. RMB 12 billion can buy too many lives and make too many people work hard. If it was in Japan, Ouyang Xia had no doubt that the three of them would disappear forever. Every year, hundreds of corpses are found in the forest of Mount Fuji. How many are suicides and how many are killed? Who can tell?

Even in China, even if it is not a ruthless capitalist, Ouyang Xia does not have much sense of security. If Zhao Fugui knows that his happy farm is so valuable, Ouyang Xia thinks that he will kill anyone who wants to steal the core secrets of happy farm mercilessly.

"No, no, we are ordinary tourists. There are friends waiting for us outside. We are going down the mountain!" Ouyang Xia said in a trembling voice.

Looking at the dead environment around him, his two men were also afraid. If they didn't launch a large-scale mountain search operation, they would never be found. Two people incomparable regret, knew early should not follow Ouyang Xia to come.

Zhao Fugui doesn't know why these three people are so afraid. He is just a farmer entrepreneur, and Daqingshan is his. He doesn't agree that no one can take anything away. Zhao Fugui didn't think about it at all, and there was no need for it. Ouyang Xia and they were completely frightening themselves.

"You can go down the mountain. Give me those two bottles!" Zhao Fugui stood in front of the three and said coldly.

"We are thirsty and want to drink on the way. It's just two bottles of water. Why can't we take them away?" Ouyang Xia bravely argued.

"Thirsty? OK, you can drink it now, and then you can go! People in Xiaowan village are very hospitable. If you are thirsty, we won't let you down the mountain thirsty! " Zhao Fugui said with arms in his arms.

Zhao Fugui has determined that the three people are from Dawan village, and they must be sent by the mysterious company who contracted the land in Dawan village. Zhao Fugui doesn't want anyone to know the secret of Lingquan water. If these people know that Daqingshan's water is unusual, they will surely go to Lingquan water.

Ma Weidong, the boss of Bingquan pure water, just wants to make money. He won't explore the secret of Lingquan water, but these people are different. Zhao Fugui won't let them go down the mountain with the stream.

"We want to drink later. Why are you so overbearing? This stream is not yours Ouyang Xia face a change, it seems that some angry said.

"You are really wrong. This stream is mine, including the big green hill under your feet!" Zhao Fugui sneered and said coldly, "don't be shameless. I know who you are very well. Either drink the water now or put down the bottle and go away!"

Zhao Fugui's face sank, and Ouyang Xia and his two men even felt that the temperature around them was two degrees lower. Ouyang Xia thought that if he forced down the mountain with water, he would be beaten by this big guy.

"Drink the water!" Ouyang Xia clenched her teeth and thought that if she really couldn't do it, she would have a urine test. It's better than nothing. Ouyang Xia opened the bottle of mineral water and gulped it into his stomach.

Ouyang Xia drinks the spring water from the bottle. Zhao Fugui looks at Ouyang Xia's man and watches him drink the spring water. Then he nods."Is that right? Can we go down the mountain? " Ouyang Xia and the man finished drinking water and asked Zhao Fugui.

"Go away!" Zhao Fugui saw that there was no place for the three of them to hide water. He let the three guys roll down the mountain with a wave of his hand.

Ouyang Xia's face is ugly. He works in a listed multinational company, and everyone envies him. Some beautiful women are even willing to paste it upside down, such as the big breasted woman behind him. It's a great shame to be yelled at by a local farmer entrepreneur today.

"The company behind Dawan village is ambitious enough to explore the secret of happy fruit!" Zhao Fugui's eyes are fixed on the direction of Dawan village. These guys have already taken action. He has to think of ways to deal with these greedy guys.

Ouyang Xia three people run down the mountain in a mess, in a hurry to drive back to Dawan village. Yamamoto's face sank as soon as he saw that Ouyang Xia was so embarrassed.


"Yamamoto, no failure!" Ouyang Xia nodded in shame. At this time, the big breasted girl suddenly untied her coat and took out a small bottle, which was only 100 ml. Ouyang Xia didn't know when she hid the water, and even Zhao Fugui didn't see it!

"Chief, this is the water used by the local buns in Xiaowan village!" Big breast female one face flatters of say.

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