Super Monk

Chapter 3623

"Mission of the heavens, what is this?" Zhao Fugui found that he was unable to receive the mission in Jiaolong hall. Instead, there was an extra mission in the jade plaque. However, those sky missions are gray and have not been activated. You can only view them and can't receive them.

Zhao Fugui looked at the missions carefully and found that there were many kinds of missions, and the rewards were extremely rich. On average, the most common missions could be divided into thousands of lucky spots as long as one person could complete them. "The more rewards, the more dangerous the tasks are. It seems that the risks of these missions are very high!" Zhao Fugui took a look at those missions and realized that they were at least several times more dangerous than ordinary missions. The task of Heilongtan demon city is already in danger. After all, there are nine beetles of Jinxian. For the friars of Jiaolong hall, if they disturb the monster during the mission, they will surely die, which is quite dangerous. However, even if the mission of Jiaolong hall is divided equally, each person only has 500 points of Qi transportation. Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling have more points of Qi transportation because all the other monks who carried out the mission died. Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling will be able to carry out the mission if the monks are not dead, but they can only be divided into 500 Qi luck points.

But even the task of exploring the black dragon pool demon city can't be compared with the simplest task of all the sky tasks. Even the simplest task of all the sky tasks can be divided into 1000 Qi luck points on average, which is at least twice as difficult as the task of exploring the black dragon pool demon city.

This only shows one thing, that is, there is a lethal factor in all the missions. It's just like the nine insects in the demon city of Heilongtan. This nine insects is the cause of death. Once the friars who perform the task disturb the nine insects, it will be the end of the whole army.

The nine head insect is to explore the lethal factors in the task of black dragon pool demon city. I'm afraid that every task in these missions also hides the lethal factors. Otherwise, these reward tasks will not be so high. "Is this thing the ghost of XuanZhen?" Zhao Fugui looked at these tasks, and immediately doubted that he could only check whether these missions were made by XuanZhen or not. After all, although Tianguan's power is greatly limited, it doesn't mean that these Tianguan have no rights. Maybe XuanZhen and his fellows can arrange this. "XuanZhen, these guys are also stumbling blocks. If you have a chance, you have to deal with them!" Zhao Fugui thought with a flash of cold light in his eyes, but if he wants to kill XuanZhen, he must not do it in Jiaolong hall. After all, Tianguan and friars are not the same. Nominally, these Tianguan are the administrators of Jiaolong hall, the defenders of order, representing the face of Sanqing and daomen. If they die outside Jiaolong hall, I'm afraid few people will manage them, but if they die inside Jiaolong hall, it's totally different. If XuanZhen's officials died in Jiaolong Hall these days, I'm afraid Jiaolong hall will definitely trace them to the end. Not to mention that XuanZhen is also an immortal. The monks in Jiaolong hall can kill the immortal even if they haven't passed the thunder robbery. This is a big problem in itself. I'm afraid that Zhao Fugui's identity can't be hidden, so even if they want to kill XuanZhen, Zhao Fugui can't do it in Jiaolong hall.

"Elder martial brother Zhao!" Just as Zhao Fugui was thinking, a shrinking voice suddenly rang. Zhao Fugui turned to see a pale young man behind him.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Fugui frowned and asked, this person Zhao Fugui does not know, or even should not have seen, Zhao Fugui has no image of him.

"Elder martial brother Zhao, do you want to kill Li Qilin? I can help you!" Whispered the timid young man.

"The people of Yunfeng club asked you to come?" Zhao Fugui sneered and asked, this young man is just a gold elixir. How can he have the courage to provoke yunfenghui or Li Qilin. Zhao Fugui's first reaction was that the Yunfeng club wanted to use any tricks again, and sent this guy over.

"No, no, elder martial brother Zhao, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to hurt you. I have a grudge against Li Qilin!" Said the timid young man. The timid young man explained quickly, and Zhao Fugui understood. This timid and pale young man is Li Feng, Li Qilin's half brother. Before the great change of heaven and earth, Li Feng was still in favor. Later, after the great change of heaven and earth, Li Qilin was in charge of the Li family two years later, and Li Feng's life was very sad. Basically, in the Li family, Li Feng has become a transparent person without any interference. Li Feng's talent is no worse than Li Qilin's. when he tested his talent a few days ago, Li Feng was also a Kirin's talent. However, Li Qilin's cultivation is in the later stage of the robbery, while Li Feng's cultivation is only in the early stage of the golden elixir. Li Feng didn't know his talent before, but since he knew his talent, he couldn't restrain his hatred for Li Qilin. Li Feng thinks that he's mixed up like this now because of Li Qilin, who killed him, and Li Feng can't restrain his impulse to revenge

. Li Feng wants to get revenge, but Yunfeng has a big family and a big career. Li Qilin is powerful. Li Feng can't find anyone to help him get revenge. Later, Li Feng thought of Zhao Fugui. Many friars knew that Zhao Fugui was in conflict with the people of Yunfeng society. Because of Li Feng's identity, he also knew about Yunfeng societyFuqing and Wang Yan were sent to deal with Zhao Fugui.

But this time, Zhao Fugui and Nangong Ling came back safely, but Fuqing and Wang Yan were missing, which obviously shows some problems. Li Feng estimates that Fuqing and Wang Yan are dead. Since Zhao Fugui has the strength to kill Fuqing and Wang Yan, it shows that his strength is not bad at all. At least he is also a strong man to rob. A strong man to rob may be able to avenge him. Li Feng can't find a helper now, and he has no way out. He feels that Zhao Fugui may be able to avenge him, so Li Feng finds Zhao Fugui directly.

"Even if what you say is true, why do you think I will help you?" Zhao Fugui asked lightly. "Elder martial brother Zhao, I know Li family's treasure in Yunfeng city. Li family has an immortal Haotian mirror. The Haotian mirror used to be a treasure of Emei. Everything under the Haotian mirror is checked. It's the top secret of the Li family. Only a few of the Li family know this secret. As long as you help me kill Li Qi, senior brother Zhao, I'll take you to Li's treasure house and take out the Haotian mirror! " Li Feng lowered his voice to the extreme and whispered to Zhao Fugui. A magic mirror?

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