Super Monk

Chapter 3624

Haotian mirror Zhao Fugui has never heard of it, and Beiluo doesn't have it in his memory. However, Emei sect is indeed a great sect of immortal sect that once existed. It was only more than 6000 years ago that a blood devil ancestor was born. That blood devil ancestor practiced a kind of blood god.

When the disciple of Emei sect attacked Emei secretly, he let the great master of Emei sect control it. However, the blood devil was also severely damaged in that war, and was eventually killed by other monks of the great sect of the immortal sect. Because the Emei sect was destroyed for a long time, even some monks did not know that there was once an Emei sect in the immortal gate. Li Feng used to be just an ordinary person, so he should not be able to invent an Emei school. His words are more reliable. In addition, Zhao Fugui can also see that Li Feng's talent is not bad, but now he can only enter the early stage of the golden elixir, which should not be without reasons. "How do you want me to avenge you?" Zhao Fugui asked after a moment's reflection that Zhao Fugui had to deal with these guys from Li Qilin and Yunfeng club. It would be nice if he could get an extra immortal weapon while killing Li Qilin. Haotian mirror sounds like a good immortal ware

, even if it's no worse, it won't be any worse. "Elder martial brother Zhao, Li Qilin has gone to Yunfeng city now. There are no real Fairies in Yunfeng city now. Those real fairies have gone to the real dragon hall. No one is in charge of Yunfeng City, and the situation is a little unstable, so Li Qilin went back to Yunfeng city this time while carrying out his mission. He wants to integrate the power of Yunfeng City, select some disciples to enter the Li family for training, and completely control Yunfeng city! " Li Feng looked overjoyed and said, "this time Li Qilin went to Yunfeng City, he was only accompanied by the strong men of the four heavenly kings. Most of the other monks of Yunfeng society were completing their own tasks.

now is a good time to kill him!"

"You mean let me go to Yunfeng city to kill him?" Zhao Fugui asked in a calm manner.

"It's the best chance to go to Yunfeng city. Although elder martial brother Zhao is strong in Jiaolong hall, it's not very convenient for him to do it. Moreover, it's not easy for the experts of Yunfeng meeting to get together at that time. Now it's a good chance to go to Yunfeng City!" Li Feng said excitedly.

"It's not impossible to go to Yunfeng City, but you have to show me the way!" Zhao Fugui said lightly. Even if it's a trap, Zhao Fugui is not afraid. If it's a trap, Li Feng is the first one to die. If he doesn't agree, it's obvious that it's a trap.

"Well, elder martial brother Zhao, I'll show you the way. I just hope elder martial brother Zhao will kill Li Qilin!" Li Feng hesitated for a while and said. With Li Feng's strength and courage, it must be very dangerous to leave Jiaolong hall. If Zhao Fugui kills him on the way, he will get nothing. But Li Feng wanted revenge too much. Li Feng felt that even in Jiaolong hall, he might not be able to live long. Anyway, he always died. If he could kill Li Qilin before he died, he would make a profit.

"I don't know when elder martial brother Zhao will be able to go. Li Qilin has been to Yunfeng city for several days. I don't know when he will leave!" Li Feng made up his mind and asked again.

"Go now!" Zhao Fugui doesn't want to wait for Yunfeng meeting to find trouble any more. He is ready to solve the problem of Yunfeng meeting as soon as possible, and then he will see what the Zhutian task is. Zhao Fugui told Nangong Ling to practice for a period of time and then take on the task of hunting monsters. Don't take on the dangerous task or leave Jiaolong hall. The Zhutian mission is obviously not suitable for Nangong Ling. The Zhutian mission is too dangerous, and Nangong Ling has no strength to do it.

Even if the top group of friars in the hundred Jiaolong hall entered the Zhutian mission, they would become cannon fodder if they were not careful, not to mention Yuanying friars like Nangong Ling. She was safer to do ordinary tasks, and even ordinary tasks had to take some relatively simple ones.

Nangong Ling also knows the gap between himself and Zhao Fugui. She listens to what Zhao Fugui says. Nangong Ling doesn't ask much about what Zhao Fugui does, but asks Zhao Fugui to be careful. Then Zhao Fugui and Li Feng leave Jiaolong hall together. Most of the people of Yunfeng meeting have already gone to various places to do tasks. I'm afraid they don't know that Fuqing and Wang Yan have been killed by Zhao Fugui. Li Qilin and the people of Yunfeng city probably didn't expect that Zhao Fugui could kill Fuqing and Wang Yan, and kill them so fast. Most of the tasks received by monks in Jiaolong hall have not been completed. Who would have thought that Zhao Fugui had finished the task so quickly and killed Fuqing and Wang Yan.

Zhao Fugui and Li Feng leave Jiaolong hall and rush to Yunfeng city. Yunfeng city is only one or two hundred miles away from Jiaolong hall. The location of Yunfeng city is ingenious. It is just blocked by Jiaolong hall between Yunhai mountain and Yunfeng City, which makes Yunfeng City avoid the attack of demons in Yunhai mountain.

In addition, most of the demons have been called up, and there are only a lot of demons left in the wilderness. The strength of monsters can't be compared with that of demons, so even if most of the friars in Yunfeng city left, they still haven't been conquered by monsters. Now Yunfeng city is very close to Jiaolong hall, which has become a transit place for many monks' materials. In just one month, Yunfeng city has more than doubled in prosperity. Li Qilin is interested in the location of Yunfeng City, so he wants to take advantage of the absence of the real immortals in Yunfeng cityThe bottom controls Yunfeng City, and directly controls Yunfeng city in its own hands. At that time, even if those real immortals return, they will not be able to help him. After all, the Li family also has real immortals, and he has the support of the Tianguan of Jiaolong hall. As long as the resources are continuously provided, those Tianguan will continue to support Li Qilin. With the support of these officials, the real immortals dare not do anything to Li Qilin. Yunfeng city is not far from Jiaolong hall. Most of the monsters between Yunfeng city and Jiaolong hall have been cleaned up by the monks. Along the way, Zhao Fugui and Li Feng met very few monsters, and those monsters were intelligent. It was no longer safe here, but they would not stay here. Some monsters have been killed, others have escaped.

When Zhao Fugui and Li Feng arrived in Yunfeng City, Yunfeng city was already bustling, full of low-level monks and merchants. Those low-level friars are all friars below the golden elixir. If they can't enter the five dragon hall, they can only take a chance near each five dragon hall to see if they can get some opportunities or adventures to enter the five dragon hall at one stroke.

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