Super Monk

Chapter 369

These BMW, Mercedes Benz and Audi teams have more than 20 cars. The black teams come from the opposite direction of Chengdu along the urban and rural roads. When the car in front of the team passed Dawan village, the window came down, and a middle-aged man with sunglasses was smoking. He raised his hand and said hello to Yamamoto.

Yamamoto, with a smile and a nod, watched the motorcade pass Dawan village and drive directly into Xiaowan village. There are a lot of tourists and people in Xiaowan village, but the team rushed to the top of the line, honking its horn all the way.

"Where's the team from? How can you be so arrogant Zhao Fugui had just finished arranging for the red coral. When he heard the news, he turned his head and frowned.

The motorcade forced the tourists to escape in panic. Some villagers wanted to stop them, but the cars in the motorcade rushed up without any scruples. The villagers were scared to get away.

"Richness, be careful, they may have bad intentions! Look at the license plates. These cars are from South China province! " Chen Yihan saw this menacing team, looked a little nervous and said to Zhao Fugui.

"What's the team from South China doing here?" Zhao Fugui looked at the license plate and found that it was the license plate of South China province. Qindu, the largest city in South China, is only 100 kilometers away from Chengdu, which is much closer than Chengdu.

This team is fierce, obviously not to travel, but Zhao Fugui's happy farm has no business in Qindu, should not provoke these guys.

"Meaning, you call director Chen, let him prepare to pull people, these guys don't want to go home intact!" Zhao Fugui's face suddenly sinks and says to Chen Yihan.

The motorcade stopped at the entrance of the village, and more than 100 young men with baseball bats on their shoulders came down from more than 20 cars. These guys were wearing sunglasses and hanging thick gold chains around their necks. Obviously, they were not ordinary gangsters. As soon as they got out of the car, they pushed the tourists around and came to the farm stove.

When Zhao Fugui saw this group of people "click" and twisted their necks, it seems that they have to move again today.

"Zhao Fugui, right? My dear Qin long, as the head of Security Department of qinguo group, our boss has a crush on your happy farm Qin Hu looks at Zhao Fugui with his head tilted. He points his fingers behind him. Behind him, a black clad thug of the Qin state group "slaps" a box in front of Zhao Fugui and throws two contracts on it. "Our boss will pay a million to buy your happy farm. Sign it!"

"Your boss? It's tiger Qin, right? Is tiger Qin's head in shit? " Zhao Fugui was so angry that he couldn't help laughing and said rudely.

Qin tiger of Qin group, however, is well known in central and South China. His Qin group started with demolition and became the leading real estate group in the two provinces in a short period of more than ten years. However, what he is known for is not this, but his background of gangster. When mentioning the name of Qin tiger, the eldest brother of central and South China is not afraid.

"Boy, that's arrogant. Dare to say that my big brother's head is in shit, you are the first one in so many years! " Qin long clapped his hands a few times, then walked past Zhao Fugui. He suddenly reached out and wanted to take a few pictures of Zhao Fugui's face. "Boy, that's the end of the conversation, isn't it? Don't blame elder brother didn't remind you, offended Qin group, your life can be sad! "

Qin Long's hand wants to pat Zhao Fugui's face. Zhao Fugui grabs Qin Long's hand and says with a faint smile, "if you can go back, give tiger Qin a message. If you offend me, he won't have to live in the future!"

"Yes, yes, I haven't seen such a kind guy for many years!" Qin Long's face sank and he didn't draw his hand back. He said harshly, "go ahead and smash all the fruit trees that can be smashed by me, and smash them clean!"

At Qin Long's command, the gangsters immediately start to fight. Several people rush to Zhao Fugui to teach him a lesson. Other gangsters smash everything they see. Yamamoto, standing on the upper floor of Dawan village, saw this scene with his telescope, and his face showed a proud sneer.

"To die!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he made a fierce effort on his hand, and the crack of "Kacha Kacha" rang fiercely. Qin long immediately uttered a shrill cry.

"Ah, my hand, my hand is broken!" Qin long cried out in pain. His face was full of sweat, and his arrogant face turned pale.

"Dare to touch my big brother, boy, let go of my big brother!" Several gangsters behind Qin long see the situation is not good, roar and shout to rush over, the baseball bat in the hand greets Zhao Fugui's head directly.

The baseball bat with a huge scream hit Zhao Fugui's head hard, Zhao Fugui showed a sneer, and his Daoli turned to protect his head. Baseball bat hit heavily on the head, anti shock force shock two thugs hand Hukou burst, the two thugs looked at no hurt Zhao Fugui in horror.

"Golden bell jar, this boy knows golden bell jar. He is a martial arts expert!" A gangster who read too many martial arts novels screamed in horror, pointing to Zhao Fugui and sitting on the ground.

"It seems that tiger Qin's brain is not normal, and so are his thugs!" Zhao Fugui sneers and says something to the frightened Qin long. Qin long is about to show a fierce look and say something cruel. Zhao Fugui's face suddenly sank. He squeezed Qin Long's right hand, swung this guy up, and smashed other thugs around him."Quick, copy a guy, help rich and noble!" Shovel villagers in at Xiaowan village shouted, though they had heard of countless legends of Qin tiger at leisure time, they were afraid of the big brother of the dark road. But when they saw the group of villagers beating up, the villagers spontaneously organized themselves, and took spade hoes from their homes to fight with these bullies.

"Ah, it's the end of Xiaowan village to offend tiger Qin! Those who have offended tiger Qin for so many years have no good end. I don't know how many of them have broken down! " When tourists see the situation here, they all stay away. Some people can't bear to see the happy farm smashed and call the police, but others think it's useless.

"There are people on tiger Qin. It's OK for them to kill people in the street, not to mention smash up some places. Even if they are caught today, they will come out tomorrow. It's useless to call the police! " Another tourist said.

"Yes, happy farm is over!"

"Stop it Dozens of villagers with shovel spades were rushing to go to fight with these bullets. Zhao Fugui stopped drinking the villagers. Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed when he saw some of these gangsters rushing to the farm stove and some to the orchard. Since these gangsters are looking for their own death, don't blame them for their ruthlessness.

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