Super Monk

Chapter 370

"Ha ha, who are you? You say stop it? This bumpkin is scared silly Zhao Fugui yelled stop, the villagers stopped, but those gangsters were still arrogant and smashed everywhere.

"Wealth, let's fight with them, we are not afraid of them!" The grumpy villagers yelled with blue veins on their faces. The villagers have been poor for generations, and a good day is coming. We must not let these gangsters destroy all this.

"I bah, a group of mud legs dare to be arrogant with me. I didn't know how many idiots you had with a watermelon knife in those years!" A thug with a baseball bat sneered and hit the villager on the head with a baseball bat.

Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed, two steps rushed over, one foot kicked on the side waist of the gangster, and directly kicked the gangster out. The gangster flew more than ten meters away, heavily hit a Mercedes Benz in front of the team, and directly dented the front of the Mercedes Benz.

Zhao Fugui's violent behavior immediately deterred these gangsters, but they did not stop. Instead, they bypassed Zhao Fugui and rushed around, smashing everything they could see. Even the slow tourists were knocked to the ground. These gangsters are also experienced in many battles. If they don't win Zhao Fugui, they won't fight him at all. Anyway, today's task is to smash it.

"Mr. Qin really has the means. I think Zhao Fugui can resist for a long time. Today, he can't open business for a week. After a week, if he wants to open business, I'll smash it again. I'll see how long he can hold on. Hum, I must get the secret of big green hill Yamamoto looked at the direction of Xiaowan village, his face showed a proud smile, said to himself.

"Where is Mr. Yamamoto's opponent, Mr. Zhao Fugui, a country bumpkin? When he can't hold on, I'm afraid he will sell us happy farm for millions. Where does he need several hundred million dollars from the headquarters of the company?" Anli gently massaged Yamamoto's shoulder and said.

"Of course, not to mention Zhao Fugui, how many people are my rivals in the shopping malls, even in China?" Yamamoto gave a proud grin, but suddenly found something wrong. He looked out of the village and said, "what's wrong with the dog in the village? Why are you so upset? "

A local dog in the yard under Yamamoto's window suddenly jumped up and growled. Then he struggled wildly and broke the chain. Then there were the local dogs in the whole village. All the local dogs got angry.

Zhao Fugui tried his best to stop the villagers and the gangsters. He didn't start to solve these gangsters. More than 100 gangsters smashed a stick and changed a place. Even if he wanted to clean up these gangsters, he couldn't solve them for a while. But Zhao Fugui had a way to deal with these gangsters.

Zhao Fugui uses Daoli to activate the pagoda. Daoli activates the pagoda. A golden light from the pagoda falls on the Taiping Taoist Scripture. The Taiping Taoist Scripture shines a faint light, and then automatically turns the page, showing several big characters. "The art of spirit control" shows the page of "the art of spirit control".

With Zhao Fugui as the center, the area within a radius of five kilometers is covered with a milligram of light. All the dogs in this area jump up in this instant. Xiaowan village, Dawan village, all the dogs break free from the rope dog chain and rush to this side crazily.

A gangster rushed to the front of the red coral, raised a baseball bat and hit the red coral hard with a stick. At this moment, a rhubarb dog rushed over and bit the gangster's arm. The gangster screamed in pain and was knocked down by rhubarb dog. His arm was bitten with blood.

"Damn, where's the mad dog? Die for me The gangster yelled and kicked rhubarb dog in the stomach, kicking rhubarb dog out. "It's so fuckin 'bad luck that the dog won't have rabies, right?"

The gangster's face was ugly. He covered his injured arm, picked up his baseball bat, and was about to beat rhubarb dog to death. However, rhubarb dog jumped up fiercely, his eyes turned red and stared at the gangster. Hun hun looked at rhubarb dog's eyes and felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

"Bite me!" Zhao Fugui stood in front of the farm stove and pointed at the gangsters fiercely. Dozens of local dogs rushed out of Xiaowan village and rushed to the thugs who smashed everywhere.

Zhao Fugui controlled all the dogs within a radius of five kilometers. He was not proficient in the use of Lingshu, so he needed to be released through Taiping daoshu. After further cultivation, he could use all kinds of Taiping daoshu magic instead of Taiping daoshu.

"Where are so many dogs? Come on, kill them. Don't smash them. Kill all the dogs first! " The thugs screamed constantly, and soon they found that it was wrong. Several thugs yelled. Relying on the large number of people, they were ready to kill all the local dogs that were in the way first.

After killing these local dogs, when we finish the team, we will prepare a box and throw it back. When we go back, we can still eat some dog meat hotpot.

The gangsters began to gather to kill the local dogs, but the local dogs rushed forward without fear. Most of the local dogs in Xiaowan village have been given away because they need to build a farmhouse to facilitate tourists. So there are few local dogs in Xiaowan village, only a few dozen left. Now all these local dogs are here."What's the matter? Why are the eyes of these local dogs red? Damn, these local dogs don't all get mad dog disease, do they Some gangsters suddenly noticed that the eyes of these local dogs were red, as if they were stained with blood, and suddenly became nervous.

Not only gangsters, but also tourists are scared to find a place to hide. However, they soon find that these local dogs don't even look at tourists and only attack those gangsters with baseball bats.

"My God, the dogs are showing their spirits. The owners are attacked. These dogs are out to fight for their lives!" Suddenly the tourists screamed.

"Damn, no matter whether they are mad dog disease or rabies, people are not afraid. Are they still afraid of these dogs? Beat me, beat me hard, beat all these dogs to death Yelled a thug.

"Fage, Fage, run, run!" A thug suddenly panic incomparable pull this thug, pointing to the distance shivering said.

"How many dogs are you afraid of when you run? Brother long has been beaten so miserably. How can I tell elder brother when I go back? " The gangster roared discontentedly, but as soon as he turned around, his baseball bat fell to the ground with a bang. At least two or three hundred dogs rushed to Dawan village.

"Run, run, run!"

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