Super Monk

Chapter 3807

Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu went through the busy street and asked many questions. It took them half an hour to find the location of Manxiang building.

The capital is too big and has a large population. This kind of city is totally different from the villages and towns Zhao Fugui met before. There is no comparability between those villages and towns and the capital.

"Brother Zhao, here!" Luo Dingkun was waiting outside the Manxiang building. Seeing Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu approaching, Luo Dingkun waved and yelled from a distance.

"Elder martial brother Zhao escorts Marshal Bai into Beijing thousands of miles away. I'm afraid his reputation will spread all over the capital in a few days!" Luo Dingkun said with a smile.

"I'm afraid there will be a lot of enemies!" Zhao Fugui said casually.

"There are so many people here. I've already reserved a box. Let's go in and talk about it!" Luo Dingkun nodded slightly and waved to Nankai and Yang Jiulin.

Nankai and Yang Jiulin seem to be on the alert. Luo Dingkun and Yang Jiulin are certainly not without danger. Nankai and Yang Jiulin are alive, which shows that their strength is not weak. Secondly, Luo Dingkun is worried about a lot. Luo Dingkun leads the way, and Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu follow him into Manxiang building. In front of this Manxiang building is a three-story building, in which there are dining places, but in the back of the building, the courtyard is elegantly decorated, with pavilions and several independent rooms. If you want to book a box here, I'm afraid it's expensive.

There are several exquisite dishes in the box. As soon as they arrive, there are several steaming dishes. Then the children of man Xiang Lou took the reward and went out and closed the door. "Elder martial brother Zhao, when you entered the city, our record of merit jade plate indicated that you had arrived. It's just that there were black cavalry escorts at that time, and it was not easy for us to see you in full view of the public. Later, we had to send letters to cover our eyes and ears!

”Luo Dingkun said in a low voice.

"If you look at the record of merit jade plate again, new tasks have appeared!" "The fourth main task is to help Bai Feng win the emperor's trust and regain military power. If the main task is completed, 3000 Qi Yun points will be awarded. If the main task fails, 3000 Qi Yun points will be deducted! " Zhao Fugui looked at the jade plate and read out the information in it.

"With such a high reward, is this task very dangerous?" Ruan Lingyu asked acutely. Although it was only the first time that Ruan Lingyu took part in the mission, she was quite clear about some of the ways of the mission. "Yes, this task is quite dangerous, because the situation in the capital is already very dangerous!" Luo Dingkun nodded and said, "I'm afraid you don't know a lot of news during this period. I'll tell you the latest situation first.


"In the past ten days, the demons of the western regions have won a series of battles and won four major cities. Now the army is gathering at Loulan pass. If the pass is successfully detained, it will be swept down immediately. Before the capital, there is no danger to defend in the pass! " "On the one hand, the demons of the western regions hoarded heavy troops outside Loulan pass, and on the other hand, they sent envoys to make a gesture of peace talks. On the one hand, the envoys want the imperial court to cede all the land outside Loulan pass; on the other hand, they want the imperial court to pay tribute to the demons in the western regions every year! " Luo Dingkun

said, "when the emperor is old, after meeting the demon messengers, he is so angry that he can't afford to get sick!"

"It is said that now the emperor is in a coma and can no longer handle affairs. The task of the three of us is to win the trust of a prince and prevent the peace talks. If we can help the prince ascend the throne, then everything can be solved! "

"So the old emperor can't deal with government affairs. Although Bai Feng is protected by the tieqiwei, he still can't control military power. He has to support a prince. Which prince do you support first? " Zhao Fugui asked.

"Now it's not the prince we want to support, but the prince who needs us!" Luo Dingkun said helplessly, "now only the third prince has the right conditions, and he is willing to accept us!"

"It seems that these three princes should be the weakest among all the princes, otherwise they will not easily accept you!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said. "Almost, but the third prince is not the weakest of all the princes. He is the weakest among the princes who are qualified to fight for the throne. Compared with those princes who are not qualified to fight for the throne at all, the strength of the third prince is quite

strong!" "At least Tiandao Zhenren, who has the same strength as Tiandao, supports the third prince. In addition, the third prince's residence should also have the support of experts who are similar to Tiandao Zhenren. Those are the offerings in the third prince's residence. We don't know who they are Luo Dingkun said.

"This strength is not weak. The strength of Tiandao's experts is not low, which is about equal to fairyland. There are more than one earth immortal in the third prince's residence. It's OK! " Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"I'm afraid his enemy is stronger!" Ruan Lingyu said. "Yes, it is!" Luo Dingkun said with a bitter smile, "the prince of the dynasty is orthodox. He has the support of the national teacher. He is equal to all the masters in the third prince's residence. In addition, there is the smiling face Buddha in the prince's residence, which is supported by many ministers. It can be said that the prince is obviously the one who has the most supporters. "

"But the Prince wanted to stabilize the court, so he insisted on peace, even if he wanted to make reparations for the land cut!" "In addition, the second prince is a disciple of bajian, who has the support of bajian. Moreover, because he once worshipped bajian as his teacher, he appointed bajian as his prince's teacher, and the head of the palace's guard with a sword, so he won the support of some experts who want to be an official in the court.Moreover, many important officials of the imperial court who did not support the peace talks also secretly supported him, and the second prince was not easy to deal with! "

"The other 14 princes are both civil and military. They are also handsome and natural. They are the emperor's favorite son. Before the emperor was in a coma, he wanted to abolish the crown prince several times and re establish the fourteenth prince as the crown prince! " "Because he was loved by the emperor, he was quite fond of the fourteenth prince. After all, if the emperor had been in the hall for 14 years, he would not have been loved more.

However, the emperor suddenly fell into a coma, and Zuo Xiang felt that the chance of the fourteenth prince was not great, and he alienated him again! "

"In this situation, once you get in the wrong line, you have to deal with them when the new emperor ascends the throne. At present, the situation is not clear. No one knows who Zuo Guancheng supports! "

Luo Dingkun said in detail the situation in the court and the strength of several princes.

"I heard that Guoshi is one of the top experts in the world. Few of them can match him. Can these experts influence the direction of the imperial court?" Zhao Fugui asked again. If the national master can directly control the situation of the imperial court, not only the demon emperor but also the national master will be killed.

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