Super Monk

Chapter 3808

"The national master, the demon king and the demon queen all have the ability to control the court. They are very powerful. If they want to kill anyone, they can kill anyone. But fortunately, this dynasty is a daomen Dynasty, and the ministers of culture and military can practice, and there are many strong people "Especially the royal family has many experts who surround the emperor. Those experts may not be the top, but they will not be weak. In addition, there are also the right prime minister and the owner of Jianxing building on the Royal side. It is said that they are better than Tiandao bajian, the first-class master "It's only half a step away from the powerful one in the level of the national master devil queen. After the emperor was in a coma, the right prime minister had been in the palace all night, never leaving the emperor's side, never giving anyone a chance to make trouble. Jianxinglou was always loyal to the emperor and did not interfere in the affairs of the imperial court. There are

these two masters, plus the royal secret guards and the cavalry guards, there is hardly room for intervention in the palace. "

"Now I just don't know if the emperor has a legacy. If he has a legacy, he can take the initiative." "Another point is that the fourteenth Prince has no foundation in the court, so it seems that the devil gate has seen the opportunity. It is said that the empress devil has secretly entered Beijing and lives in the fourteenth Prince's residence. Now the fourteenth Prince is also recruiting all kinds of experts. If it wasn't for the devil, he might be a good choice! "

"In that case, now that the prince is in charge of orthodoxy and has the support of experts at the level of national master, I'm afraid it's very difficult for others to stop him from ascending the throne!" Zhao Fugui said with a frown. "The situation is like this, but the Emperor didn't like the prince for many years, and now the prince's striving to make peace has already attracted many people's dissatisfaction. Some old ministers are not willing to cede land for compensation, and prefer to use Baifeng to fight against the demons of the western regions. This is also the reason why Bai Feng was recalled by the emperor. There are many main fighters in the imperial court. If the Emperor didn't suddenly faint, a decisive battle with the demons of the western regions would be inevitable! " "Moreover, it was precisely because the emperor did not like the crown prince for many years that the crown prince would have been abolished if it had not been for the protection of the national teacher, but the change of the throne was not decided by the national teacher. If the emperor had prepared the edict early, other princes would be more likely to ascend the throne! " Luo Ding said.

"In that case, we can't support the prince. Otherwise, Bai Feng will surely be free to write, and even be called by the devil!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes, the prince and the master can't support it. If the fourteenth Prince has a devil around him, it's better not to provoke him. If other princes don't trust us, we can only support the third prince! " Luo Dingkun said.

"If the third prince is in charge of the battle and can use Baifeng, then support him. It doesn't make any difference to us who will be the emperor!" Zhao Fugui said directly. "Yes, I think so too! Elder martial brother Zhao, you and younger martial sister Ruan escort Bai Feng all the way. Bai Feng is supported by the army. The third prince will certainly value you very much. I'm afraid few people don't know your prestige now! " Luo Dingkun said with a smile "

I have not seen Tiandao for many years. Elder martial brother Zhao, I don't know the strength of Dao that day? "

"It's not a good thing to be too famous!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "the strength of Tiandao is not weak. It's not very easy to deal with it. It's about the end of the fairyland

"Fairyland? So the demon emperor, the demon queen and the national master are at least fairyland! " Luo Dingkun murmured.

Looking at the thoughtful expression on Luo Dingkun's face, Zhao Fugui guessed that Luo Dingkun might also be involved in the task of the queen of demons, the demon emperor, or the national master, otherwise he would not be so distressed. They are not only powerful in the realm of heaven, but also powerful in the secret arts. For example, the demon emperor of the world, he has the inheritance of Ananda's sword. If Ananda's sword cultivation is advanced, even the golden immortal may not be able to kill him.

After all, Ananda is one of the most powerful powers in Buddhism. Ananda is an inconspicuous figure in Buddhism. I'm afraid many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas may not be its opponents. It's just that Ananda's fame is not very big.

Zhao Fugui is only sure that the demon emperor has the means to break the sword. As for what the demon queen and the national master have, it's not clear.

However, if the queen of demons and the national master can be juxtaposed with the demon emperor of the world, they must have the same strength as the demon emperor of the world, and their supernatural power should not be underestimated. With Zhao Fugui's current strength, if he doesn't open the seal and use other sacred treasures, I'm afraid it's impossible to kill the demon emperor. Either urge other gods or open the seal to upgrade the realm to fairyland, otherwise, it's hard to defeat the demon emperor who inherits Ananda's sword. After all, Zhao Fugui can't use the Tianhe sword, nor can he use the Tathagata God palm, let alone the three treasures of Ruyi. Although the realm of the demon emperor is not particularly strong, far less than those golden immortals killed by Zhao Fugui before, Ananda is strong enough


With Zhao Fugui's current state of fairyland and the need to preserve his strength, it is very difficult to kill the demon emperor who has mastered Ananda's sword, especially in the capital, where there are many people. However, it would not be difficult for Zhao Fugui to kill the demon emperor in a short time if there was no one else. After all, the demon emperor was just a fairyland. Just to ensure that everything is safe, Zhao Fugui doesn't want to expose his strength at will


After discussion, they agreed to meet again the next day, when Luo Dingkun would take Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu to see the third prince.With the agreement, Luo Dingkun and Nankai Yang Jiulin left. Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu also stepped out and slowly returned to Beidaying.

With Bai Feng, Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu can also enter and leave Beidaying freely. "Elder martial brother Zhao, I don't think it's proper for us to directly support the third prince. We haven't even met the third prince, and we don't know if he is a reliable person. If he makes peace with the demons of the western regions after he ascends the throne, then our task will not be completed On the way back, Ruan Lingyu suddenly said. "What you said is reasonable. Maybe I've thought about it. Luo Dingkun, they have their own ideas. They think it's too simple!" Zhao Fugui said, "I'm going to talk to Bai Feng and ask him for his opinions after I go back. After all, we don't know much about the court. Bai Feng has been an official for many years, so we should know more about these things!"

"We just need to finish the task. As for how to finish it, we don't have to do it all by ourselves."

"Well, elder martial brother Zhao, I think so too!" Ruan Lingyu nodded and said. But at this time, Zhao Fugui suddenly frowned and stepped forward to protect Ruan Lingyu behind him. I don't know when an old man has appeared on the small bridge in front of me. This old man is standing on that bridge, but it is like a sharp sword, blocking their way.

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