Super Monk

Chapter 3809

"It's said that Zhao Luo, the great Xia of Zhao, is a powerful swordsman. He can frighten away Tiandao with one sword. Tiandao hasn't met his opponent for many years. I didn't expect that he fell in my hand. I'd like to see what's outstanding about your Sabre technique! " The old man looked at Zhao Fu and said. The old man looks ordinary, but his sword Qi is so powerful that even some sword fairies can't match him. The light sword spirit seems to cover the whole city, but Zhao Fugui also knows that it's impossible. The old man's strength is not as strong as that.

"Bajian?" Zhao Fugui asked lightly, "are you here to avenge the sword king?"

Zhao Fugui's heart is a knife. What's the ghost? When did he get the name.

The sword king is the disciple of bajian, and bajian is also the master of the second prince. He really has a reason to find Zhao Fugui. After all, the sword king died in the hands of him and Ruan Lingyu. "When the people in the river and lake die, the sword king does things for them. If he dies, he will die. But he is inferior to others. What's the revenge for him?" The old man shook his head and said, "I'm just curious today. I want to have a look at your Sabre technique and confirm your martial arts." "Tiandao is in the prime of his life, and its blade is very sharp. On the contrary, it lacks some heart hardening, so it is difficult to go further. The pavilion will be dead, but it is quiet mind, want to enter the house, set foot in the great master realm. Tiandao doesn't want to be your sharpening stone

, and you are not sure you will win Tiandao, so you find me! " Zhao Fugui said thoughtfully.

"The young man is really smart. He's very smart. When you are young, you can frighten away Tiandao with one sword. Even if you are the demon emperor, how can the queen and the national master be your opponents in time? " The old man sighed. "The higher I hold it, the harder I fall. If this word reaches the ears of the emperor and Empress of the devil, how can they let me step by step up and look far away?" Zhao Fugui said faintly, "there is no lack of genius in this world, but there are few geniuses who can go to the end of the world

"You're right. How can the empress and the emperor allow the strong to appear beyond their control?" The old man nodded and said, "but it doesn't matter. Today I'll try my sword and talk about the rest!"

The old man seriously pulled out his sword. His action was not quick, as if he worried that it would disturb the wind and the rain. However, when the sword was drawn out, a powerful sword burst out directly from the front of the sword.

This powerful sword spirit burst out and immediately enveloped Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu. Ruan Lingyu's face changed slightly and she stepped back involuntarily.

She immediately took out the harp and was ready to play the strings to resist the enemy.

"I'll do it!" Zhao Fugui waved to block Ruan Lingyu and said, "a knife is enough!"

The old man didn't seem to hear Zhao Fugui's words. He pulled out his sword and cut it casually. The old man cut out with one sword, and a tornado formed by sword Qi appeared.

This tornado is not too big, but the whole tornado is made up of sword Qi, which sweeps out directly to Zhao Fugui.

It seems that this sword does not have the power to connect the sky and the earth. It's really the old man's understanding of his own kendo. This tornado contains the Kendo of bajian's life. This Kendo is not strong, but it contains the most reasonable kendo.

In the face of this Kendo tornado, Zhao Fugui chopped a knife. It was as if the wind had stopped.

In the blink of an eye, Dao Guang integrated into the Kendo tornado. The dark Kendo tornado gave a slight pause, and then the dark tornado slowly disappeared and disappeared.

"The road is so simple that you can change your sword's meaning, and I'll cut it with one knife!" Zhao Fugui said lightly. He didn't show any killing moves, and he didn't want to kill bajian, because the old man didn't show any killing intention.

Bajian didn't come to kill Zhao Fugui. He really just came to prove his kendo. Unfortunately, he didn't expect that he would lose so quickly and simply.

"Let's go!" Zhao Fugui cuts out the Kendo tornado with a knife, takes Ruan Lingyu to go straight ahead, walks past the old man and continues to walk to the North Camp.

The old man stood on the bridge and looked down at his sword. For a long time, he didn't react.

He didn't expect that his sword was defeated so fast, which contained his true understanding of Kendo all his life. He was killed by Zhao Fugui in an instant.

Zhao Fugui's sword almost destroyed bajian's confidence, and made bajian doubt his Kendo all his life, as if his Kendo all his life were false.

The old man stood at the end of the bridge for a long time without any reaction. It was only when the figures of Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu were about to disappear that Ba Jian suddenly came back to himself. "The matter of the capital now involves the new emperor's accession to the throne, and even the emperor and Empress of the devil are also involved in it. You are young. You'd better not be involved in the chaos, otherwise you may not be able to leave the capital at that time!" When the figures of Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu were about to disappear, bajian remembered to say to Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu.

"You'd better take care of yourself first!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

Seeing that Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu didn't listen to his advice, the old man shook his head helplessly, and then went to the second prince's residence. At this moment, bajian was like a real ordinary old man.Today, Zhao Fugui's sword is cut out. If he can't eliminate the demons in his heart, he will have doubts about his own kendo. I'm afraid that his strength will be greatly reduced immediately, and he will never lose the strength of the past. But if he can get rid of the demons in his heart, he can go further. Even if he can't reach the level after the demons, he is only half a step away from them at most. He can compete with the right prime minister and the owner of the star watching building, and completely suppress the level masters of Tiandao and Changhe ghost.

It depends on whether bajian's heart is firm. No one can help him.

Bajian walks to the second prince's residence. On the other side, Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu go back to Beidaying directly. Then they meet Bai Feng in Beidaying.

Although Bai Feng is protected by the black cavalry guards in Beidaying, he can't take charge of the black cavalry guards because there is no emperor's will.

Black riding guard to protect Bai Feng can also be said to comply with the emperor's call, but if black riding guard directly hand over military power, let Bai Feng in charge of black riding guard, before the clear will is issued, this is a big taboo. So Bai Feng can only be regarded as a guest among the black cavalry guards now, and he has no power to mobilize the black cavalry guards. Otherwise, if you can take charge of the black cavalry guards of the northern and southern armies, you can at least increase 50% of the ability of who inherits the throne. After all, the black cavalry guards are the only army near the capital and the most powerful army. Even the demon emperor and empress dare not ignore the existence of the black knight.

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