Super Monk

Chapter 3810

Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu find Bai Feng and repeat what happened to him today. Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu help Bai Feng. In fact, Zhao Fugui, Ruan Lingyu and Bai Feng are on the same boat.

After listening to Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu's words, Bai Feng showed a wry smile on his face. In fact, Bai Feng is not idle in Beidaying today. He is also contacting his old friends. Bai Feng didn't contact these old customs for personal gain, but because the demons of the western regions had already hit outside the pass, leaving only the last gate inside. If the gate is broken, the demons of the western regions will be swept down, and no one can resist, so Bai Feng can only make preparations as early as possible, because there is not much time left for him now. However, Bai Feng has been away from the capital for a long time. In addition, the emperor is still in a coma, and the new emperor has not yet ascended the throne, and he does not know whether it is war or peace. Therefore, the contact effect of Bai Feng is not very good. Only some of the main battle factions in the army have expressed clear support for Bai Feng.

"Now I'm in the same situation. If I don't have military power, how can I get involved in the fight for the throne? We have to wait until the new emperor ascends the throne! " Bai Feng said with a bitter smile.

"But if the crown prince ascends the throne, he is determined to ask for peace. At that time, he will be willing to cede his territory and pay compensation, and it will not be possible to have another war!" Zhao Fugui said with a frown.

"The main task is to help Bai Feng regain military power, not to fight with the demons of the western regions!" At this time, Ruan Lingyu said to Zhao Fugui.

"If we don't fight against the demons of the western regions, the imperial court won't need Bai Feng to be handsome. At that time, the most likely thing is that he will continue to return home and won't have the chance to regain military power again!" Zhao Fugui said. If the prince ascends the throne and insists on peace, naturally, the moderates in the imperial court have the absolute upper hand. How can Bai Feng, the biggest warlord, be given the chance to grasp the military power at that time? Therefore, the best way to help Bai Feng regain military power is to make the prince wait.

"There's nothing we can do about it. No matter who ascends the throne, it's not up to us to decide!" White maple helplessly shook his head and said.

"But it's not totally out of the question. It's said that the messengers of the demons in the western regions are in the city now. Maybe we can find a way from the messengers of the demons in the western regions!" White maple meaning has to point of say.

Zhao Fugui's heart moves, and the secret way is that Bai Feng has been in the capital for so many years, so he can think of some ways. If the envoys of the two countries are not beheaded in a war, the so-called negotiations will probably not be carried out. This is one of the reasons. Secondly, if we start to investigate from the aspect of the messengers of the demons in the western regions, we can also find out which princes have secret communication with the messengers.

Naturally, the prince in charge of the battle doesn't need to compromise with the demon messengers. Only those princes in charge of the battle need to negotiate with the demon messengers and contact the high-level of the demon messengers through them to make some transactions.

As long as we start from the demon messengers, we can basically know the real attitude of those princes. By the way, if we can get rid of those demon messengers, it would be best.

Zhao Fugui showed a thoughtful expression. The demon messenger can first feel the situation and see what's going on there. Zhao Fugui talks with Bai Feng for a while and asks where the demon messenger lives temporarily. These demon messengers are from the western regions. Even the Prince did not dare to take them directly to the mansion. Otherwise, now everyone is very angry with the devil in the western regions

if the devil emissary is allowed to enter the residence, it will be very bad for the prince's reputation.

The place where the demon messengers live now is called the general embassy. The general embassy is near the palace. It's a remote place, and few people come after the demon people live there.

After dark, Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu left Beidaying directly. They walked around Beidaying. After getting rid of the potential followers, they were like going to the embassy. Now Zhao Fugui is well-known in the capital, and I'm afraid many people will stare at Bai Feng, so it's normal for someone to watch outside Beidaying. The purpose of Zhao Fugui's doing this is to take precautions, although he did not notice that someone was following him.

Soon after that, Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu quietly approached the Tong embassy. There was silence around the Tong embassy. Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu fall on a big tree outside the embassy and quietly look inside.

At this time, most of the lights in the embassy have gone out, only a few lights are still on. Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu can't see the demon messenger. In fact, Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu haven't seen what the demon looks like.

In the general embassy, only a few servants and people like yamen servants were busy. They seemed to be packing up something. Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu observed for a while, but they didn't see anything, so Zhao Fugui was ready to sneak into the embassy to have a look. If they couldn't see anything, they would kill these demon messengers and destroy the peace talks.

"Something's up there!" At this time, Ruan Lingyu suddenly reached out to the alley on the right side of the embassy and said in a low voice.

Zhao Fugui didn't pay attention to the other side before, but now he got Ruan Lingyu's reminder and listened carefully. As expected, he heard the difference there. There was a faint sound of fighting in the alley on the right side of the embassy, as if someone was fighting there."It's not the secret guard of the embassy. Let's go and have a look!" Zhao Fugui whispered to Ruan Lingyu, saying that Ruan Lingyu is worthy of being a musician and is more sensitive to sound than Zhao Fugui.

Ruan Lingyu nodded slightly and followed Zhao Fugui to the alley. The alley on the right side of the embassy is very deep. As soon as Zhao Fugui gets close to him, a black knife cuts at him fiercely. Zhao Fugui was still, as if he had expected an attack long ago. He directly reached for the black knife. The people in the alley didn't expect that Zhao Fugui was so bold and dared to grasp his own sword with his paw. He was stunned and was overjoyed. The skill of the sword was a little more fierce, and he wanted to take advantage of the situation to cut off Zhao Fugui's body. But the black knife cut on Zhao Fugui's palm was like Zhongjin iron. In an instant, the sound of the cross between gold and iron sounded. Without waiting for the person who made the knife to react, Zhao Fugui grabbed the knife and immediately pinched it off. Then he put the broken knife into the attacker's chest with his backhand.

The man snorted, with an unbelievable expression on his face, watching Zhao Fugui fall slowly.

"Someone, stop them!" The people in the alley let out a low shriek, and then the attackers rushed to Zhao Fugui and Ruan Lingyu. "Rush out and get the news out!" The two men who were attacked took the opportunity to rush out.

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