Super Monk

Chapter 398

"Wealth, no good. The orchard water tower in the village may have been drugged. The loss is very big!" Zhao Fugui connected the phone, Chen Yihan said nervously on the phone.

"What?" Zhao Fugui's face changed greatly. The orchard is now irrigated as a whole. If the water tower is drugged, the whole orchard may be sprayed with pesticides once the water is sprayed. If it is a highly toxic pesticide, the happy fruit of this season will be destroyed.

Zhao Fugui had gone to the bus stop, but he didn't care about anything else. He stopped a taxi and gave the driver 500 yuan to rush back to Xiaowan village as fast as he could.

At the same time, Liu Ming also received a phone call from his girlfriend Xiong Miaomiao. It seems that Xiong Miaomiao is still crying in a low voice. He cried and said, "Liu Ming, I was bullied by Zhao Fugui, who was in junior high school!"

"What? Bullied? How did he bully you? Did he give you something? " Liu Ming was anxious and asked anxiously.

"Bah, where are you going! I met him today. He had the audacity to pursue me and was severely rejected by me. Later, he became angry and scolded me. Wu Wu, it's too bullying. Liu Ming, you must revenge me! " Xiong Miaomiao said in tears.

"What? This local toad wants to eat swan meat. Miao Miao, don't worry. I will avenge you next time I see him! Just now I saw Zhao Fugui come to buy seeds and farm. If you call me a few minutes earlier, I will avenge you! " Liu Ming said quickly.

Zhao Fugui doesn't know that Xiong Miaomiao arranges his affairs on the phone. He takes a taxi to Xiaowan village in a hurry. The taxi driver was paid a lot of money and drove very fast as soon as he left the city. The old driver's level was really very high. The taxi driver almost didn't slow down all the way, and took Zhao Fugui back to Xiaowan village in about 40 minutes.

"Fugui, you can come back. A lot of paraquat has been poured into the water tower, and the whole water tower has been polluted!" As soon as Zhao Fugui goes back, Chen Yihan and Liu Erjie anxiously take Zhao Fugui to the water tower. As soon as Zhao Fugui enters the control room of the water tower, he smells a strong pungent smell of pesticides.

"How many acres of polluted happy fruit are there? Are all the fruits polluted?" Zhao Fugui looks ugly and asks quickly.

Happy fruit is mainly free of pesticide and pollution. If the fruit wood is really sprayed with pesticide, even if part of the fruit can be rescued and supplied to the market, once it is detected that there are pesticide residues, it will definitely be a huge blow to the brand of happy fruit.

And first of all, Shenzhu club, the biggest customer of Xiaowan village, will tear up the contract. They will never import happy fruits that have been treated with pesticides. In that case, the loss of Xiaowan village will be great. It's a contract worth several hundred million.

"The first time in the morning when watering is not abnormal, at 4:30 in the afternoon, we need to replenish the water for the apple orchard. The apple is about to mature, and it is short of water. In recent weeks, the water will be supplied to the apple orchard every afternoon. When the water is supplied to the apple, the fruit farmers in the orchard find something unusual! " Chen Yihan said quickly.

"Contact a sprinkler to come over and take away all the polluted water from the water tank. Give director Chen a call and ask him to arrange several criminal policemen to come over secretly. I'll go to the apple orchard first! " Zhao Fugui looks ugly, turns around and runs to the apple orchard.

Xiaowan village has planted 50 mu of apples. The yield of one mu is about 10000 Jin. One mu is a loss of 2 million yuan, 10 mu is 20 million yuan, and 50 mu is a loss of 100 million yuan. If all the apple orchards are destroyed, the loss will be too great.

"Richness, here you are!" The apple orchard is in the middle of the orchard. More than a dozen villagers are waiting there in a panic. The pungent smell of pesticides permeates the apple orchard. Seeing Zhao Fugui appear, these villagers seem to have seen the Savior, and "Hula" all around them.

"How's it going?" Zhao Fugui's face was ugly and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know which one has poured paraquat into the water. You can see that the leaves of this seedling are beginning to turn yellow. Paraquat is very powerful and attacks fast. It's hard to fight. The apple trees in the field must not work. If you pick all the apples, you can still eat them after washing them! " A villager who knows a lot about pesticides said.

Zhao Fugui went into the field and looked at it carefully. It was true that some leaves of the apple tree had begun to turn yellow. Apple has not been affected, if picked immediately and washed clean, pesticide residues should not be too high. But happy fruit must not do this kind of thing.

If someone wants to use it, the sign of happy fruit will be smashed.

"Don't tell anyone about the apple orchard. If you pick these apples and take them to the garbage disposal plant for burial, you must not let them enter the market and harm the brand of happy fruit!" Zhao Fugui said with an ugly face.

"Fugui, this is the happy fruit of 50 mu. It's too much loss to deal with us like this!" Chen Yihan, who came in a hurry, said hesitantly.

"It's better to lose a little money now than smash the sign of happy fruit!" Zhao Fugui face ugly said, a hundred million money ah, Zhao Fugui have not seen so much money, such a loss he also pained incomparably, but do not deal with it in this way.Kaixin fruit is a new brand, which directly challenges the high-end fruit market. The top fruits imported from Japan and New Zealand are not competitors of Kaixin fruit at all. The agents of these high-end fruits don't know how many want to see Kaixin brand go bankrupt.

Zhao Fugui must not give these people a chance to attack happy fruit. If he is reluctant to give up this money today, he may lose more in the future. Zhao Fugui has to do so. He can't even dispose of these apples at a low price. He must destroy all these apples.

Fortunately, the apple orchard is in the middle of the orchard. The orchard is so big that the smell of pesticides hasn't been sent out yet. When it's late at night, spray the land with clean water again, and the smell should be gone in one night.

Zhao Fugui had a big accident here. Director Chen directly asked the criminal police captain to lead the team and drove an ordinary car to Xiaowan village. Zhao Fugui was waiting there with an ugly face.

"There is no monitoring in the water room. Look for any evidence you can find!" Zhao Fugui didn't expect that there would be an accident in the village. After all, Li laocai's spraying poison was a special case, so Zhao Fugui didn't install monitoring in the village. If monitoring is installed, we can immediately know who did it.

During the day, there are many villagers in the village. At night, there are wolf guards and patrols in Xiaowan village. Ordinary thieves dare not come here. Zhao Fugui thinks it is unnecessary to install monitoring. He would have installed monitoring if he knew this would happen.

"The pesticide content in the water tower is very high. The person who poisoned must have carried a lot of pesticides. We can start from this point and look for witnesses!" The criminal police captain said after checking the situation in the water room.

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