Super Monk

Chapter 399

The culprits may have brought their tools, and their cards are very good, just when the door of the water room is open and there is no one in the water room, which shows that they are very familiar with the environment of Xiaowan village, even the people of Xiaowan village.

Starting from one point, the captain of the criminal police began to arrange several criminal police to quietly search for witnesses. However, because this is a secret investigation, the criminal police are dressed in casual clothes and there are few people. The progress of the investigation is very slow.

Zhao Fugui didn't believe it was the villagers of Xiaowan village who did it, but after thinking about it carefully, Zhao Fugui thought of two suspects. One is Xiaolian's father-in-law, the former village head Ma Qianqian's family. However, Ma Qianqian is arrested and Ma Yong is missing. Ma Qianqian's wife is left in the family. She should not be able to do such a thing.

The other is Li laocai's family. Li laocai's family has a precedent of poisoning orchards. In addition to one of their three sons who went out to work, the other two sons, Li goudan and Li gousheng, are all at home. Their family has the conditions to commit the crime.

But now there is no evidence, and Zhao Fugui is not sure which company did it. In the evening, a few criminal police officers came back in vain. There were too many people in Xiaowan village, too few of them, and the progress of the investigation was too slow.

"Brother Zhao, don't worry. I'll send more people tomorrow. I'll find out what happened!" The criminal police captain assured.

The destruction of an orchard worth 100 million yuan is a rare major economic case. If it is investigated openly, it may be a big case that shocked the whole city. But now it can only be investigated secretly. Zhao Fugui doesn't want too many people to know about it.

"OK, you'll continue to investigate tomorrow!" Zhao Fugui's face was ugly and nodded. He lost 100 million yuan. Zhao Fugui was not in the mood to leave several criminal policemen for dinner.

Zhao Fugui strictly forbids villagers to discuss the destruction of the apple orchard. This matter must not be exposed, otherwise it will have a certain impact on happy fruit.

At night, the sprinkler was paid to come over, and two water towers were polluted by paraquat. All the water in the water tower, including the water that had entered the pipeline, was pumped out, and then the water was released, and it was washed three times before it stopped. That night, the sprinkler pulls the sewage away and discharges it into the sewer.

Tourists are not aware of such a big incident. Only a few senior managers in Xiaowan village know the details of the incident. Some of them know what happened, but they don't know what happened.

"During this period of time, we should be on guard against people damaging our Xiaowan village. If anyone is aware of any abnormality, please let me know!" In the evening, Zhao Fugui called over the staff of the mountain farm and the leader of the village patrol team and held a small meeting alone.

"Wealth, don't worry. We must be careful not to give bad people the chance to destroy our Xiaowan village!" Osmanthus sister-in-law said first.

"Yes, yes, don't worry about wealth. I'll send more people to patrol day and night these days, so as not to give the enemy a chance to take advantage of it!" Said the second patrol captain, who had been a soldier.

"These two days I will install the monitoring system in Xiaowan village, which will be troublesome for everyone!" Zhao Fugui said that after arranging these things, Zhao Fugui announced the end of the meeting and let everyone return to their jobs.

"Fugui, the villagers in charge of the apple orchard are still picking apples at night. It's estimated that it will take several days to pick apples in 50 mu of land!" Chen Yihan said anxiously.

"No, we can't wait too long. At night, we'll find some villagers with tight mouths to help us. We must pick all the apples before dawn. Before dawn I'll call a truck and pull all the apples out of the orchard. The longer the time is delayed, the more unfavorable it will be. If someone knows about it and asks for a reporter, this year's happy fruit will definitely be strongly blocked! " Zhao Fugui anxiously walked a few steps back and forth in the same place, thought and said.

"I'll go to some old relatives for help. They're all dutiful people. They won't say more. It's estimated that they can get 34!" Liu Erjie said, "however, wealth, so many apples are really so wasted?"

"I can't do it without spoiling it now!" With a sigh, Zhao Fugui said that dozens of villagers helped him in the evening. After the villagers had a rest, Zhao Fugui asked the ghost to come out to pick apples. Fifty mu of land should be able to pick apples in one night.

Contact truck, Zhao Fugui ready to find Zhang Youhu, Zhang Youhu's engineering team truck many, find him Zhao Fugui more at ease.

"Ah, Li laocai, a murderer, has been bullying us all the time. Now it's his son who has come to harm us. What a bully!" Liu said, wiping her tears. Liu Erjie's culture is not high, but she can also calculate. She knows how much Zhao Fugui has lost this time. Zhao Fugui squatted in the corner with a straight face to smoke. Everyone's expression was ugly.

"Mom, it's OK. We can definitely get through this camp. Isn't it just fifty acres of fruit? We still have more than 400 mu! " Zhao Fugui took a deep breath and comforted Liu Erjie with a smile.

Zhao Fugui gave everyone a boost, and everyone advised that the busy things, the busy things, the rest of the early rest.

That night, Zhao Fugui took a group of villagers to pick apples in the field for a long time. Looking at the red apples on his hands, the more he thought about them, the more angry he was. The loss this time was not clear.

Zhao Fugui angrily returns to the Farmhouse Inn and lies down on the bed. He tosses and turns and can't sleep. After thinking about it, Zhao Fugui releases two ghosts from the pagoda and lets them go to Ma Qianqian's house all the time. The other one goes to Li laocai's house to monitor the movements of the two families.There is only a 50-60-year-old woman left in Ma Qianqian's family. The old woman has nothing to do. She has gone to bed long ago. Xiaolian is also here. She sleeps soundly. Without Ma Qianqian and Ma Yong, Xiaolian's life is much better.

The ghost turns around Ma Qianqian's house, and then runs to Li laocai's house. Li laocai's house is now left with his two sons, Li goudan and Li gousheng. The other son doesn't want to participate in the family affairs and goes out to work.

Li goudan and Li gousheng have nothing special at home. Zhao Fugui looks around through the eyes of the ghost and finds nothing unusual. Just as he is about to leave, he suddenly sees Li goudan creeping up.

Zhao Fugui immediately controls the ghost to float past. Li goudan gets up from the bed and looks around stealthily. He suddenly opens the wardrobe, planes inside and takes out five stacks of thick RMB.

Zhao Fugui was surprised. Looking at it carefully, it is estimated that the money is about 100000 yuan. Li laocai is very mean. He is mean to himself and his sons. He hides all his money and his sons can't even see it. Li goudan can't have so much money at all.

Li goudan turned out the money, dipped his fingers in saliva, sat in front of the wardrobe and counted it happily. He counted all the 100000 yuan all the time. Then he looked at the money carefully, put the money carefully, and turned back to sleep.

After a while, Li gousheng also stealthily got up from the bed and came to the dresser. He also carefully counted the money. Then he glanced around, took out a few pieces of RMB from a few stacks and stuffed them into his socks. Then he put the money back and quietly went back to his room.

Zhao Fugui clearly looked at the actions of Li goudan and Li gousheng. There must be something wrong with the origin of the money. Li goudan and Li gousheng are very suspicious.

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