Super Monk

Chapter 413

"Brother, you also said you can't play basketball, you play basketball very well!" Anxin's face has been red until now. She chirps like a happy bird.

"Not that I played too well, but that they played too badly!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile, just took the opportunity to embrace Anxin slender waist hand, this time did not take away.

"Xinxin, handsome Zhao, my task as a light bulb has been successfully completed today. You go on a date, and I'll be wise enough to run away! " Coming out of the gymnasium, Tu Tu waved to them and ran to the dormitory building. As soon as Tu Tu left, there were Zhao Fugui and an Xin left. On the contrary, an Xin was a little embarrassed.

"Brother, what are they doing in front of your car?" Anxin is a little embarrassed. She walks with Zhao Fugui towards the parking direction. After a few steps, Anxin looks up and sees that there are 20 people in front of Zhao Fugui's SUV. Many people are taking photos with Zhao Fugui's car with their cameras.

Zhao Fugui also saw this scene, some proud to think, it seems that there are still discerning people in Chengdu University, ah, recognize me, this is ten million level luxury car.

"Damn it, isn't it Knight XV? I've read a post about this kind of car on the Internet. It costs at least 10 million yuan. Whose car is this? It's so awesome Following Zhao Fugui, the people who came out of the gymnasium saw the knight XV not far away. Some people who knew the goods rubbed their eyes and immediately exclaimed.

"What is knight XV? How come I haven't heard of more than 10 million cars? I knew Bugatti Veron was more than 10 million! " Someone asked strangely.

"This is the Bugatti Veyron in the off-road vehicle. It's more powerful than Bugatti Veyron. There are 100 limited edition vehicles in the world. You can sweep it with a machine gun!" The first boy with acne on his face said, "Knight 15, we don't have ten cars in China. When did Chengdu have them? Why haven't we heard of them?"

"It's estimated that this car was driven by either a big yamen or a super rich second generation. Drive this car, those school flowers of our school are estimated to pull them one by one, the car earthquake is dry Another student said enviously.

"Brother, your car is more than 10 million?" Anxin asked in an unbelievable low voice.

"No, it's imitated. Actually, it's only a few hundred thousand!" Afraid of frightening Anxin, Zhao Fugui said casually, "go, I'll take you for a ride!"

Zhao Fugui clicks to unlock it. Knight 15 rings fiercely. The people who are taking pictures with this super off-road vehicle are startled. They step aside one after another and watch Zhao Fugui and Anxin get on the car.

"Boom!" Knight 15's engine gave a huge roar, like the roar of a huge beast. Then the car fell back and rushed out of Chengdu University.

"Damn, this is Anxin's boyfriend's car. Anxin's eyes on finding a boyfriend are bursting at the flowers of our school. The rich second-generation boyfriend Li Siyi, who is one of the top three school girls, drives only a Ferrari of more than three million yuan! "

"Ge Chao is really not wronged for losing. It's up to him to be hundreds of blocks away from others. He thinks that if he plays basketball better, he will be more powerful. This is the real strength of others. Ge Chao doesn't pee and takes care of himself! "

"That's right, that's right. People are more angry than people. I think he will dare to show off and brag everywhere in the future

Ge Chao listened to the comments around him. His face was hot. It was not only painful, but also humiliating. Could he drive the 15th knight? Could he? Thanks to him, he dare to speak up and satirize others. I didn't expect that he was a fake bull, but he was a real bull.

"Xinxin, where do you want to play?" Zhao Fugui drives his car out of Rongcheng University and asks Anxin.

"Brother, car computer and TV, luxury leather sofa, and a car refrigerator in the back. How can you buy such a good car for hundreds of thousands of people? Is your car a real knight XV?" Anxin looked at the situation in the car, and said something sullen. She doesn't seem to want Zhao Fugui to be too rich.

"Why? Xinxin, do you know how to drive Zhao Fugui said in surprise.

"Understand, my brother likes cars!" Anxin nodded and asked, "what do you do, brother? You have such a good car. Why did you take the bus last time? "

"Have you ever heard of Xiaowan village? No, What about happy fruit? I'm the boss of happy fruit. I've made a small tourist area! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Are you the one who grows happy fruit? My mother likes eating very much, but there are too few in the market to buy it! " Anxin suddenly widened her eyes and said in surprise.

"When you come home in the summer vacation, I will send you happy fruit every week to keep enough for your mother!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile, "let's go to the riverside. The environment there is OK after the transformation in recent years!"

Zhao Fugui abducted a sophomore beauty from Chengdu University and drove to Chunjiang with an Meimei. Anxin opens the car window and lies on the door. The wind rolls up her long hair and brings a faint fragrance to the car. It seems to be Anxin's body fragrance.

On the other side of the beach is a two kilometer long Riverside Garden. Bursts of river wind keep blowing, and the temperature under the shade of trees is very cool. Zhao Fugui parked his car under a big banyan tree on the roadside of the riverside park. The lush crown of the banyan tree blocked the sun, making Zhao Fugui feel very fresh.Anxin chin looking at the distance, Zhao Fugui looking at Anxin delicate side face slightly lost in thought. After a while, Anxin's white face became more and more red. She was more and more embarrassed by Zhao Fugui's aggressive eyes.

"Brother, what are you looking at? Do I have flowers on my face? " Anxin is embarrassed to drop her eyes and asks in a low voice.

"No, you are a flower!" Seeing Anxin's shy expression, Zhao Fugui can't help teasing her.

Just at this time, a Lamborghini suddenly roared and sped by, but it rushed out for more than 100 meters, then the Lamborghini suddenly fell back, and the excited scream of the car could be heard from a distance.

"Wow, Knight 15, an an, a living Knight 15. Last time I saw him in Hong Kong Province, I didn't have time to look carefully. When did we have Knight 15 in Chengdu? " Lamborghini a harsh brake and knight XV side by side stop, the two girls in the car looked at the luxury SUV with an amazing face.

"Oh, it's brother Zhao! Brother Zhao, I'm not busy today. Do you have time to pick up girls Lin an an's small face stretches out from the copilot of Lamborghini, sees Zhao Fugui and an Xin's eyes suddenly brighten, and says in surprise.

After listening to this voice, Anxin's face is more red, and Zhao Fugui's eyelids are jumping. He has a headache. It's not good to meet them.

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