Super Monk

Chapter 414

"Beibei, ANN, what a coincidence!" Zhao Fugui had no choice but to say hello to two beautiful girls. Anxin pursed a smile and nodded to the two girls.

"It's a coincidence that you came out for a ride, brother Zhao?" Yan Beibei did not dare to continue to let Lin an say those cool words, quickly cut in.

"There's nothing to do today, just pick up the car, and come out to have a look by the way!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Brother, did you really buy this car? Can you drive it for me! Brother, please Yan Beibei eyes a bright, coquettish to Zhao Fugui said.

Anxin looks at Zhao Fugui's eyes suddenly become strange, and Zhao Fugui's forehead suddenly perspires. He thinks that when people talk about 20 or 30 girlfriends at the same time, they can cope with it, but I haven't talked about this one, so why can't I cope with it.

"Beibei likes cars very much!" Zhao Fugui quickly explained to an Xin, and then said to Yan Beibei helplessly, "OK, you can drive it. After driving, please change it to me. We have something to do later!"

Zhao Fugui pushes open the door and gets out of the car. Before Anxin can get out of the car, Yan Beibei cheers and jumps into the car. "Boom" says that Beibei steps on the gas pedal in the gap. The huge roar makes Anxin jump. She can't help getting out of the car and fastens her seat belt.

"Oh yeah, go!" Yan Beibei heard the huge roar of the engine, and the whole person was excited. Knight XV rushed out immediately under her control, and the speed was raised in the blink of an eye. Zhao Fugui watched the knight pass away, but he had to sit in Lamborghini.

"Brother, was the beauty in the car your second wife?" Lin an turns his head and looks around. He suddenly lowers his voice and asks Zhao Fugui in a low voice.

"Cough!" Zhao Fugui heard this fierce cough, cough for a long time before helplessly said, "what do you think in your head every day?"? I don't even have a formal girlfriend. Where can I get a mistress? "

"Isn't sister Chen your official girlfriend? Sister Chen is a formal girlfriend. The beauty just now is a second wife. Beibei will be your third child and I'll be your fourth child, OK? Brother Zhao Lin An's fingers stood upright one by one.

Zhao Fugui thought, it's really hard for people to refuse your proposal, but it's too difficult to realize it. Zhao Fugui felt that it was really difficult to communicate with Lin an, a middle-school girl. He just shut up and stopped talking to Lin an.

At this time, a huge roar came, and a sudden brake sounded. Knight XV stopped next to Lamborghini again. Yanbeibei's face turned red with excitement and jumped down from Knight XV.

"It's very exciting. The engine is very powerful. It's just that the car is too big. I hate it. I have to cushion my feet when I step on the accelerator. It's uncomfortable to drive!" Yan Beibei said.

"You'd better drive your Lamborghini!" Zhao Fugui was eager to say that Beibei didn't like driving his knight 15, so he got out of the car and went back to his car. "Well, if you have something to do, let's go!"

"Brother, Beibei, they are going to explore the haunted house. Let's go too! I haven't seen ghosts since I was so old. If only I could meet them. I don't know what kind of life they are and whether they have DNA. If there are ghosts, studying their DNA will help us understand the world better! " Anxin said with her eyes shining.

"Where is this?" Zhao Fugui thought to himself, don't cheat me if I'm young in school. Do ghosts have DNA? Learning to dominate the world is really hard to understand, and I don't think I know the world better when I go to hell every day. Zhao Fugui had no choice but to say, "if you want to go, let's go and have a look."

Zhao Fugui knows that girls like to find stimulation. Some girls are very timid, but they like to play games like Bixian and Diexian in the dormitory. They are scared to death, but they are happy with it.

When Zhao Fugui was in high school, some girls' dormitories were found out to play with this. He was severely warned by the school, but he couldn't stop it. On the contrary, the boys hardly play with these boring things. Zhao Fugui only thinks that Anxin is looking for something adventurous to play with. He doesn't believe that ghosts can extract DNA.

"Come on, let's go to the most famous ghost village in Chengdu. Some of my friends have already passed first!" Accompanied by Zhao Fugui, Yan Beibei and Lin an are happy when they settle down. Originally they were a little afraid, but now they are not afraid at all. "We lead the way ahead!"

Lamborghini roared out like an arrow, Zhao Fugui stepped on the accelerator to the end, Knight XV roared to follow up, and two luxury cars sped out to Chengdu.

"Brother, is there any ghost village in Chengdu? I've been in Chengdu for nearly two years and haven't heard of it! " Anxin clung to the handrail of the roof and asked curiously.

"It's not a ghost village, it's just that there are few people living in that village! More than ten years ago, a chemical plant was built on the west side of Chengdu City. Later, the environmental pollution was severe. Many people in the village got cancer, and children always had accidents. After a few years, the municipal government closed down the chemical plant, but the village was no longer livable. Except for a small part of the villagers, most of them were resettled by the municipal government to other places! "

"That's a deserted village. I saw a deserted village apartment some time ago. It's very interesting!" Anxin said excitedly.Lamborghini led the way, Knight XV followed, and the two cars soon left the city. The ghost village of Chengdu is in the west of the city, which is opposite to Xiaowan village. Xiaowan village is in the east of Chengdu. The distance between the two villages is tens of kilometers.

Zhao Fugui has never been to a deserted village. He just heard from the older generation. It is said that the village has been uninhabited for more than ten years. No one wants the surrounding land, because the pollution is so severe that it's impossible to build factories or residential buildings, so the area is very desolate. Basically, there are no people around the village for several kilometers after night. It's really a good place to take risks.

More than ten minutes after leaving the city, Lamborghini turned a fork in the road, and the road became worse and worse. The chassis of Lamborghini was too low, and soon it would not work, but Knight XV was not affected at all.

"No, the chassis is rotten if you drive on. Brother Zhao, let's go in your car. It's estimated that we'll be three or four kilometers away! " Yanbeibei reluctantly Park Lamborghini on a flat ground and get on Zhao Fugui's car with Lin'an.

Zhao Fugui frowned and looked around. It's desolate here. It's more desolate in ghost village. I don't know why these rich second generation always like to go to this place.

"Here they are. There's their car!" After walking for a while, a village loomed in front of him. Yanbeibei suddenly pointed to the front and said. Zhao Fugui looked in the direction she pointed out. There was a jeep and a BMW SUV. It seemed that Yan Beibei's friends had expected the road conditions here.

"Why is there no one?" Lin an got out of the car to have a look and said nervously. Here is a dead silence, Anxin also nervously grasped Zhao Fugui's hand.

"Blood?" Zhao Fugui carefully looked around the car, suddenly saw a small piece of blood beside the car.

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