Super Monk

Chapter 417

"How could there be a knock at the door? Honghong, Qingqing, have you made an appointment with other friends? " Yan Beibei asked in a trembling voice. By this time, it was completely dark, and the only thing left in the deserted village was the courtyard where there were voices. As soon as they were quiet, it seemed that the whole village was dead.

"No, no, we're all here!" Red red nervous said, some shy beiqingqing also constantly nodded, indicating that red red said is true, they really did not ask another friend.

"Then, who is knocking at the door?" Lin An's small face is pale. She was sitting next to Zhao Fugui, and now she's all in Zhao Fugui's arms. An Xin also leans on Zhao Fugui and grabs Zhao Fugui's clothes. Zhao Fugui was about to stand up and go out to have a look, but someone took the lead.

"Well, maybe they are also explorers in the barren village. When they hear that we are busy, they want to come and have a look. If there's anything to be afraid of, I'll open the door!" Zhang Qing stood up with disdain on her face and strode to the gate of the hospital. However, listening to the sound of people knocking on the door, Zhang Qing walked more and more slowly.

When he came to the back of the gate, Zhang Qing was scared, nervous and sweating. He just wanted to be bold in front of the girls. Listening to the strange knock on the door, Zhang Qing was afraid. Can't be afraid, can't be afraid, can't let Zhao Fugui this black big than go on, Zhang Qing mouth recite, fiercely opened the door.

"Ah At the moment of opening the gate, Zhang Qing screams in horror and escapes back, hiding behind his girlfriend Li Nannan in horror.

"Go home, go home, go home!" At the gate of the yard stood an old man who was as thin as firewood. The old man seemed to be blind, with only white eyes and no pupils. What was more terrifying was that the old man was wearing a shroud worn by a dead man. Seeing the old man, several girls immediately felt a chill coming out of them.

"There's a ghost, there's a ghost, there's a ghost!" Zhang Qing screamed in horror, shivering behind Li Nannan like a quail.

Zhang Qing and Liu Fei can't give the girls any sense of security. Several girls move to Zhao Fugui and hide behind him.

"Nothing, don't be afraid, he's not a ghost!" Zhao Fugui told several girls that he opened his eyes. He didn't see any ghost in the old man. Instead, he saw the old man's Yang. The old man may soon die, but he is still alive.

"Go home, go home, go home!" The old man in the shroud murmured, then slowly turned around, leaning on crutches, and soon disappeared into the dark. Zhao Fugui strode over, looked out, and then closed the wooden door which was about to collapse.

"Brother, is the old man alive? Then why is he wearing a shroud? " Anxin holds Zhao Fugui's clothes tightly and asks with lingering fear.

"It must be living people, maybe people who have no family and are still in the village. Wearing a shroud is also a fear of no one to restrain the corpse after death Zhao Fugui said.

"What a pity. When I get back, I'll write to the city government and report the situation to them." Anxin said with a sigh. The hot pot in the courtyard was boiling and smelling. But everyone was picking and choosing in the hot pot with chopsticks, but few people had an appetite to eat, except Zhao Fugui.

"It's hard for these old people to live alone here. The government should know the situation. Maybe Youyi trade union will come here regularly. When we leave, we'll leave some food for the old people!" Zhao Fugui comforted an Xin and said, "Qingqing, your craftsmanship is really good. It's no worse than the chef in Xiaowan village!"

Bei Qingqing grinned shyly and said that Beibei was interested. She said with pride, "of course, my cousin is the little granddaughter of belinge, one of the three chefs in China. Of course, I don't know how to do it!"

"Bellinger?" Zhao Fugui is at a loss. He has never heard of this name, and Zhao Fugui, the three chefs of China, does not know that he still has this title.

"Haven't you heard of Shangjing Kitchen God competition? It's a famous place for chefs and hotels and restaurants. It's held only once every four years. Thirty six hotels or individual chefs are invited to attend. Those who can reach the finals are either famous chefs in China, or young chefs who can become famous all over the country in the future. The restaurants and hotels behind chefs can also become famous all over the world. Belinger is the first in the first Shangjing Kitchen God competition. He is recognized as one of the kitchen gods. Have you ever heard of him Yan Beibei said in surprise.

"I don't pay much attention to this aspect. I guess I haven't heard of it before!" Zhao Fugui was a little embarrassed and then said curiously, "when was the latest Kitchen God competition held?"

"Four years ago, there was a kitchen god competition this year, and it will start soon!" Yan Beibei said.

Zhao Fugui thought that four years ago, he was still moving bricks at the construction site, and even women didn't pay attention to it. What's more, this is the Shangjing Kitchen God competition that he couldn't fight with.

"Qingqing's cooking is really good!" Zhao Fugui was sweating and said to Bei Qingqing. Zhao Fugui ate and drank with indifference, but the others couldn't. They didn't have much appetite, and soon the yard was quiet.

"Otherwise, let's go home. It's strange. Just now the old man said to go home. Do you want us to go home quickly?" After a while, Hong Hong whispered.The idea of exploring the barren village is Honghong. Now the first one to retreat is Honghong, but no one laughs at her now.

"Well, I also think it's better to leave here. Let's go back to the city and find a place to sing." Yan Beibei also said.

"If you don't want to stay here, go away and put your things away. The fire is out!" Zhao Fugui wiped his mouth and said.

When Zhao Fugui said this, everyone moved, and the things in the courtyard were quickly cleaned up. Then they flashed flashlights, took everything they could, and quickly walked out of the village. Zhao Fugui leads the way. Lin an is like a koala hanging behind Zhao Fugui. Others follow him closely. No one dares to live in the courtyard. In this deserted village, only Zhao Fugui can give you some sense of security.

There is no voice in the dead village. It doesn't look like a place where there are living people. There is no water or electricity in this place. No one knows how the old man in the shroud survived, but no one wants to think deeply. It seems that no one has noticed this abnormality.

Zhao Fugui took the crowd to the entrance of the village, but his face sank immediately.

"Car, why are all our tires punctured?" Liu Fei quickly ran to the jeep and BMW SUV, but the eight tires of the two cars were all damaged. Liu Fei exclaimed in horror, "how can we get out of here without a car?"

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