Super Monk

Chapter 418

"How could that be? How could that be? Who destroyed our car? " Zhang Qing also ran over in a hurry, watching the car scream in horror. All the people except Zhao Fugui were flustered.

"What to do, what to do? There's no signal on the cell phone, we can't get out! " The two girls began to cry in a low voice, and the atmosphere of fear was spreading. Although the real danger had not yet appeared, they were about to scare themselves.

"Don't panic, get in my car!" Zhao Fugui looks dignified, but without a trace of panic, he does not believe that he can resist the machine gun fire of Knight XV, and that someone can easily destroy it. Zhao Fugui took the crowd to his parking place. Sure enough, there were several shallow scratches on the tire of Knight XV, but they were not enough to damage the tire. "Get in the car!"

Two boys, Tao Qing and Liu Fei, were all driven into the trunk by Zhao Fugui, and asked them to hide in the trunk. Anxin sits in the co pilot, and Lin Anxin, the youngest, sits on Anxin's lap. Yan Beibei and her five girls are all crowded in the back seat.

Fortunately, although Zhao Fugui bought the knight XV, which has four seats, the body capacity is large enough, and a few girls in the back seat can barely squeeze.

"Boom!" The roar of Knight XV's powerful engine broke the silence of the barren village. The headlight of Knight XV was like a giant beast with open eyes, shooting two dazzling lights. Zhao Fugui drove his car and rushed to the outside of the village.

"It's all right. I'll be home in a minute." The car moves, Zhao Fugui comforts a few girls. The moving Knight XV brought enough security to the girls, and the fear on the girls' faces finally dissipated.

"Fortunately, brother Zhao is here!" Ren Honghong reluctantly smiles and says to Zhao Fugui.

"Yes, if brother Zhao wasn't here, I don't know what would happen. Next time, don't suggest exploring a deserted village!" Yan Beibei also said.

As soon as Ren Honghong and Yan Beibei opened their mouths, the atmosphere in the car eased a lot. A few girls slowly regained their liveliness and began to chatter and discuss. Some of them called the police and asked the police uncle to see what the bad guys were here. Others said they would let their brother or father come to drive tomorrow morning, but they did not dare to come back.

Only Anxin's nervous expression has not been eased. She carefully looks out of the window for a while and whispers to Zhao Fugui, "brother, have you found out?"

"Yes Zhao Fugui nodded slightly. He had already found out that knight XV had been circling around the periphery of the deserted village, and he could not get away from this strange village. Now Zhao Fugui was sure that something was definitely causing trouble.

Zhao Fugui motioned Anxin not to be nervous. General ghost Zhao Fugui was really not afraid. Even ordinary fierce ghost Zhao Fugui was sure of the first World War. As long as he didn't meet the kind of thing behind the big green mountain, other Zhao Fugui was really not afraid.

Quietly activate the mind of the pagoda, pagoda quietly appeared on the top of Knight 15. Zhao Fugui runs Daoli, and Daoli enters the pagoda, which immediately emits a golden light.

The golden light shines in front of the road, and the foggy road becomes clear instantly. However, before walking out for tens of meters, the road becomes foggy and unreal again. As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he showed a little dignified. He turned Daoli again, and the pagoda shot several golden lights. However, Knight XV still failed to break out of the desert village.

"What's the matter, brother? You're sweating Knight 15 has plenty of air conditioning, but Anxin is keen to find that Zhao Fugui is sweating. She quickly takes out a tissue to wipe the sweat on Zhao Fugui's forehead and asks in a low voice.

"It's OK. We can't get out before dawn." Zhao Fugui said solemnly that he was sweating because of the heavy burden of Daoli. Although Zhao Fugui's cultivation of Daoli is good now, he needs a lot of Daoli to run the pagoda. Now he is almost to the limit of Zhao Fugui.

But in this kind of environment, Zhao Fugui must keep part of his strength to cope with the possible danger. He can't use up all his strength.

"What's the matter, brother? Where are we?" Yan Beibei and they soon found out that it was wrong. After walking for such a long time at the speed of Knight XV, the car should have left the deserted village long ago. But as soon as they looked back, the strange village was behind. It's like this weird village is following them all the time.

"I don't know the way. It's too dark. There's no reference outside. I think I'm lost. Let's go back to the village and wait until dawn!" Zhao Fugui said.

Several girls face again nervous, they even want to go now can't go away, two of the least daring girls once again afraid of crying in a low voice.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. With brother Zhao, we are not afraid of bad people. Did you forget what I told you last time? There are a lot of people in Hong Kong province who want to hurt me. Brother Zhao beat them all away as soon as he made a move. Brother Zhao is very powerful. He must be OK! " Yan Beibei comforts her little partner in a low voice.

"Beibei is right. With me, I will protect you!" Zhao Fugui drove Knight XV directly into the village and stopped outside the small courtyard where they were staying. "We'll spend the night here. We can't stay in the car all night. Let's go to the yard."It's too hot now. If Knight XV doesn't turn on the air conditioner, the temperature will soon be too high to suffocate people. But if he turns on the air conditioner and the car doesn't move all the time, if he stays in the car for a long time, he is very likely to have tail gas poisoning, so it's impossible to stay in the car for a long time in summer.

A few girls face with fear and Zhao Fugui together into the yard, Tao Qing and Liu Fei the same face of fear. Zhao Fugui reluctantly found something to pounce on in the room, let several girls sit down, boys huddle together, the light of portable flashlight is the only thing that makes them feel at ease.

"It's over ten o'clock in the evening. Let's go to sleep. I'll watch the night!" Zhao Fugui closed the front and back yard doors. These doors are in disrepair for a long time, but they can bring some comfort. No one wants to sleep until midnight when he suddenly finds an old man in a shroud looking down at him.

Several girls cuddle up to each other. Lin An'an has to hide in Zhao Fugui's arms. An Xin can only rely on Zhao Fugui's shoulder. Zhao Fugui quietly releases two ghosts to guard around to prevent the sudden appearance of dirty things.

At the beginning, no one could sleep, but with the passage of time, the frightened girls could not bear it and began to fall asleep. Soon after, there was a sound of even breathing in the room, leaving only Zhao Fugui awake.

After a while, even Zhao Fugui was sleepy. He seemed to hear strange sounds from the back of the yard.

Zhao Fugui immediately recovers his spirit. When he opens his eyes, he sees that Anxin also opens her eyes nervously. When he finds that Zhao Fugui wakes up, Anxin quietly points to the backyard, indicating that she also hears the sound.

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