Super Monk

Chapter 4225

The shrill scream was very loud. It was like a shrill wail coming from the hell on the 18th floor. After the shrill scream, there was another "squeak" in the ancestral hall, which was like the sound of sharp nails rubbing against metal.

The voice sounded numbing and heartbreaking. People didn't want to listen to it again. The maids of Wang Sijun's family suddenly looked frightened when they heard it. However, they didn't turn around and run away. It was obviously not the first time that they heard it.

"What's that sound?" Zhao Fugui frowned and asked. Naturally, he would not be frightened by one or two shrill cries, but he didn't understand what Wang Sijun showed him.

"This is the voice of our ancestors. Let's go in!" Wang Sijun did not change his face, and walked directly into the ancestral hall.

Zhao Fugui saw Wang Sijun enter the ancestral hall, and he followed him. In the ancestral hall, there are many memorial tablets. In the center of these tablets, there is a huge bronze coffin, which is wrapped with three chains, and there is a seal on the coffin.

"The sage has become a monster?" Zhao Fugui looked into the copper coffin, but the copper coffin was quite magical. Even if Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, he could not see what was in the copper coffin.

"The ancestors have no plans. They can even pry into the secrets of those on the other side. I don't know whether they offended the power on the other side or disobeyed the way of heaven. After death, they can't turn into what we call a monster of the way of heaven!" Wang Sijun look dignified said, "and the successive royal blood, if the body does not burn after death, it will become a monster!"

"Fortunately, these monsters are not heaven monsters, and can be burned by the fire. But the heaven monsters that our ancestors turned into can only be suppressed by Jiuyou soul coffin and hell soul lock hook, and can't be eliminated by other ways!"

"It claims to be a monster of heaven?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Yes, it really claims to be a monster, but it has the memory of its ancestors. It's extremely cunning. If it hadn't been given strict instructions before the ancestors died, it might have escaped!"

Wang Sijun looked dignified and nodded.

Zhao Fugui has never heard of any monster or avenue of heaven. Even those on the other side may not be able to say it clearly, let alone others. I'm afraid only those who can say it clearly are really detached. Maybe God Luo can say it clearly, but God Luo is no longer in this world.

As for the other point, it should be only Beiluo, but Beiluo's personification of the way of heaven, unless there is a crisis of destroying the way of heaven, he can't easily do it, and naturally he can't tell Li Mu what the way of heaven is.

As for the monsters of the way of heaven, it's even more unclear. Maybe it's because the number saints know too much. Those big people on the other side don't want him to die easily and make him restless after death.

"You came to see the monster of heaven? I haven't heard of any heavenly monster before, and I'm not sure I can solve it! " Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

Zhao Fugui has no absolute assurance that this strange monster can be eliminated. If it is released, no one can guarantee what will happen.

"Mr. Zhao, I didn't invite you to release this monster of heaven to destroy it!" Wang Sijun shook his head and said, "now this monster of heaven has been passed on from generation to generation. It has become the curse of our Wang family's blood. I don't want to let the Wang family go on from generation to generation. Every lineal blood will become a monster after death, and finally it will end up dead!"

"I want to ask for a chance to cut off this curse!"

Wang Sijun's face suddenly shows a crazy look, which is extremely ferocious and crazy. It makes people shudder. It seems that the torture of Wang's blood is about to make him crazy.

It's very easy to be crazy if you can hear the scream of the heavenly monster in this ancestral hall every night. The Wang family has been listening to this scream for generations, so it's hard to avoid madness.

"You want me to help you?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Yes, I know you've seen Ananda, the evil Buddha, and Ananda's breaking the sword. One of the knives is caused by cause and effect. I will die in three days. I've made arrangements. In three days, I hope you can come to the ancestral hall and cut me by cause and effect. The end of the robbery has come. My family has been tortured for so many years, so I should contribute to the end of the robbery."

Wang Sijun said ferociously on his face.

Wang Sijun said that when the end of the robbery came, his voice could not help but reduce a lot. It seemed that if the voice was a little louder, it would bring danger immediately.

Sure enough, these ghosts and gods hidden in the long river of time can see far away. They have already seen the end of the robbery. But in fact, it is not long for them to see the end of the robbery from now on.

"Now that the big names have started to fall, how can my Wang family fall behind? Since those big names are not willing to jump out of the court directly, my Wang family will push them from behind!"

Wang Sijun said ferociously.

"What you do may have to bear great cause and effect. Although I have some friendship with Shusheng, this friendship is not enough for me to help you do it!"Zhao Fugui pondered for a while and said.

Wang Sijun is obviously crazy. What such a madman does is just to seek survival from death. He wants to be crazy at the end of his life. If he is not mad, he will not become a Buddha. But the result is hard to say.

The Wang family has a festival with those on the other side. Zhao Fugui's rash participation in the alliance may not be a good thing or a good thing. Although he has a close relationship with Shusheng, he doesn't really have much friendship. Wang Sijun wants him to do it, which is not so easy.

"Mr. Zhao, if I ask you to help, I won't get nothing for it. I can tell Mr. Zhao a secret!" Wang Sicong grinned and showed his white teeth. He looked like a monster who wanted to choose people.

"What's the secret?" Zhao Fugui asked with a frown.

"The secret of the world, don't you wonder where you are now? Does this place have anything to do with where you come from? As long as you are willing to help me, I can tell you all these secrets. What do you think? Is that enough? "

Wang Sijun said with a smile.

"Well, you tell me where this is, and I'll cut you in three days!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice with a flash in his eyes.

This world is obviously not that Zhao Fugui understands the ancient times in history, but it is clearly the mainstream of time. So what's the secret behind this?

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