Super Monk

Chapter 4226

"Well, Mr. Zhao is not an ordinary person. I'll see you in three days, and I'll tell Mr. Zhao everything then."

Wang Sijun nodded, and then sat in the ancestral hall like a sculpture. The sound of fingernails rubbing against the copper coffin kept echoing behind him, but Wang Sijun didn't seem to hear it at all.

Wang Sijun wants to make a final fight. What he wants to do is to prepare to break the situation. This may disturb the layout of many big figures, and the consequences are not serious. However, Wang Sijun knows a lot of things, which may not be known by Zhao Fugui from other places, even if he can, it may not be known soon.

It's hard to say whether it's a good deal or not, but whether it's a good deal or not, it has to be done and must be done.

Seeing that Wang Sijun was not ready to say any more, Zhao Fugui turned around and walked to the wing room under the guidance of a maid.

"Mr. Zhao, you can stay here for two days." "What can I do for you?" said the maid

Zhao Fugui nodded. The maid was about to leave, but at this moment, a gray haired old man came in with a food box.

"Uncle Wang, what are you doing here?" Asked the maid strangely.

"The master ordered me to deliver the supper to Mr. Zhao!" Wang Bo a smile show a leak of yellow teeth said, maid also didn't think much, nodded and went out.

"Mr. Zhao, please take your time!" Uncle Wang opened the food box, but there was a beating heart and hands and feet in the box. It looked shocking. The things in the food box also made Uncle Wang's face very gloomy.

"What does that mean?" Zhao Fugui asked with a strange look on his face. If this little scene can frighten him, he will really be a fool for such a long time.

"Don't mind your own business and leave the Wang family as soon as possible!"

Wang Bo grew up and said with a ferocious expression on his wrinkled face. After that, his figure began to become illusory, as if he wanted to get out of this space directly. Did he want to spread a message across the air?

Zhao Fugui's face is expressionless. He slowly raises his hand and grabs Uncle Wang. As soon as Zhao Fugui reaches out his hand, the wind around him stops immediately. Then Uncle Wang shows an unbelievable expression and is directly captured by Li Mu from the void.

"How could it be?"

When Wang Burton opened his eyes, he looked at Zhao Fugui incredulously. He couldn't understand how he was caught out of the void by Zhao Fugui.

"Let me go, I'm a Yin God. Don't you dare to catch me and go to hell?" Wang Bo was stunned, then reacted and began to struggle madly.

"The next 18 levels of hell? I'm afraid that hell will not accept me! " Zhao Fugui said with a sneer, at this time, a fierce wind rolled up, and then two ferocious shadows jumped out of the wind.

The two shadows, one with a cow's head and the other with a horse's face, are the hell's Yin God.

"Zhao Luo, your life is over. Come with us!" The ox head horse face vehemently drinks a, then fiercely throws out the iron chain, directly to Zhao Fugui's body winding over.

"You two pawns dare to arrest me?" Zhao Fugui gave a sneer, waved his sleeve robe directly, and the bull's head and horse's face suddenly screamed, turned into black smoke and disappeared.

"How could that be?" Uncle Wang widened his eyes and watched in horror as the ox head and horse face disappeared. In front of him, who was Zhao Luo? Even the ox head and horse face was beaten to ashes.

These guys are in a group. Seeing Uncle Wang's expression, Zhao Fugui understood it. It seems that Uncle Wang may be a little Yin God, but it doesn't matter.

I'm afraid there are few in the hell. Now they are Zhao Fugui's opponents. The only one who makes Zhao Fugui more scrupulous is the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. As for the ten halls of hell, they are not Zhao Fugui's opponents now.

"Zhao Luo, how dare you kill the hell god, damn it!"

A stream of black smoke came out, and a judge like shadow appeared. The shadow was full of dignity. He had a judge's pen in his hand, and his breath was full of great power, which was far from comparable.

"Judge Cui, help me, help me As soon as Wang Bo saw judge Cui, he cried out with excitement.

But at this time, Wang Bo's eyes widened. He saw a huge handprint appear in the air. The handprint quickly became bigger, and he directly grabbed judge Cui. Judge Cui's whole body was full of Yin Qi, but he couldn't resist the giant hand, and was directly grasped by the giant hand.

"Here, here?" Wang Bo's face was at a loss. He didn't know what the situation was.

Even judge Cui couldn't even struggle for a moment, so he was caught. Who is Zhao Luo? He has such strength.

"The ox's head and horse's face are gone, and the judge is also caught. Do you think that there will be ten halls of Yama to catch me in person next?" Zhao Fugui smiles and looks at Wang Bo and judge Cui and asks.

"No, I don't know. Please forgive me. I don't know anything." Wang Bo's face was frightened, and he quickly responded and began to beg for mercy."No one is going to save you now. You two have not come to the rescue. Who sent you?" Zhao Fugui's face was cold and asked coldly.

"I, we are the ghosts and gods of the underworld. Sent by the ten halls of hell, we have come to warn you not to meddle in your business!" Wang Bo said with a frightened face.

"Ten halls of hell? Why does ten hall Yama take charge of the affairs of the Wang family, and there are ten hall Yama in the world? " Zhao Fugui asked with a frown.

In this world, not every small world has the projection of the underworld. Although most of the worlds have legends of the heaven and the underworld, they do not really exist. Only the main world and some special worlds have the projection of the heaven and the underworld.

Wang Bo was about to speak, but at this time, he suddenly screamed and disappeared. At the same time, he was caught by Zhao Fugui. Judge Cui's figure began to fade quickly and disappeared in a flash.

Zhao Fugui frowned and his face sank. When he came here to look for things, he said he would leave. It's a little too hard to take him seriously.

Even if people go, but cause and effect can not disappear, want to take things as nothing happened, also look down on him.

As soon as Zhao Fugui's eyes congealed, his eyes went through the void and traced the line of cause and effect. Then he reached out and flicked it gently. Suddenly, there was a bright and incomparable thunder knife light cutting directly out.

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