Super Monk

Chapter 4264

This is the exterminated Buddha, the demon of the Buddha, the demon of the Buddha born from the spirit mountain, and only after swallowing the remains of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Ten Thousand Buddhas array, the strength of this monster has reached the peak of legendary nature, which is terrible.

After all, what it engulfs is the decaying of Ten Thousand Buddhas, not the living Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. No wonder it is said that the unification of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the day when the Buddhas are destroyed, and it is also the time when the Buddhas and Demons become Taoists.

The Buddha in mid air is pure and natural, so people can't tell whether it is a real Buddha or a fake Buddha. In other words, the monster itself is also a Buddha, a Buddha with another purpose and form.

In the sky, the supreme real Buddha is full of light. The red lotus is burning across the sky. A violent ape is wearing a purple gold crown, a lock armour, and a pair of cloud shoes. Two bright golden lights appear in his eyes. The golden light seems to shine through the sky. The golden cudgel in his hand is slowly raised. The fury tears the void and annihilates the world.

Many figures jump out of the void, countless violent apes jump out of the river of time, from the sky and the world, from the past and the future, and gather together with the figures of Qi Tian Da Sheng in the sky. This Qi Tian Da Sheng is a legendary creator, but it obviously has some other characteristics.

It can gather its past and future together, and once it can disperse these figures into the river of time, let the figures in the river of time have the same strength as its noumenon, that is the moment when the great sage of Qi Tian comes to the other side.

The supreme real Buddha in front of the great sage of Qi Tian smiles a little, and his whole body shows boundless brightness. Images of Buddhas begin to appear around him. The figure of Mirs, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Peacock King Ming, countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats and bhikkhu appear at the same time.

These figures wave a palm at the same time, and they wave a Tathagata palm at the same time. Thousands of Tathagata palm gather in one place, forming the strongest palm and the final palm.

The five types of Tathagata palm appeared at the same time, and then came to a palm. This palm is the palm of destroying the world. This palm seems to make time, the universe, the world and everything belong to chaos. Even the golden cudgel of Qi Tian Da Sheng can't be waved by this palm.

But at this time, the golden light in the eyes of the great sage turned to blood red, hatred, anger, madness. Over the years, these hatred, these hatred, countless figures of the fierce apes roared out. This is not willing to fate, is the hatred of the gods and Buddhas in the sky, is the anger that they can't change their fate.

This endless anger turned into this stick.

In the high altitude of Lingshan mountain, there is no concept of time and space. In silence, the high altitude of Lingshan mountain collapses completely, the fire, water and wind spread wildly, and then it goes to nothingness. It is like the extinction of heaven and earth, and then a new world is born. But there is no new order or new law in this world, and everything seems to be chaotic.

The terrible aftershocks fell from the air. Lihuo, Taige, Tianji, kongxuan, even the fox who was in charge of the demon's holy gun, shuddered. The battle in the sky was so terrible that they could not resist the aftershocks. Once the shock wave fell, they would be crushed in an instant.

The little fox gritted his teeth and reluctantly offered the demon's holy gun. He wanted to resist, but his current strength could not give full play to the full strength of the demon's holy gun, and could not give full play to the full power of the demon's holy gun, so the little fox could not block the aftereffects of this attack.

Little fox wanted to try her best to push the demon's holy gun, although she knew it was probably futile, but at this time, a great figure appeared again, which blocked the small half of the sky above Lingshan.

Thunders are beating in midair. The dense thunders are like the patterns on Lei Zufa Xiang's body. The gorgeous thunder is beating. In midair, it's like a brilliant flower of thunder blooming slowly.

Lei Zufa Xiang, who was born in Lingshan mountain with his body as a shield, opened up a pure land and protected himself and the little fox. If he didn't do so, it would be enough to hurt Zhao Fugui or even kill him.

Sun Wukong, the great sage of Qitian, Yang Jian, the real king of Erlang, and the overlord of the world are all the top legendary heroes who are considered to be the most likely to reach the other side in the middle ages. Now the overlord of the world is dead, leaving a photo of time when they can't exert their real strength.

Now the great sage of Qi Tian has returned from the void and seems to be at the top again. Even if he has not yet reached the other side, he is definitely the top strong man on the other side.

The Buddha demon, who claims to be the supreme real Buddha, also seems to be the strong one with perfect fortune. However, the supreme real Buddha seems to have just been born. Maybe something is not perfect. Therefore, it seems to be restrained and did not do its best.

Even if the supreme real Buddha tries his best to fight, but the realm is the same. How can he defeat Qi Tian Da Sheng who is the best at fighting on the other side? Not to mention that the supreme real Buddha is still unable to do his best for some reasons. Its failure can be foreseen, but the realm is the same. It is unlikely that the great sage of Qi Tian wants to leave the supreme real Buddha directly.

As for why the supreme True Buddha seems to have weakness and can't do his best, Zhao Fugui frowns and suddenly sees that he seems to have a little wisdom, knows how to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and is avoiding the war in the sky.Seeing mokkaya, Zhao Fugui suddenly realized that when the supreme True Buddha was born, he said two words. Those two words are actually his vows. To sum up, his vows are simply that the true Buddha is born, and there is no Buddha in the world. But unless he devours all Buddhas, he can reach the real other side, achieve the perfection of the other side, and get the chance of the last step.

But if we really want to achieve no Buddha in heaven and earth, Buddha Tathagata is a problem that we must face and solve. Unless we devour the Tathagata, the supreme Buddha can prove the realm of the other side.

Devouring the Tathagata and preaching the other side is far away from the supreme True Buddha. I'm afraid the supreme True Buddha can't find where the Tathagata is now, and it can't see any chance to devour the Tathagata at present.

However, the chance of its own fabled perfection is just around the corner. Now the only thing that it is bad about is this mokkaya. Mokkaya escaped from the great array of Ten Thousand Buddhas and recovered some wisdom. Therefore, he was not engulfed by the supreme real Buddha, and it has become the only thing that the fabled perfection of the supreme real Buddha is bad about.

This also explains why the supreme True Buddha would take action, why he appeared in the great sage of Qi Tian, and why he would not retreat when he knew that he was not the opponent of the great sage of Qi Tian. This is the chance for the supreme True Buddha to give up his own perfect creation.

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