Super Monk

Chapter 4265

If this is the case, it would be excusable for the great sage of Qitian to fight against the supreme Buddha, because the great sage of Qitian also has a Buddha incarnation to fight against the Buddha.

The ultimate goal of the supreme True Buddha is that there is no Buddha in heaven and earth, and only I exist alone. It must also devour the fighting Holy Buddha. It is the enemy of the Buddha by nature. The great sage of Qi Tian wants to destroy it for some reasons.

The purpose of mokkoya's action now is not to avoid the aftereffects of the battle. The purpose of mokkoya's action is to prevent it from being swallowed up by the supreme Buddha, so it is to avoid it.

At this time, the supreme real Buddha in the sky was fighting with the great sage of Qi Tian. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand to the direction of mokkaya. Suddenly, there was a four sided Buddha. The four sided Buddha was bright and pure, but his face was full of strange expression. As soon as the four sided Buddha appeared, the corners of his mouth cracked, and his mouth suddenly grew big, and his teeth showed He devoured the past with one bite.

Once the supreme True Buddha devours mokkaya, the legendary realm of creation of the supreme True Buddha will be completed immediately, and the battle will be more and more fierce at that time. Moreover, the Buddha gods will naturally become weak when facing the supreme True Buddha, and I am afraid the supreme True Buddha will try to devour the incarnation of Qi Tian Da Sheng to fight against the Holy Buddha.

At that time, things will become more and more out of control, so Zhao Fugui can't let the supreme Buddha swallow mokkaya.

Zhao fuguimeng's one shot of the supreme sabre, the supreme Sabre flew up in an instant, followed by the other three powerful sabres, four sabres flew out, and then instantly formed the four Sabre array. The four Sabre array appeared, directly trapped the four sided Buddha.

In an instant, the killing moves of the four extreme swords array were activated. All the dharmas in the array collapsed and everything disappeared. Cracks appeared on the Buddha's body, which showed a ferocious and crazy look on its four sides and gave out a terrible roar. However, Zhao Fugui ignored it and immediately manipulated the array to close.

In the Dao array, the extremely terrifying Dao Qi crisscrosses. In a flash, they want to cut the four Buddhas. These four unique Dao arrays can even make the pictures left by the overlord in the long river of time feel terrifying. Although this Dao array can't compare with the Zhuxian sword array, its power is still terrifying.

The sword array suddenly closed, and the four Buddhas in the array let out a shrill roar, and then turned into a golden relic. At this time, the golden relic was about to be smashed by the sijuedao array. The terrible power of the explosion of the relic burst a crack in the sijuedao array.

A golden liquid flowed out of the crack of the sword array and changed into the appearance of the four sided Buddha again. The four sided Buddha, who had been weak for a long time, still devoured mokkoya.

At the same time, the supreme real Buddha in mid air fiercely poked out his palm, even ignored the attack of the great sage of Qi Tian for a while, and directly slapped Zhao Fugui with his palm. Obviously, the supreme real Buddha was determined to win mokkaya. Even if he resisted the attack of the great sage of Qi Tian, it would stop Zhao Fugui and devour mokkaya with four Buddhas.

With the cold sharp teeth of the four Buddhas biting, mokkaya's whole body is full of gold, and all the dharmas are empty. He wants to use all the dharmas to escape, and he wants to escape the four Buddhas. In all the dharmas, he is obviously weak, and he can't escape the four Buddhas.

But the supreme Buddha obviously underestimated the power of the great sage.

"Evil, eat my old sun a stick!"

In mid air, the great sage of Qi Tian sent out an earth shaking roar. The huge golden cudgel across the sky and the earth was smashed down, and the terrible sound began to reverberate. The golden body of the supreme real Buddha instantly appeared dense cracks. Then those cracks made the whole body of the supreme real Buddha begin to collapse, and the collapse became more and more intense. In a twinkling of an eye, the huge golden body of the supreme real Buddha was ashes The smoke goes out.

The golden body of the supreme real Buddha has gone up in smoke, and it is about to make the four Buddhas in the entrance of mokkayatun feel reluctant to fluctuate. Without any external attack, the golden light on the four Buddhas flickers and gradually disappears.

However, after seeing the supreme Buddha vanish, two bright golden lights appear again in the sky. In the eyes of the great sage of Qi Tian, two bright golden lights are emitted, which spread all over the world and shine on all the worlds. It seems that he is looking for something.

The supreme real Buddha is not dead. Zhao Fugui suddenly realized that the great sage of Qi Tian is looking for the supreme real Buddha. However, Zhao Fugui soon realized that the great sage of Qi Tian is in vain. Even if his eyes can shine through the heavens, the characteristics of the supreme real Buddha decide that there are countless great people in the three realms who will not look at the supreme real Buddha Death.

Qi Tian Da Sheng is one of the strongest people on the other side and one of the strongest people who are good at fighting on the other side, but this does not mean that he can find the existence of the big people on the other side to help cover up.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha A towering evil spirit rushed into the sky, which made the whole Lingshan mountain change color. Then a tall figure slowly came out of the big hole made by the golden cudgel.

"The great sage of pingtian, the ox demon king?"

Hearing this voice, Zhao Fugui moved in his heart and immediately turned to see that he was the sworn brother of the great sage of Qi Tian. He was the famous Great Sage of the demon clan. Unexpectedly, he was alive.After the appearance of the great sage ox demon king in pingtian, from the huge deep hole pierced by the golden cudgel, a Dark Dragon flew out. As soon as the huge figure flew out, it stretched out. Its body was so huge that it seemed that it could completely occupy the sky of Lingshan.

"The great sage of covering the sea!"

Little fox saw the huge dragon and muttered to himself excitedly. Several other demon gods also trembled and were excited for the return of the demon gods.

The demons in those fairy tales began to return. Zhao Fugui had a strange feeling of reality and illusion at this moment.

But then Zhao Fugui thought of the old dragon king again. As soon as the great sage of Fuhai appeared, the old Dragon King's status was worrying. But the old dragon king was also very good at being a man, and it might not be something.

At this time, another giant ROC flew out of the huge hole made by the golden cudgel. The giant ROC blocked out the sky and then turned into a monster with a bird head and a human body, with a fierce face.

"Pengniao king!"

Huntian great sage pengniao king falls on Lingshan mountain and looks around. Then he looks at Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan's face turns white and instinctively feels fear. Pengniao eats dragons. But in front of this demon saint, Kong Xuan also loses all his pride and trembles.

"You have peacock blood?" Pengniao Wang stares at Kong Xuan and asks.

"Yes, great sage, I am the descendant of peacock!" Kong Xuan said with fear.

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