Super Monk

Chapter 4322

Zhao Fugui just came across the dark box, but there was already a palm on it. The palm was as white as jade, like white jade glaze. As soon as the palm was pressed, the dark box stopped, and no one could pull it.

Zhao Fugui frowned. He didn't find the existence of this figure in the previous induction or even visual observation. Until this time, this figure seemed to step into reality from nothingness.

Zhao Fugui looked up and saw a handsome face, which was so familiar, but his breath was less deep and falling.


This figure turned out to be Ananda. Since the seven treasures and wonderful trees on the seal of Lingshan mountain were taken away, only the second seal of the original God was left, and the breath of Ananda began to permeate.

However, Zhao Fugui soon realized that it was not right, because this world can be said to be the Taoist center of the original God. Although the original God is missing now, there is a projection of the original God in the ancient well. If there is no help, it is impossible to seal the projection only by the power of Ananda's penetration. He must have a helper.

"Demon way, your time of death is coming!" At this time, a roar of rage in the sky sounded like thunder, accompanied by thunders. In the thunder, there were thunderous Dharma images. The grand master appeared in the mid air and directly smashed down.

This blow is accompanied by thunder, as if it is a blow of many immortals working together. This blow is overwhelming, annihilating and destroying everything.

However, the strongest point of this punch is not Zhao Fugui who is fighting for the black box with Ananda, but in the courtyard, next to the big locust tree.


The big locust tree collapsed in an instant, and the trunk turned into powder directly. In this instant, a burning dragon suddenly appeared and caught the fist of the grand master.

In the place of thunder and fire, another figure of Zhao Fugui appears. The one who just entered the room is actually a temporary incarnation made by Zhao Fugui. In this world, the seven turn strongman is also called creation realm. He can create things in the void. It's very easy to make an incarnation. Only when the Dementor bell just appeared, although Zhao Fugui was not near, he was still affected A trace of influence, therefore, was detected by the grand master.

As soon as Zhao Fugui's real body was revealed, Ananda would smile and say, "Your Majesty, please

As soon as Ananda's voice fell, the palace was full of brilliant colors. The colored lights of colored glass appeared, like ribbons spreading in the sky. Then, from the ribbons, a small dark seal appeared. Above the seal was carved nine hell, and below it there were only three faces, three of which were constantly changing human faces.

The three faces are constantly changing, but occasionally they are the same, just like the same face.

This is Sansheng seal.

In ancient times, Houtu on the other side pitied all living beings and turned herself into six ways, which gave birth to reincarnation. Houtu turned into six ways, but her half path turned into a seal of three lives.

Sansheng seal is not well-known, but it is one of the most top treasures in the world. It has always been the treasure of Ananda.

And now, in order to deal with Zhao Fugui, the magic Buddha took this treasure out directly.

Even in order not to let Zhao Fugui aware of the existence of Sansheng seal, Ananda put this treasure in Ji Xuan's hands.

As soon as the Sansheng seal appeared, the sky over the whole capital suddenly became dark, and a series of virtual shadows appeared in the sky. There were people, animals, demons, demons and so on. They were reincarnated in the dark, with a strange feeling.

As soon as the seal appeared, Zhao Fugui's face suddenly changed. He immediately knew that it was not good. The fruits of the fruits immediately began to work. He wanted to leave here, but at this moment, his figure was suddenly frozen.


In this instant, a loud noise suddenly appeared, and Zhao Fugui's brain suddenly became chaotic, and the spirit seemed to be directly pulled into a strange space.

In this space, Zhao Fugui's spirit began to reincarnate. The power of reincarnation even pulled Zhao Fugui's noumenon and affected the existence of noumenon.

For a moment, Zhao Fugui's noumenon in the seal even felt the sea of bitterness coming. The sea of bitterness was turbulent and he wanted to submerge him. Although Zhao Fugui had reached the legendary realm of creation, he was not close to the other side and had no ability to cross the sea of bitterness. Once he was submerged by the sea of bitterness, his spiritual light would be pulled down directly.

At that time, under the effect of reincarnation seal, his body and spirit will begin to reincarnate continuously, and eventually be completely destroyed. His natural aura, legendary essence and reincarnation of mortals will be lost. At that time, Ananda will have no difficulty in getting this body.

Zhao Fugui's body seems to have a special use for Ananda. Maybe it has found something that can be used to make up for and improve itself, and to help unite the final Tao.

The original projection that it sealed here was not for the struggle on the other side, I'm afraid it was just for waiting for Zhao Fugui to come.

At this moment, a jade Ruyi jumped out of the void and hit Sansheng seal.

This jade Ruyi is Sanbao Ruyi. As soon as Sanbao Ruyi appears, it collides with Sansheng seal. Sanbao Ruyi is a congenital spirit treasure, but Sansheng seal is a congenital treasure. Although it is also a congenital magic weapon, the power of congenital treasure is better than that of congenital spirit treasure.However, this gap is not so big. Although Sanbao Ruyi is in a disadvantage, it is not easily suppressed. It and Sansheng seal begin to see each other.

Sanbao Ruyi has temporarily blocked the samsara seal. Zhao Fugui is confident that he can completely get rid of the interference of Sansheng seal within ten breath, but he may not have ten breath at all, because Ananda didn't come alone this time.

He wants to control sanshengyin and fight with himself. Even if he can't fight, there are Taishi and Jixuan around him. Even though Taishi and Jixuan dare not fight at will because of sanshengyin and sanbaoruyi's fight, Ananda's back is suspected to be helped, and this is probably a big figure in Taoism.

Otherwise, it is impossible to seal the original projection easily.

Once Zhao Fugui can't get rid of the interference of Sansheng seal immediately, he will be badly hurt immediately.

"Amitabha, please come into reincarnation!" Ananda put away the glass lamp box, put his hands together and said with a smile.

Ananda's voice fell, and the light between heaven and earth was shining. Sansheng seal seemed to be pushed to the extreme in an instant. It began to work with the fundamental power of Dao to pull Zhao Fugui into reincarnation.

Samsara has become a part of the road since the six roads were incarnated in the later earth, and Sansheng seal can naturally borrow the fundamental power of the road.

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