Super Monk

Chapter 4323

Just at the moment when Ananda's voice sounded, the vitality of the body quickly faded, the dead air instantly filled, and Zhao Fugui's face directly turned pale. Yunguang's body, which has been incorruptible for thousands of years, has rapidly appeared signs of decay.

But to Ananda's surprise, there was no fear on Zhao Fugui's face. On the contrary, he gave a smile and raised his hand to Ananda.

Before Ananda had time to respond, Yunguang's body completely disappeared, even a trace of consciousness contained in it disappeared, completely lost contact with the noumenon. Zhao Fugui's Noumenon also immediately withdrew from the seal, directly returned from the original road of Gujing, and retreated in the dark before the strong man made a move.

After withdrawing from the ancient well, Zhao Fugui took a look at the deep and unshakable ancient well. He didn't mean to step in at all. He turned around and walked to the yuxu palace without looking back.

This ancient well is a trap. Ananda lost his son in it. Even though he is still sealed, he has little power to penetrate, but the other side is the other side. Even if he can only penetrate a little power, he can't be underestimated. In addition, Ananda has a Taoist support behind him, not a person fighting.

Even Ananda is not fighting alone, and Zhao Fugui is not prepared to trust him. If Ananda can find help, he can also find help. This is the habit of yuxu palace. If the younger martial brother can't win, he can find the elder martial brother. If the elder martial brother can't win, he can find the master. Not everyone has parents.

Zhao Fugui's Noumenon returned to the yuxu palace. Then he opened his eyes and looked to the East. His body flashed and flew directly to the East. Soon after, he entered the boundary of Fusang ancient tree. As soon as he entered the boundary, Zhao Fugui saw a towering giant tree, which was the temporary residence of the Qing emperor.

It's the place where Qingdi's Taoism is located. Those on the other side will be severely rejected in the real world. The longer they exist in the real world, the greater the rejection. This is why those ancient people on the other side are not in the real world. The real world is the foundation of the world.

However, the situation of Qingdi was different. He had not been a Taoist for a long time, and he was not so excluded. Moreover, he used Fusang ancient tree to block part of the exclusion, so he could stay here and regard Fusang ancient tree world as his temporary ashram.

But after all, the real world is the root of the road. The power of exclusion is very strong, and it will become stronger and stronger. Therefore, it is unnecessary for the Qing emperor to leave the boundary of Fusang ancient tree, and he did not do much.

Zhao Fugui had just entered the boundary of Fusang ancient tree. Before he asked to see him, he appeared at the top of the boundary of Fusang ancient tree.

A figure stands under the heavy mulberry leaves and looks into the distance. His face is a little fuzzy, and his whole body is full of the breath of joy for the plants. Even a leaf on the ancient Fusang tree likes to be close to the breath. This figure is the other side of the world, the Emperor Qingdi, who can still walk in the real world.

He seems to have no supernatural power, completely unable to detect any strong breath, looks like an ordinary person, after all, the other side is different from the other strong.

"I'm here to see the green emperor. I came here because I found traces of the magic Buddha and Sansheng seal!" Zhao Fugui slightly made a ceremony and said directly.

In front of those on the other side, they don't need to say anything polite or elaborate. They can see the countless directions of the river of time. Even if they can't occupy it, they will know where the river of time will eventually go, and they can also see the disturbance ripples of fate.

However, what happened before was in yuxu palace. If we didn't pay special attention, even the Qing emperor would not know what happened there. But as long as we mentioned the key points, the Qing emperor would know what happened immediately.

"Take this seed with you." As soon as Zhao Fugui's words were finished, the green emperor nodded and took out a blue seed. As soon as Zhao Fugui said the key point, the green emperor knew the cause and effect. The power of those on the other side is not comparable to that of other strong people.

Zhao Fugui also knew the ability of those on the other side. Now he no longer hesitated. He put away the blue seed, arched his hand to the emperor and said, "thank you, elder!"

After that, Zhao Fugui turned and fell from the infinite height of Fusang ancient tree world. His figure flashed and returned directly to yuxu palace.

After returning to yuxu palace, Zhao Fugui immediately went to Gujing, then went through the ancient well to return to the world behind the ancient well, and set foot in the seal. Then he directly raised his hand and threw out the blue seeds in his hand.

As soon as the blue seed fell, it immediately took root and sprouted, and pulled out its branches. It used the seal as its nourishment. The branches and leaves immediately grew up, but after a while, the seal directly disintegrated and became the nourishment for the growth of the seed.

Later, the thing that grew into a small tree and shrunk into a Bodhi fruit fell into Zhao Fugui's hands. The halo of this thing was flowing, and it didn't look like a temporary thing.

Zhao Fugui took a look at this thing and knew that he might have other uses. After all, the Qing emperor was far more distant than what he saw, and then he appeared directly above the capital with this thing.

However, it is obvious that if something goes wrong on the other side of the seal, Ananda will leave immediately with Sansheng seal. He will not wait for Zhao Fugui to find him. After all, what he can reveal is only a little power of consciousness, not noumenon. In his present state, he will not be willing to leave this power of consciousness and Sansheng seal here.But even if he can't stop Ananda, Zhao Fugui has to figure out who helped him seal the original projection, and who is the big man in the Taoist sect helping Ananda.

Above the capital, Zhao Fugui's eyes fell. Before that place, all he saw were ruins. Li Zhongkun's small courtyard where they were hiding had been completely destroyed, and even the ground had sunk more than three feet. However, there was no influence around the small courtyard. It was obvious that the people who took part in the attack had reached a very delicate level of control over the power. After all, they were the seven turn strong, It's already the top presence in the world.

Zhao Fugui took a look at Li Zhongkun and knew that they had died, not to mention the traces of their existence. Even some of the causes and effects involved in them were cut off, leaving no trace.

The rain fell one after another. Zhao Fugui reached out to catch a trace of rain and said to himself, "even the grand master has been killed. It's not what they can do to cut off the cause and effect. It's the Taoist who helped Ananda do it!"

Zhao Fugui frowned, and suddenly looked to the direction of the palace. His figure changed. The next moment, he appeared in the imperial study of the palace. Ji Xuan was scared and dead in the study.

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