Super Monk

Chapter 4340

Zhao Fugui is very clear about the gap between himself and the false other side such as heitiandi. At present, he is far behind in level, means and reaction speed. Therefore, he dare not neglect. As soon as he leaves the origin of life and death, he does not hesitate to urge the illusory Haotian mirror.

The dark and dark ancient mirror, which can reflect all the sky and all the world, suddenly reflects a series of dark awns and ripples with itself as the core. It seems to penetrate the barriers of time and space, the shackles of heaven and earth, and shine into every heavy world, making the area outside the red mountains hazy, illusory and real.

Holding this Haotian mirror, Zhao Fugui's mind has come up with a scene quite different from what he sees in daily life, which is more mysterious and amazing than the universe.

At the bottom is a point. Countless points connect to form a line. Countless lines join to form a surface. Countless surfaces stack up to form a constant sense of void. Time flows through the void and influences each other. There is heaven and earth, and there are all worlds.

When the void is folded and overlapped, there is a relatively infinite height. The distance between the two places is regarded as nothing, and even everywhere, resonating with the nine immortals.

In this case, time is curled up. In the past, now and in the future, all the figures are converging into countless lines from the points, and become the terrible and strange "snake of chaos", thus reaching a higher place beyond the long river and forming the sky and the world in the eyes of the other side.

The rest of the curling up and all the avenues converge here, forming a point that looks like reality and illusion with the higher place beyond the long river, including all the possibilities, the past and the future, the beginning and the end, and every aspect of the avenue.

In other words, this is Tao, and this is Tao fruit.

The bottom is the point. When you get to the top, you return to the point. The Tao is so mysterious.

This is the mystery of haotianjing's void way. For a moment, Zhao Fugui was intoxicated. He wanted to see every detail clearly and digest everything in himself. Unfortunately, when he reached a higher place beyond the long river, the convergence of every aspect of the way and the rest of the curling up were blurred. He could only see it a little, so we can infer it It is concluded that the original God of Haotian should have just been in the embryonic form of the fruit of Taoism. Limited by the broken mirror of Haotian, he came more from the understanding of the Qing emperor, which was just shown to this extent.

Holding this illusory Haotian mirror, Zhao Fugui feels that he is full of strength and has the feeling of looking down at the enemy. It seems that as long as he reflects the figure of an old guy, he can immediately settle him down, and then he will go down to the bottom structure of the void world, turning him into a thin paper and a portrait. There is no magic, and he can be torn by mortal hands!

In this process, if the strength is enough to involve time, the other party's past and future experiences and scenes will degenerate into pictures. The pictures will gather and fold into a picture album, which describes the enemy's life. As for the countless possibilities in the future, there are only a few at this moment, most of which are death.

If you want to go down to the bottom, even the picture is difficult to maintain. It belongs to the text and forms a book. The ultimate result is that it belongs to black and white, and "compose" a codebook describing someone's life.

This is the tyrannical terror of the supreme treasure Haotian mirror, so that after the era was broken and reborn, the majesty of Haotian God still spread.

The previous feeling was that it was late, that it was fast, that is, in a short moment, Zhao Fugui could not indulge in it, because at this time, the black emperor and jiuluan Tianzun had already noticed his return from the origin of life and death.

"Beg for mercy and die!"

Jiuluan Tianzun completely shows his crazy and chaotic side. Jiuyou heaven and earth around Zhao Fugui suddenly collapses, and there is a wave of destruction everywhere. Even the past in the long river of time is affected, and many illusory roads begin to curl up.

There is no doubt that the black emperor once again grasps the moment before Zhao Fugui, who has not yet sent out the illusory Haotian mirror. Time is like water. It is penetrated by the gem like palm, rippling and spreading to the present, from changing history to influencing the present. Even if the figure is disturbed by the power of the shortcut to the origin of life and death, it is somewhat illusory and vague, because Zhao Fugui himself is still here The trace of existence is too heavy, it can still be touched!

Jiuyou blood devil had some old grudges with Zhao Fugui. He wanted to kill Zhao Fugui first, but he was robbed by jiuluan Tianzun, an old madman. He attacked that place indiscriminately, and was hard to intervene for a moment. He just learned from the black emperor. The blood was boiling and turned into red flow. He was stained with the river of time. He wanted to melt and assimilate Zhao Fugui, who had not yet used the illusory Haotian mirror, and plunder his accumulation.

A pale and bloodless palm suddenly came down from the infinite height. The ice and cold penetrated into the destruction of jiuluan Tianzun, freezing everything and freezing the spread. It wanted to explain another end. At the same time, its five fingers popped up the illusory and gloomy dark sword Qi, cutting the void around Zhao Fugui, pointing to the past moment, blocking the black emperor and Jiuyou blood devil.

In order to find out the way to get in and out of the origin of life and death, the xuanming ghost emperor had to fight against the nine chaos Tianzun and capture Zhao Fugui alive!

Under the fierce collision of the four puppets on the other side, the slightly inferior demon king and seven kill Taoist wisely didn't get close to each other to avoid infection. In their view, the aftershocks alone can make Zhao Fugui doomed!

The other side of the crisis, Zhao HaoYou, creates no illusory moment of life!

Haotian mirror light rising, black mirror suddenly become clear, completely reflects the figure of Zhao Fugui.Click!

The illusory Haotian mirror is suddenly broken, and each fragment turns into a black awn, circling around Zhao Fugui's body, stabbing into his body's orifices one by one, constantly improving his sensory level.

Since haotianjing can knock down other people's void structure and make them degenerate to the bottom, it can undoubtedly temporarily improve the level of heaven and earth of the reflected one and make him change to a higher level!

In this way, Zhao Fugui can not only get the power to escape from heaven, but also experience the realm of the false other side, and gain accumulation that others can't touch!

-- haotianjing was only five or six minutes mysterious in its heyday, and its power came from the Qing emperor, so it could not elevate Zhao Fugui to the other side for a short time.


Zhao Fugui only felt the long river of emptiness around him protruding, and time and space began to curl up. Because of the natural operation of the fruits, he realized that the figure of the past two moments had an inexplicable connection with himself at the current node, and suddenly connected into a line. Unfortunately, all kinds of possibilities in the future were limited to the level of the other side, and could only be seen, just like this. Zhao Fugui also had all kinds of changes It's the feeling of knowing everything and mastering everything.

This is the perspective of the false other side!

It's all so mysterious and powerful. What's the real other side like?

Many thoughts sprang up, and immediately precipitated. Suddenly, Zhao Fugui had a knife in his hand. It was a purple electric sword with the most upright and strong Yang.

There was no booze, no glare, the purple light was shining, and a blade appeared and disappeared, as if it had been integrated into the upper reaches of the long river of time.

When the black sky emperor and the nine you blood devil are about to touch Zhao Fugui, who has not yet sent the fragments of Haotian mirror, they see his figure rising suddenly, and his breath increases sharply. From the long river of illusory time, they capture a purple sword awn, which is no less terrible than the black sky emperor and the nine you blood devil. They kill the enemy and themselves.


The black sky emperor's fingers are slightly bent, and the blade is flicked open. The blood is red and flows towards Zhao Fugui, but the figure is unreal and can't be touched.

The past is gone!

Although Zhao Fugui has temporarily improved the structure of heaven and earth, his grasp of power is far less than that of the old guys such as heitiandi. Therefore, he takes emptiness as reality, clearly cuts off the enemy and practically cuts himself, and eliminates the existence of the past!

For ordinary people, the past does not exist for a moment, which is equivalent to the collapse of the present. But at this time, Zhao Fugui's limitless seal unfolds, the causes of all the results work, and the virtual shadow of the past is reborn with the help of connection.

At the same time, he integrated the structure of heaven and earth that he had just seen with the help of Haotian mirror into Kaitian seal, grew a new head, new arms, held a unique sword, and suddenly split to jiuluan Tianzun.

This is close to the real sense of the "epoch-making"!

The light of the sword cuts away from a higher place beyond the long river of time. The doomsday of destruction and freezing suddenly splits. The curled up time and the illusory road stretch out, and the heaven and earth are born again and take shape again.

Seizing the opportunity, Zhao Fugui's left arm sank slightly, light gold emerged, and resisted the hand of the xuanming ghost emperor. His dead breath was prominent, and half of his body was dark and frozen.

But Yin and Yang seal operation, biochemical death, death do life, everything immediately disappeared, turned into borrowed power, helped him through the four false other side, together, soaring high, escape nine you!

Heaven and earth suddenly clear, cloudless, nine deep lotus disappeared in front of Zhao Fugui.

Just then, the injury of hard resistance surged up, Zhao Fugui's breath began to weaken, the black awn of the orifices disappeared, and the realm of the false other side no longer existed.

He took a deep breath and went straight back to yuxu palace.

"Congratulations on your success." Guangchengzi congratulated with a smile.

Zhao Fugui looked around, pressed his hand with a smile, went back to the top, sat down, closed his eyes, and began to relive his previous experience.

The past connection, the future destiny, the current cause and effect are mixed together, as if in chaos, the structure of heaven and earth and the bottom and high-level constantly flash

Guangchengzi and Manjusri Tianzun look at each other. Before they have time to communicate with each other, they see the darkness rising behind Zhao Fugui, and his eyes are still closed.

"Fortune..." "The sea of bitterness..." In yuxu palace, whispers suddenly appeared, and his eyes were focused on Zhao Fugui's face.

That's how it started to break through?

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