Super Monk

Chapter 4341

In the yuxu palace, a powerful man turned his eyes on Zhao Fugui. He saw the dense rising behind him, dark and mysterious. Then the mud ball opened, and he became a chaotic Qingyun. It was about the size of the cloud, but it had the potential to cover all sides.

"Supreme Wuji begins with Qingyun..." As the head of the twelve immortals of yuxu, guangchengzi will never admit that the manifestation of Wuji seal is wrong. Similarly, he also understands how difficult and painful it is to refine and sublimate the meaning of Wuji chaos to the level of illusory Avenue. It's not just a word of mouth that embraces all Tao and breeds all things. So arrogant at that time, he chose to major in fantianyin and yuanxinyin, successfully testifying Tao and nature, hoping to reach the other side, which is called Tianzun.

At this moment, seeing that Zhao Fugui's first Qingyun is empty and real, small and big, he can't help sighing with emotion.

It's true that the waves behind the river push the waves ahead, and the new generation is better than the old!

All of a sudden, Manjusri Guangfa's light laughter rang out in his ear: "I think it's more appropriate to use the term" newborn calf is not afraid of tiger "than the wave behind the river pushes the wave ahead. When he chose nine seals to repair together, he didn't know the difficulty of this road at all. This is not only because he started from legend, but also because he condensed the illusory Tao and ascended the mountain On the other side. "

"Yes." Guangchengzi said, "the ignorant are fearless..."

It's not derogatory, it's self mockery. If you know too much and practice too long, the more timid you are, the more you dare not take risks and try the hardest way. In common words, the older you are, the less daring you are.

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with this. But when the end of the era comes, how can we improve quickly if we do not give up safety and take some risks?

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked at the three younger martial brothers and sisters, red sperm, jade tripod immortal and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun. The former is based on Yin and Yang seal, relying on the contradiction between yin and Yang, life and death to lay the foundation of nature. He is ambitious. Jade tripod immortal only cultivates the general outline of "the golden chapter of the Yuan Dynasty". Referring to the eight nine Xuangong, he creates nine zhuanxuangong, and uses sword technique, hoping to have his own characteristics Although it's slow, it's steady.

As for today's younger martial sister Manjusri, she is extremely talented and intelligent. She not only has practice in the last six seals, but also controls and accommodates with Buddhism's emptiness, and walks out of an alternative road of unification. Although she was severely damaged in the battle of Lingshan, Buddhism's body fell, but after so many years of hard cultivation and enlightenment, she has taken this way to cut off the miscellaneous, purify herself, and go a step further.

The second generation of yuxu disciples who can live to this day have no simple and muddle along Guangchengzi sighed at the bottom of his heart, and then he saw that Zhao Fugui was surrounded by black and white, dark, cold, quiet, and overcast, which contained a deep sense of death. White was bright, warm, vigorous, and pure Yang, which exuded a strong breath of life. The two were intertwined to form a fish of yin and Yang. Death gave birth to a thread of vitality, and the final expression was in the vitality The death of the dead.


The formation of the Taiji diagram of yin and Yang has led to an inexplicable surge at infinity. It seems that the way of life and death of yin and Yang, which forms the world of heaven, resonates in some aspects. The eyes of the red sperm with purple ribbon around the waist suddenly close slightly, covering the turbulent Yin and Yang inside, living and dying.

Air engine traction, mutual inductance!

The Yin and Yang seal hovers around and falls into Qingyun, the first place of Wuji. In a flash, the chaotic Qingyun seems to have a subtle differentiation, emitting two meanings of the first and the last, but it still seems to be one and hard to be separated.

the first and the last unified in Wuji is just emerging, and Zhao Fugui's body is reborn and changed, first red, green, black and white, and the earth fire, wind and water are rampant Then the purple bell, like the heart, swells and shrinks, and the lotus is transformed into Wuji.

Following the light of orifices and acupoints everywhere, the candle turns into nine Yin, the five virtues become Phoenix, and the seventy-two changes unfold one by one. Accompanied by thunder, preaching sword Qi, asking heart and soul, Zhao Fugui's figure is surrounded in every inch of yuxu palace, which makes him feel like the supreme of all heaven.

Small and grand!

Finally, the void floats, black spots highlight, merge into lines, interweave into the surface, overlap into the world, full of time, deduce the mysterious and mysterious hierarchical structure.

Such a change aroused the illusory way of guangchengzi, Manjusri Tianzun and others, and forced them to use Xuangong to restrain their breath.

The earth fire surged into Qingyun, the first place of Wuji. At first, the most ancient heart was filled with purple Qi. It also flew into the past. Wuji Jinlian, Fantian image, Wude Phoenix, void golden dragon, flame Bifang, time candle dragon, gods thunder, part of Jietian sword and the palm of Tathagata followed closely. They were swallowed and melted by Wuji chaos one by one.

When the time and space full of layers of structure also fell into chaos Qingyun, the whole yuxu palace suddenly darkened, without any brilliance, and lost the difference between the dome and the ground, the top and the bottom, the front hall and the back hall.

At this time, the light is like water, and Zhao Fugui's figure is reflected again in guangchengzi's eyes. He is still sitting with his eyes closed. The supreme limitless cloud above his head has a subtle change. At first glance, it seems that there is only one point, which contains all kinds of roads, countless possibilities, past and future, and a chaotic point of the beginning and end. At second glance, it is a flower The grand Qingyun, which covers all the world, has a light falling down, forming a water curtain in front of the eaves."All things are one, the beginning is limitless..." Guangchengzi's ear sounded the murmur of Yuding real person like sigh like sigh.

Yes, all things are one. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Wu Ji was the only one who condensed the meaning of Wu Ji chaos into the corresponding illusory road. Since the teacher, only one person in yuxu palace has followed the right path, that is, his nephew Yang Jian. The only difference is that he completed it with the tolerance and change of 89 Xuangong, which is not Wu Ji Yin.

At this moment, Wuji becomes again. It really feels like a teacher is coming!

With such a foundation, although the four symbols, Yuanxin, Wuji and Wude are inferior to those who major in them, they also lay a solid foundation. After landing on the other side in the future and producing illusory Tao fruit, it will be quite simple to perfect them. It can be said that apart from the past and future, there is only one or two steps to the rudiment of Tao fruit!

The idea turns, the mood is complex, stay here, yuxu immortals did not communicate for a while.

After the virtual Avenue corresponding to Wuji seal was formed, Zhao Fugui did not relax at all. He continued to deduce and sublimate Kaitian seal. He once again visualized the connection between the hierarchy of void and the long river of time. He also visualized the scene of the creation of heaven and earth with the appearance of the five tais and five virtues. He also visualized the initial picture of the division of yin and Yang and the confusion of four images

This process is just opposite to the process of condensing the Tao just now!

The creation of the world, one of the Vientiane!

I don't know how long later, Zhao Fugui's body became more and more heavy. Before, he broke the doomsday, unfolded the shackles, let the void take shape, and let the process of time from curling up to stretching appear like an illusion.

When a knife comes out, there is light, heaven and earth, past, present and future!


The pillars of the yuxu palace made unbearable sounds. In the past, the other side of the Taoist temple seemed to be drawn by some invisible Qi. Over the head of Zhao Fugui's Yuanshi Qingyun, the virtual image of banners, axes and axes gradually solidified and formed, and finally turned into an ancient and eternal "Pangu banners".

Just as the Taoist priest of this banner could not help but move to the side, he couldn't bear the Qi.

Zhao Fugui opened his eyes to reveal an ancient glass lamp that is difficult to describe in any color. The black and white light shines out, and the division is endless.


In the yuxu palace of Kunlun Mountain, the sphere of universal knowledge vibrates inexplicably. The communication between people, love and hate, and all kinds of interesting things that come out of it become bright star lines of cause and effect. They connect the real world and the universe, and deduce what is cause and effect and what is the cause of all results.

At the beginning, Zhao Fugui was refining the universal knowledge ball, and he had a mind to cultivate Tao by it, so as to make a deep accumulation for the promotion of the causes of various fruits!

Now, the key step is to accumulate feedback. The illusory world of cause and effect is turbulent.

Zhao Fugui's eyes are empty, and his spiritual consciousness seems to gather on a glass lamp. In his mind, he just realized the past connection, future destiny, and the change of fate!

The ancient glazed lanterns in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the lanterns beside the "Pangu banner" on his head outlined. The original cause turned into a flame, lighting up the heaven and earth, illuminating the black cause and the white fruit, and the white cause and the black fruit!


The bright and white colored glass lamp, which is placed on the top of the Buddha's real-time light, suddenly appears in the palm of the Buddha.

"Is Zhao Luo a man of fortune?" Holding the ancient glass lamp, the ancient Buddha looked at the unreal height and the invisible yuxu palace.


When the way of cause and effect becomes a success, a sea of bitterness emerges around him. Zhao Fugui only feels that he is supported by the illusory road coagulated by the first three seals and rises slowly. He breaks away from the sea of bitterness full of erosion and degradation and is no longer submerged. He feels relaxed and relaxed for a while, and seems to have relieved his boundless burden.

The sea of bitterness is boundless, the edge is hard to see, the waves are high, the wind is high, the birds are flying, but the building and boat sink to the bottom. Only when the illusory Avenue is at the foot of the boat, can people go forward with ups and downs, but they may capsize at any time.

There is no limit to the sea of bitterness!

This is the place where nature is different from the legend. It can directly drive the sea of bitterness to attack and make people sink and not free!


"Ah, even if he had refined part of the origin of life and death, he should not have set foot in the realm of nature so quickly..." The lamp burning Buddha worked out the mystery and gave a long sigh.

After the cause of all fruits is promoted to the level of illusory Avenue, due to its uniqueness and exclusion, it will have incalculable harm to its own cultivation. Moreover, when the oath is made with cause and effect in the future, it will be hard to escape Zhao Luo's "ears" and have to guard against it!

It can be said that he is now living part of the causal way!

In front of him, a handsome monk said with a smile:

"you can't hesitate any more. If you can't kill him before Zhao Luo's success, you will have no chance and can only let fate decide."

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