Super Monk

Chapter 533

Zhao Fugui's six senses are very sharp now. As soon as the big things behind appear, Zhao Fugui realizes it. He suddenly looks back and sees a pair of huge eyes. Before he can react, he is hit by this huge thing. Zhao Fugui only feels a huge force hitting him, and he is hit out of the black hole by this huge thing.

At the moment of being hit, Zhao Fugui felt that this thing was wet and slippery. Zhao Fugui was surprised. He was afraid that he had met a giant snake. If it was a giant snake, he would be in trouble.

Zhao Fugui was hit out of the black hole by this thing, and this thing bit Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui quickly ran Daoli. Huge teeth bite in Zhao Fugui's body, Zhao Fugui only feel a fierce pain on the body, clothes are bitten. But at this moment, Zhao Fugui also saw this huge creature clearly.

It's not a giant snake, but a giant fish about two meters long. Zhao Fugui looked at it carefully. Isn't it a big carp? Taizu said that after the founding of the people's Republic of China, animals can not be refined. This big carp is so bored that it dares to be refined.

Zhao Fugui didn't meet this big carp several times when he went to the black hole. Obviously, this big carp doesn't live in Heilongtan. It may live somewhere in the underground river. This time, he happened to meet Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui stares at the big carp, whose tail swings around and rushes towards Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui rolled his arm and was ready to teach the big carp a lesson.

The big carp pours down at Zhao Fugui, opens its huge mouth full of sharp teeth and bites Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui hits the animal on the head with one punch. But before Zhao Fugui's fist falls, the animal swings its tail, turns around flexibly and throws its tail to Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui was unprepared and was thrown out by the animal's tail. Zhao Fugui clearly saw a trace of cunning from the animal's eyes, which was really a big carp.

"Well, I don't believe it!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, so many fierce people couldn't win Zhao Fugui. Today, he was bullied by a fish. Zhao Fugui was very depressed.

In his eyes, the big carp shows a trace of treachery. He turns around Zhao Fugui twice. He does the same trick again and pretends to bite Zhao Fugui. Then he turns around fiercely and sweeps his tail at Zhao Fugui.

The intelligence quotient of fish is not as good as that of human, even if it is refined. Zhao Fugui took the opportunity to hold the big carp's tail fiercely, climbed up the big carp's back three or two times, and gave the big carp two fists.

However, the shell on the big carp's head is very thick, and Zhao Fugui smashes it two times. The big carp just shakes its head, and then, like someone who has nothing to do, starts to take Zhao Fugui running around in the water, trying to throw Zhao Fugui down.

Zhao Fugui didn't expect that the big carp's head was so hard. He immediately turned on Daoli. With Daoli in his fist, he smashed the big carp two fists. This time, the effect was immediate, and the big carp was honest immediately.

Zhao Fugui found out the weakness of the carp and wanted to sacrifice it to the pagoda. The pagoda sent out thousands of rays. The carp trembled and fell to the bottom of the water. He did not dare to swim.

Zhao Fugui tries to take the big carp into the pagoda. The pagoda gives out a golden light. The golden light shines on the big carp, and he even takes the big carp in.

The big carp was also put on the magic soldier's floor, but strangely, it didn't change much. It didn't seem to be controlled by the pagoda, which was completely different from the situation of taking in ghosts.

Zhao Fugui thought about it and released the big carp. Big carp into a ring pagoda, out after the spirit doubled, seems to be more honest.

Zhao Fugui rides on the big carp and commands the big carp to swim around. The big carp honestly listens to the command. Zhao Fugui tells it to go east, but it never goes West. Zhao Fugui tells it to roll and turn a few times, which is more honest than a pet that has been keeping for many years.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fugui directed the big carp to swim out of the water, took off his diving mask and said to the big carp, "after you, watch the door for me. It's in the black hole below. No one is allowed to enter except me!"

Zhao Fugui even said with a gesture, big carp looked at Zhao Fugui blankly, although it has a certain wisdom, but it can not accurately understand the meaning of Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui thought, this big carp is not completely refined, and its IQ is a little low. There was no way. Zhao Fugui jumped on the back of the big carp again and directed the big carp to dive into the water. After half a day's gesticulation beside the black hole, the big carp shook its tail, as if he understood Zhao Fugui's words.

It is estimated that this big carp ate a floating longevity ghost under Heilongtan before, so it has lived for a long time. In addition, Heilongtan is not dry all the year round, and the food in the water is very rich, so this big carp has grown to such a big size.

The black hole is short of a guard. Although the pagoda can't control the big carp, it seems that the big carp doesn't like to stay in the pagoda. Zhao Fugui uses this to arrange the big carp to guard the door of the black hole, so that no one will want to pry into the secret of the stone chamber in the future. Zhao Fugui is also on guard.

The place where Zhao Fugui got into the water was far away from the water park, and no one saw the situation here. Zhao Fugui now divides the black dragon pool into several areas. The black hole side is divided into a diving area. No application is made in advance. Tourists are not allowed to enter the water from here, and no water bikes can come to the water park. Zhao Fugui should try to keep the secret of the black hole."Mr. Zhao, you have finally come back. The headquarters has already agreed to Mr. Zhao's request, but Shenzhu club also has a small request, that is, the contract should be signed at least once every two years!" Kimura two see Zhao Fugui back to the village, flattering incomparable to meet up, is nodding and bowing said. It's a big difference from his attitude two days ago.

"It's OK to sign once every two years, but Xiaowan village can supply Shenzhu club with 2 million jin of happy fruit at most in one year!" Zhao Fugui thought about it. The price is almost the same. Even if he cooperates with Rockefeller company, it may not be higher than the price. If he signs once every two years, he will sign once every two years.

"Yes, everything is arranged by Mr. Zhao!" Kimura clenched his teeth and said, "let's sign the contract again now."

In order to ensure the execution of the contract, Kimura longer strongly demanded that the penalty should be increased to 100 million US dollars, so that both Xiaowan village and Shenzhu club would not dare to break the contract again, lest there would be any more problems.

Zhao Fugui doesn't mean anything to him. The price is reasonable, and he only provides 2 million jin every year. Zhao Fugui doesn't think he has any reason to break the contract.

Kimura longer eagerly re signs the contract with Zhao Fugui. When the contract is signed, Chen Yihan nods to Zhao Fugui in the distance.

"The nursing department of Chengdu Medical University has already arranged it. You can go and recruit tomorrow!" Chen Yihan said.

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