Super Monk

Chapter 534

Happy fruit won back the public opinion, plus this period of time all-round promotion, brand marketing, the establishment of word of mouth are very fast.

Thanks to the popularity of Kaixin fruit, Hualian Supermarket in Sumei also shows a very rapid momentum. Kaixin fruit promotes the passenger flow, and the passenger flow increases the turnover, which helps Hualian Supermarket develop better.

Happy fruits and pickles are very helpful to the development of Hualian Supermarket, and the growth of happy vegetables is also very good. At the foot of big green mountain, green vegetables have grown into a piece, and the growth is very gratifying. When happy vegetables come on the market in large quantities, it will definitely help Hualian Supermarket more.

After this disaster, Xiaowan village has shown a momentum of rapid development, and the whole village is thriving. Early the next morning, Zhao Fugui made an appointment with Chengdu Medical University, and then he was ready to drive Knight 15 into the city.

When Zhao Fugui left the village, Chen Dadan was just driving the golden cup van that Zhao Fugui used to drive to the town. Xiaowan village needs a lot of seasonings, rice noodles and oil to cook every day. Now Chen Dadan has to go to town regularly to buy.

What Zhao Fugui doesn't want to send, Chen Dadan has to choose in person every time, so as to avoid the situation of shoddy and mixed. When Zhao Fugui saw Chen Dadan leaving the village, he honked his horn and drove Knight XV to the city.

Rongcheng Medical University is a secondary school in Central China. It has a general reputation and the gold content of graduation certificate. This time Xiaowan village came to recruit, the school, especially the nursing department, attached great importance to it. Yesterday, Chen Yihan called, and the school began to make arrangements overnight.

Now Xiaowan village is the most popular enterprise in Chengdu. In the past, people in the city didn't even bother to work in the countryside. Now when Xiaowan village said it wanted to recruit, many girls in the city would rush to join the recruitment, no matter they were waiters or anything else.

Xiaowan village has good welfare and high salary. Its salary is much higher than that of most enterprises in the city, and it grows bigger and bigger. There are often top stars who can earn money and face in this job. Many girls in the city are looking forward to working in Xiaowan village. This situation has changed fundamentally compared with before.

"Welcome, Mr. Zhao. Welcome to our school. The students of Rongcheng University have first-class professional quality, and they will not disappoint Mr. Zhao! " Zhao Fugui driving Knight 15 appeared at the gate of Chengdu Medical University, Chengdu Medical University even pulled a banner to welcome Zhao Fugui.

The leaders of the University and the Department came to meet Zhao Fugui. It is obvious that the Medical University has also made a good calculation and is ready to publicize itself with the momentum of Xiaowan village.

"The headmaster is very kind!" Zhao Fugui shook hands with a leading vice principal and said that in the past, on the construction site, Zhao Fugui acted as a passer-by to greet the boss of the construction company. When was he so ceremoniously welcomed? It's really a turn of fortune. A poor boy may not be able to become a rich man.

"Mr. Zhao, please come inside. We have done a good job in the preliminary selection of recruitment. We will make Mr. Zhao satisfied!" The vice principal took Zhao Fugui to the school and said to him with a smile.

Although Chengdu Medical University is not very famous, but in the end is a secondary school, the school covers a large area, and a lot of students. Accompanied by the school leaders, Zhao Fugui walked to the school. Many students in plain clothes or white coats looked over curiously. Zhao Fugui glanced at these students and found that there were many beautiful women.

In medical universities, especially in the Department of nursing, there are more women than men. There are only one or two boys in a class of 30 or 40, and some even don't have a boy. But the Department of nursing also has beautiful women, the number of beautiful women is quite a lot.

When Zhao Fugui used to fantasize about going to university, he fantasized about applying for Medical University. It seems that it's good to find a girlfriend in white.

"Yesterday, Miss Chen called to say that she wanted to recruit 30 special nurses. We immediately informed the junior and senior students. The students enthusiastically signed up. We preliminarily selected 100 students with dignified appearance and strong professional ability from thousands of registered students, which is convenient for Mr. Zhao to choose!" The vice principal said, at the same time, he shook hands with Zhao Fugui again and asked the staff nearby to take a group photo.

Zhao Fugui is now a celebrity in Chengdu. He is a miracle doctor, entrepreneur, filmmaker, entertainer, and has a good relationship with top star Liu Feifei. Get a picture of Zhang and Zhao Fugui hanging in the school, it is also a matter of face.

Among the 1000 applicants, there are 100, with a primary election rate of 1 / 10. Zhao Fugui really didn't expect that his enterprise has such a high face. Nowadays, few people can choose one or two girlfriends, let alone a job. Zhao Fugui's enthusiasm for Rongcheng Medical University was a bit shocked.

"Headmaster, just choose some special care. Don't bother. It's almost OK!" This is what Zhao Fugui said from the bottom of his heart. The main job of these nurses in sanatorium is to take care of the patients. They don't need to do anything else. Their demands are not so high.

"Others don't know. People in our medical system know very well that Mr. Zhao is a miracle doctor who has overcome the problem of cancer. He is the one who is likely to win the Nobel Prize. Mr. Zhao doesn't take care of a sanatorium. Chengdu people's hospital intensive care unit, want to be a nurse inside, pick people than pick stewardess is also more strict. Mr. Zhao's sanatorium is 100 times more important than the intensive care unit of the people's hospital. How can we not pay attention to it! If you want to choose, you must choose the best! " Cried the vice principal.If the vice president doesn't say that, Zhao Fugui really doesn't know that those people who have the right and money are so happy now. They live in a hospital when they are sick. Not only do they have a separate intensive care unit, but even the nurses who take care of them are more strict than the requirements of the stewardess. That's not hospitalization. It's better to take a secret with them on holiday.

"Well, let's choose people now. I want to see my resume first!" Zhao Fugui doesn't want to make so much trouble. He just wants to recruit these 30 people today. Just look at their resumes and have an interview. At noon, Zhao Fugui wants to go back to Xiaowan village for dinner.

"Of course, Mr. Zhao. This way, please. Let's go to the classroom for the interview first. Everything is ready there!" The vice principal took Zhao Fugui to an empty classroom. The classroom was ready. "Does Mr. Zhao want to see the first people now?"

"Good!" Zhao Fugui nodded, and vice president turned back and waved to the back door. Then Zhao Fugui heard the sound of high-heeled shoes. As soon as Zhao Fugui looked up, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. In the classroom, there were 20 or 30 beautiful young women with symmetrical figure and sexy bikini.

What kind of nurse is this? It's a beauty pageant. Zhao Fugui took a dull look at the vice principal. The vice principal said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, take your time. If you can't see clearly, you can call someone over to have a closer look!"

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