Super Monk

Chapter 617

"Richness, hurry up, hurry up!" Xia Wanru lives in her villa. Her husband Zhang Haotian is missing. At this dangerous moment, only Xia Hongyan is with her.

Zhao Fugui's Knight 15 directly drove to the outside of the villa, Xia Hongyan saw Zhao Fugui appear, immediately called up. As soon as Zhao Fugui got out of the car, he rushed to the villa.

"Here it is Xia Hongyan and Zhao Fugui run to the outside of a room in a hurry. Xia Wanru lies on the hospital bed, her face is as white as a piece of white paper, and there is blood on the sheet. Xia Hongyan immediately flustered hands and feet, "just now when I went out, I didn't bleed, how could I bleed!"

"You get some hot water, quick!" Zhao Fugui shouts to Xia Hongyan in a hurry, and then immediately opens his eyes and looks at Xia Wanru. This see Zhao Fugui sigh, Xia Wanru really miscarriage, and has appeared the symptoms of initial bleeding.

Xia Wanru is wearing light pajamas. Zhao Fugui takes a deep breath to stabilize her mood and reaches out to lift Xia Hongyan's pajamas. Xia Wanru's underpants have been dyed red by blood, blood flow to the bed, the sheets are also dyed red a lot.

"Richness, is my sister OK?" Xia Hongyan with a basin of hot water in a hurry, pale nervous asked.

"There is no massive bleeding yet, but a small amount of bleeding has begun. Stop the bleeding first!" Zhao Fugui frowned tightly, lifted Xia Wanru's Nightgown, reached out and touched Xia Wanru's lower abdomen. Then he began to put the needle on the acupoint. Zhao Fugui put Daoli on the silver needle and slowly stopped the blood.

In a coma, Xia Wanru seemed to feel some pain. Her two slender white thighs rubbed slightly and gave out a painful groan.

"You change her underwear and wipe the blood. I've stopped the blood. I'll give her some medicine later! " Zhao Fugui in Xia Wanru's abdomen under a few needles, back to Xia Hongyan said.

"Good!" Xia Hongyan nodded flurriedly and put down the hot water basin. Before Zhao Fugui went out, she began to take off Xia Wanru's underwear. Zhao Fugui suddenly saw a spring, he quickly looked away and went out.

Xia Hongyan takes off Xia Wanru's underpants in a hurry, scrubbes her body with hot water, and wipes all the blood. Xia Hongyan can't change the bed sheet by herself. Xia Wanru falls asleep on it. She has no choice but to move Xia Wanru slowly to prevent her from lying on the blood.

Xia Hongyan is flustered and doesn't even change her underwear for Xia Wanru.

"Richness, I've cleaned it up!" Zhao Fugui returns to Knight 15's car and takes the cup with some Lingquan water. Xia Hongyan cleans Xia Wanru's blood and shouts to him.

"You find a clean sheet!" Zhao Fugui frowned at the dazzling blood on the bed and picked Xia Wanru up.

Xia Wanru, a beautiful young woman, is surprisingly light. When Zhao Fugui sees her pale face, he suddenly gets angry. Zhang Haotian, an asshole, has made his wife like this. And now, he hasn't come back. It's not a thing.

Zhao Fugui holding Xia Wanru, Xia Hongyan quickly re spread a sheet, the bed under the sheet still has some blood, but now has no care.

Xia Hongyan changes the bed sheet. Zhao Fugui puts Xia Wanru back on the bed, supports her head, and slowly feeds her some Lingquan water. Lingquan water has a strong ability to nourish the body. With Zhao Fugui's Daoli, Xia Wanru's face soon recovered.

Seeing that Xia Wanru's face recovered, Zhao Fugui was relieved.

"How did your sister do this? What about Zhang Haotian? " Zhao Fugui checks Xia Wanru again to make sure she doesn't have internal bleeding. He turns to Xia Hongyan and asks.

"I don't know. My sister's mood is very unstable in recent days. Ask her what's wrong, she doesn't say, Zhang Haotian can't get in touch, I can't get through to him! " Xia Hongyan said angrily, "he says that he is busy with work every day. Sometimes he doesn't go home for ten days and a half months!"

"The last time I saw your sister, wasn't she in hospital? When did you get out of the hospital? " Zhao Fugui frowned. It sounds like there is something wrong with the family relationship between Xia Wanru and Zhang Haotian. If they don't go home for ten and a half days, do they still care about this family?

"My sister is in hospital? When did it happen? She'll be home when I get back! " Asked Xia Hongyan, surprised to hear this.

"Your sister had threatened abortion a few days ago. I asked her to be hospitalized for fetal protection. At that time, the procedures had been completed. How could she suddenly leave the hospital? Was it because Zhang Haotian's mother called her back?" Zhao Fugui said with a frown.

"Zhang Haotian's mother was born in a small county. When she was a daughter-in-law, the old woman always bullied her. My sister used to be OK when she married Zhang Haotian. At that time, Zhang Haotian didn't open a company. Later, my sister gave Zhang Haotian a sum of money to open a company. When she saw that Zhang Haotian's career was better, she began to bully my sister! " Xia Hongyan said angrily, "my elder sister is pregnant now. She also brought Zhang Haotian's nephew to take care of me and asked me to do this and that. I had a quarrel with her for two days and drove her away! "

So it is. No wonder there is no one in the villa. Xia Hongyan is very frightening when she doesn't get angry. Once she gets angry, she can't carry her. She is scolded away, and Zhao Fugui absolutely believes it."Your sister's abortion is basically certain to be caused by emotional instability, but I don't know what caused the emotional instability. I can only wait for her to wake up and ask her!" Zhao Fugui sighed and said, "but she can't keep the baby in her stomach!"

Zhao Fugui beat his soul into the child at that time, which can be regarded as having a relationship with Zhao Fugui. Unexpectedly, he came to such an end.

Xia Wanru's face regained some blush, and her pulse became stronger. It's good for pregnant women to recover after a month's rest. However, with Zhao Fugui in, Xia Wanru drank pure Lingquan water, and she was basically all right after she woke up.

Zhao Fugui is afraid of another accident, so he stays in the villa. Xia Hongyan stares at the distance with no focus and doesn't know what she is thinking. The villa was silent. After two or three hours, Xia Wanru woke up with a groan.

"Sister, how do you feel?" Xia Hongyan ran into the bedroom, helped Xia Wanru sit up and asked anxiously.

"Beauty, you follow me to catch the traitor!" Xia Wanru wake up the first sentence said.

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