Super Monk

Chapter 618

"Catch the traitor?" Xia Hongyan never thought that Xia Wanru would say this when she woke up. She was stunned.

"Zhang Haotian has an affair with his secretary!" Xia Wanru took a deep breath and said, after a while, she suddenly asked, "beauty, did I have an abortion?"

"Yes Xia Hongyan's eyes were red, and she nodded slightly. Xia Wanru's face suddenly shed two lines of tears, but the tears only flowed for a while. Xia Wanru wiped her tears and showed a strong look on her face.

"The child is gone, I can't let Zhang Haotian be so good, beauty, you follow me to catch the traitor, I want to see how Zhang Haotian is sorry for me!" Xia Wanru dried her tears and said with a clenched fist.

"Sister!" Xia Hongyan looks at Zhao Fugui with a look of bewilderment. Xia Wanru has just been hit by miscarriage, and now she is going to catch the traitor. Xia Hongyan is afraid that she will do something irreparable under her excitement.

"Miss Xia, we'd better wait and see about catching the traitor. You need to rest more now!" Zhao Fugui did not expect to encounter such a situation, can only harden the scalp to persuade said.

Although Xia Wanru's body recovered quickly under the nourishment of Lingquan water, her physical problems could be cured by Lingquan water, but her spiritual trauma could not be cured by Lingquan water. Zhao Fugui thinks that it's better for Xia Wanru to take time to catch the traitor, so as not to be hit twice. Xia Wanru can't bear it.

"Are you here, Mr. Zhao?" Xia Wanru didn't expect that Zhao Fugui was also here, and Zhao Fugui heard about her family. But Xia Wanru didn't feel ashamed about it, because it wasn't her fault.

"Elder sister, just now you had an accident. It was Fugui who came to help. Fortunately, he came here!" Xia Hongyan said quickly.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao, but I must catch the traitor today and see Zhang Haotian's hateful appearance!" Xia Wanru takes out her mobile phone under her pillow and receives a text message from her mobile phone.

"Imperial Hotel, room 507!" Xia Hongyan took out her mobile phone and read out the content of the message. She also took a photo below the message. The photo above is a picture of Haotian taking a bath.

It's no wonder that Xia Wanru is so stimulated. She is pregnant and ill in hospital, but her husband is fooling around outside. Moreover, Xia Wanru is not stimulated by such photos.

"It's a strange thing to take a picture of a client!" Zhao Fugui looked at the photo and said with a frown.

The person who can take this kind of picture can only be the person who has adultery with Zhang Haotian, and this kind of private photo is difficult to fall into the hands of others, so this text message is likely to be sent by the woman who has adultery with Zhang Haotian, so the purpose of her sending this text message is very questionable.

"No matter who took the picture, I will go and have a look! Previously in the hospital, I have heard about Zhang Haotian and his secretary. Today I will go to confirm it anyway! " Xia Wanru said firmly.

Zhao Fugui doesn't think it's a good idea, but it's really not up to him to decide. Zhao Fugui looks at Xia Hongyan and hopes that Xia Hongyan can persuade her sister.

"Elder sister, if it's true, it's OK to confront Zhang Haotian later. When you've taken good care of yourself, I'll go with you. I have to fight that woman's face!" Xia Hongyan hesitated and said.

I heard that Zhang Haotian cheated, Xia Hongyan is also very angry, but she knows that now is not the time to catch the traitor, the most important thing is to keep Xia Wanru healthy.

"I feel like I'm all right. Let's go now!" Xia Wanru is usually a very gentle woman, but now she is very stubborn. She has come down from the bed when she talks.

"If you have to go, drink some more medicine. I'll go with you later." Zhao Fugui sighed and took out the spring water.

Xia Wanru's face was pale, but after she got out of bed, her face turned red quickly, because she felt chilly below and didn't wear underwear.

Xia Hongyan said it was Zhao Fugui who treated her. Xia Wanru thought it was Zhao Fugui who took off her clothes. Her face turned red. But it can't blame Zhao Fugui. Even if Zhao Fugui took off his clothes, it was to save her.

Xia Wanru blushed and drank two mouthfuls of sweet Lingquan water. After drinking the Lingquan water, Xia Wanru only felt relaxed and relaxed all over her body.

"This medicine, Mr. Zhao?" Xia Wanru can guess that this medicine is very precious even if she has no research on medicine.

"It's OK. I made it myself. It's good for the recovery of the body!" Zhao Fugui explained.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for always asking you to help!" Xia Wanru some moved said.

"Just call me rich. It's right to treat and save people!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and Xia Wanru changed his clothes quickly. Xia confidante stuffed a bottle of chili water spray into the bag. Two women followed Zhao Fugui on the train, and the knight fifteen roared to the Imperial Hotel.

"What are you doing?" At the same time, in room 507 of the Imperial Hotel, Zhang Haotian came out of the bathroom humming a tune. He saw that there was no trace on the bed and she was hot. The female secretary, who was lying on the bed playing with a mobile phone, asked.Zhang Haotian's female secretary is Xu Yanyan. She just graduated from university two years ago. She is very beautiful and hot. When she applied for a job in Zhang Haotian's company, she was picked up by Zhang Haotian. In less than a week, Zhang Haotian ran Xu Yanyan in his office.

At that time, Xu Yanyan also had a boyfriend she talked about when she was in college. Xu Yanyan turned around and kicked him. She followed Zhang Haotian wholeheartedly, but after being Zhang Haotian's Secretary for two years, Xu Yanyan was not reconciled. Don't want to do the main room of small three is not a good small three, Xu Yanyan determined to get rid of Xia Wanru.

Xu Yanyan heard Zhang Haotian's voice, quickly turned off the chat software, threw the mobile phone, and walked to Zhang Haotian in a sweet voice.

"Husband, they were playing mobile games just now!" Xu Yanyan casually pulled a panic, the temptation incomparable to Zhang Haotian threw a wink.

"Yanyan, you have to perform well today!" Zhang Haotian pours at Xu Yanyan with an obscene smile.

At this time, Zhao Fugui and Xia Wanru have come to the outside of the Imperial Hotel.

"What can I do for you, sir and madam?" The waiter in the hotel hall saw that Zhao Fugui and they were coming fiercely. He immediately felt bad and asked. There are many things to catch traitors these days. Who hasn't seen them.

"It's none of your business!" Zhao Fugui glared at the waiter and led the two women directly into the elevator to the fifth floor. Outside room 507, Zhao Fugui asked Xia Wanru, "can you enter?"

Xia Wanru took a deep breath and nodded. Zhao Fugui kicked on the door, even avoided knocking, and directly kicked the door open.

"Who? What are you doing? " Zhang Haotian was startled by the huge sound of kicking the door. He was so scared that he fell down from the bed and cried out in panic.

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