Super Monk

Chapter 647

"I'm not a sex wolf!" Zhao Fugui didn't expect that as soon as the girl woke up, she was slapped and rubbed her face. Zhao Fugui said quickly.

"You are not a sex wolf. What are you? Don't run, I'll call the police The girl is shy and angry. She faints for no reason. As soon as she wakes up, she sees a strange man rubbing around her chest. What is this man.

"Don't call the police. I'm your mother's friend. You had a ghost just now. I'm helping you drive away the ghost!" Zhao Fugui said in a hurry, if this really called the police for a while and a half, it would not be clear.

"Feudal superstition, who do you cheat?" The girl looked at Zhao Fugui contemptuously, took out her mobile phone and dialed the police. "Hello, uncle policeman, I have a coyote here!"

"Mei Mei, hang up!" At this time, Su Mei slowly sat up from the ground and saw that her daughter had recovered and had the energy to make a phone call. Su Mei said quickly.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Hearing Su Mei's voice, the girl quickly turns around and raises her nervously. She just woke up and called in a hurry. She didn't even see Su Mei lying here.

"I come back to you, you hang up, richness is not a bad man!" Su Mei waved her hand and was helped by the girl to the sofa in the living room.

The girl hesitated, looked at her mother and glared at Zhao Fugui. She picked up the phone and said, "my mother said that the sex wolf is not a bad man. I'll call you later!"

Zhao Fugui's face is embarrassed. In front of the girl's mother, she is said to be a sex wolf. It's really a bit embarrassing.

"Meimei, why are you so impolite? Wealth is to save you. He is not a coyote, but a good man!" Su Mei stares at the girl and says to Zhao Fugui, "Fugui, this is my daughter Su Meimei. She is young and doesn't understand. Don't tell her the same thing!"

"Mom, who says I'm too young to be sensible? I'm going to university this year! He is clearly a sex wolf, just now, just now Su Mei looks at Zhao Fugui angrily. She wants to explain to her mother that Zhao Fugui is touching her, but she is embarrassed.

"Well, Miss Su, it was you who had a sudden illness just now. I know a little about medicine, and I'm promoting blood circulation for you! Do you often feel impetuous during this period of time, and you can't sleep well at night, so you are easily frightened? " Zhao Fugui quickly explained.

"You just said that I was possessed by ghosts, but now you say that I have a sudden illness. You don't want to cheat people. Don't say the foreword doesn't match the Afterword, OK?" Su Meimei rolled her eyes and said.

Zhao Fugui thought, I'm afraid to tell you the truth and scare you, you little girl. You really don't know what to do.

"Just now, you were a little bit like a ghost. That's why I read it wrong. After a careful look, I knew it wasn't a ghost!" Zhao Fugui gave Su Mei a wink and said, "you see what you just looked like scared your mother out of her mind. It's really like a ghost!"

"Yes, Mei Mei, you scared mom to death just now!" Su Mei saw Zhao Fugui's eyes, and quickly cooperated with Zhao Fugui. This girl is still young. Su Mei and Zhao Fugui are afraid that she can't accept what happened to her, so they make up a lie for her.

"Really? I was scared? " When Su Meimei heard her mother say the same thing, she began to believe it and asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's frightening. Only white eyes are left in my eyes!" Su Mei nodded and said.

"What's the matter with me? Recently, I really feel that I can't sleep well at night, I'm very tired, and I always dream and wake up at night! " Su Meimei said dubiously.

"You are a little anxious. Maybe you are suddenly liberated from the high learning pressure environment in high school, and you are a little mentally maladjusted. It's OK. You don't have a big problem. I'll prescribe some medicine for you later, and it will be OK in the future! " Zhao Fugui said.

"True or false, I don't know how relaxed I am after the college entrance examination. How can I be anxious?" Su Meimei's face was like, "don't cheat me, OK, uncle.".

"Mei Mei, how can you talk to your uncle? Uncle Zhao is a famous medical scientist in China. He invented the treatment spray for our family. You are very skilled in Zhao Shushu's medicine, and are much more powerful than those famous doctors outside. " Su Mei said.

"Well, just call me brother Zhao, not uncle!" Zhao Fugui thought, I'm only in my twenties. Well, I'm not much older than Su Meimei. Do I look so old?

"Really?" Su Meimei's eyes brightened. She looked at Zhao Fugui carefully this time, as if she had just known Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui thought, it seems that the role of fame is still great.

"what a spray is, it's nothing but a gizmo." Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"my classmates all say that the treatment spray is an epoch-making invention. How can it be a little invention? My classmates all admire it. If they knew I knew you, they would be envious! " Su Meimei danced and said, and now she forgot that Zhao Fugui was still rubbing her body.

Doctors, everything is for treatment. There are so many male doctors in gynecology department. Do everyone want to sue for sexual harassment?

Seeing that Su Meimei has been fooled, Zhao Fugui winks at Su Mei. It's time to investigate. Otherwise, it will happen again today."Meimei, you go to buy some dishes. In the evening, we invite brother Zhao to dinner. Thank him for his help!" Su Mei understood and said to Su Meimei.

"Oh Su Meimei looks at Zhao Fugui and Su Mei strangely, but she nods and turns to walk outside the villa.

Zhao Fugui can see that Su Mei's family is probably a single parent family. There are only Su Mei and Su Meimei. Moreover, Su Meimei's original name is not su Meimei. She changed her surname to Su Meimei.

"Mr. Su, who gave you this small porcelain vase and this dagger?" After su Meimei was sent away, Zhao Fugui took up the small porcelain bottle and dagger in the empty lattice and asked.

"This small porcelain vase was taken by Meimei from her father last time. It was a gift from Aunt Liu. She said it was antique. What's wrong with these things?" Su Mei's face is a little embarrassed to say.

Zhao Fugui thought that Su Meimei's father might be Su Mei's ex husband, and Aunt Liu might be the new man found by her ex husband.

"This porcelain vase is actually used to hold ghosts. Some people put ghosts in the porcelain vase to harm you!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice that there was still some corpse oil in the small porcelain vase. The corpse oil could hold ghosts. Normally, the two ghosts were hidden in the porcelain vase.

"What? Liu Qian robbed my husband. Unexpectedly, she even wanted to harm our mother. How could she be so vicious! " Su Mei said angrily.

"It's not over yet, let's go to her!" Zhao Fugui said.

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