Super Monk

Chapter 648

"Richness, you, you mean she will harm me in the future?" Su Mei's whole body trembles and asks in horror. She never thought Liu Qian was such a vicious woman.

Su Mei has been busy running Hualian Supermarket since her divorce. She has never found her ex husband. Only her daughter, Su Meimei, goes to her father occasionally. Su Mei can't figure out where she's standing in the way of Liu Qian. She wants to kill her like this.

"If you can do this once, you can do it a second time. If you don't succeed once, there will probably be a second time!" Zhao Fugui and Su Mei went out of the villa together, and said in a deep voice.

"Then what? Richness, no, let's call the police! " Su Mei said in panic.

"What about the police? Do you want to tell the police that someone wants to kill you? " Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "let's go to see the situation. Ordinary people certainly can't manipulate ghosts. Liu Qian either has problems or someone helps her. We just destroy the source!"

Su Mei bites her lips. She gets on the bus and walks to her husband's house with Zhao Fugui. Hualian Supermarket is the industry of Su's family. Su Mei's ex husband runs a clothing factory by himself. His family lives in a medium and high-end community near the clothing factory.

As soon as Zhao Fugui, a knight, took Su Mei to the neighborhood where Su Mei's ex husband lived, he saw a large group of people on the road outside the exit of the neighborhood.

"Something's wrong!" As soon as Zhao Fugui's face changed, he took Su Mei to the crowd. In the middle of the crowd, a woman in her twenties fell into a pool of blood, and her head was almost knocked off.

A red sport Land Rover was parked on the side of the road with its head askew, and a young driver was shivering inside.

"It's Liu Qian, it's Liu Qian, she's dead!" Su Mei saw the woman in the pool of blood, her legs softened, and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Zhao Fugui held her.

Liu qianfang's fierce ghost over there had just been eliminated, and she was killed by a car. Moreover, she was so badly hit that she almost lost her head. Even Zhao Fugui felt a chill rising from the bottom of her heart.

"What's going on? How come it's so bad? " Among the onlookers, a man who had just come by on an electric car looked up and asked in horror.

"Who knows, it seems that this woman is also a resident of our community. Just now I came back from shopping at the gate of the community and saw her walking outside in a daze. The car was driving fast, but it couldn't hit her. It was like she was hit with her head!" Said a middle-aged woman with a bag of vegetables.

"The sidewalk is so wide. This car is a little far from the door. If she didn't want to die, how could she have hit her? She's afraid she's going to die on her own! "

"Did you have a fight? Oh, what a pity! I broke my neck! "

"I know this person. Recently, she seems to be making trouble with her husband. It seems that her husband sees that her ex-wife is doing a good job now. His own factory seems to be out of order. He wants to remarry with his ex-wife, so they have conflicts. Her husband hasn't been here for a while! "

"Ah, even if we quarrel, we can't kill ourselves. We don't know if we have children. Why can't we be young?"

After a while, the ambulance and the traffic police came. Su Mei was pale and stunned. Zhao Fugui pulled her out of the crowd.

"She looks like she's either eating back or being harmed. Do you know exactly where she lives? I'm going to see her at home! " Zhao Fugui said to Su Mei in a low voice.

"The police have come. If they find out that we are going to Liu Qian's house now, will they think we are murderers?" Su Mei said in panic.

"It's the traffic police who only deal with things on the road. They won't go to Liu Qian's house. At most, they will inform her family. And this case will eventually be treated as a traffic accident, the police can't see the problem! " Zhao Fugui urged, "take me quickly. There may be something left in Liu Qian's house. If you go late, you may be taken away!"

Su Mei hesitated before nodding. At this time, she didn't know what else to do except believe Zhao Fugui.

Liu Qian lives on the 15th floor of the third building. All the houses in this community are large, with a minimum of 120 square meters. The largest is a duplex building, with a total of more than 200 square meters. Liu Qian's house is a duplex building. The house price here can't be bought by herself. Obviously, this house can only be bought by Su Mei's ex husband.

"The security door is locked. We can't get in!" There is no one in the high-rise building. Even if there is one, they will not care about Zhao Fugui and Su Mei. The door outside the compound building is locked, but Su Mei looks around nervously and whispers.

"You stand in the back!" Zhao took a breath, clenched his fist and hit the door lock with a heavy blow. The burglar proof door makes a dull sound. Suddenly it shakes, and the whole door lock is hit by Zhao Fugui. Su Mei's eyes widened and watched Zhao Fugui push the door in.

Duplex building is very messy, clothes, tableware thrown everywhere, obviously Liu Qian this period of time is not very comfortable. The setting sun shines in through the glass of the duplex building, but the house looks a little chilly.

"There should have been a shrine here before, but it was taken away. Liu Qian may be worshiping evil gods or something else!" Zhao Fugui reached out and touched a table against the wall. He found some balm on his fingers and said with a frown."Is it useful to worship evil gods?" Su Mei asked tremblingly.

"It's useless for ordinary people to worship even the right God. Now it's the end of the Dharma, and all the gods are dead. In fact, the evil gods I mentioned are not gods. They are strange things. They may only be big ghosts, or they may be spirits. They have some strange abilities. They are worshipped! "

Zhao Fugui speculated these things from the Taiping Taoist book. He doesn't know whether they are right or not. However, judging from the current world situation, it is likely that this is the case.

"You mean Liu Qian worshipped a ghost?" Su Mei was even more frightened and asked in horror.

"It's possible, but there must be someone to help her. Your ex husband wanted to remarry you, but Liu Qian didn't want to, so she did it! " Zhao Fugui said, "there is no clue here. Let's go!"

Zhao Fugui leaves with Su Mei. The sun gradually sets, and the night spreads in the room. A faint wind slowly blows through the room.

"These two beads, which you make into jewelry belts, can keep you safe. I'll send someone to check the matter here and see if I can find anything! " Zhao Fugui takes out two coral beads and hands them to Su Mei.

"Yes Su Mei nervously took the bead and didn't recover for a long time. Zhao Fugui looks at her like this and estimates that the sales of happy vegetables can only be delayed for a few days.

"I'll take you back first!" Zhao Fugui takes Su Mei to the car and drives her home. Just at this time, his mobile phone rings. When Zhao Fugui takes it up, it's Chen Yihan. "Hey, meaning, I'll be right back!"

"Fugui, bunny, they went to Houshan in the afternoon, but they haven't come back yet, and the phone can't get through. I want to go up the mountain to find them. Come back quickly!" Chen Yihan said anxiously.

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