Super Monk

Chapter 730

After such an incident, Zhao Fugui didn't go directly. He was helping with the food in Wan village at night, and didn't stop until more than 10 pm.

"Xiaolian, tomorrow your contact person will install a large water tank on the roof of the delicious food house in Wan Village, and then row a pipe into the kitchen!" After the evening, Zhao Fugui said.

"What's a tank for? It's convenient to use water in the kitchen! " Xiaolian asked in surprise as she instructed the waiter to clean the seats.

"It's useful for me to fill the water tank. I'll put some liquid medicine directly into the water tank for the kitchen, so as not to let Xiaowan village's food delivery man bring it every time, or I'll come here myself to make it more troublesome!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Oh, well, I'll contact someone to fill the tank tomorrow!" Xiaolian nodded and said. In the evening, two waiters were on duty in the restaurant, and the others were off work at eleven o'clock.

Zhao Fugui watched as many waiters were waiting to return to Xiaowan village. He immediately patted his head. There were so many things these days that he forgot to rent a house for the waiters and chefs.

"My car can also take a few people. You can get in my car. I'll rent the dormitory of Wan Village delicacies in the city this week." Zhao Fugui saw everyone waving to stop the car and called to the waiters.

"I'll take it. Today I finally have the chance to take the boss's car. It's more than 10 million. I'll send a circle of friends later!" A bit more generous immediately trotted over, a bit shy is still hesitating, this side of the car is almost full.

"Sister Xiaolian, I left you the co pilot's seat!" There are four waitresses sitting in the back seat of Knight XV. One of the waitresses shouts to Xiaolian. Xiaolian hesitates for a moment, but she comes over a little embarrassed.

Xiaolian gets on the bus and can't sit in it. Zhao Fugui asks other waiters to take a ride at night and pay attention to their safety. Then he drives Knight XV out of the city.

Several waitresses in the back seat chirp excitedly and use their mobile phones to take pictures in the car. For them, there may not be many chances to take a car with more than one million, let alone a car with more than 10 million. Maybe they can only take this one time in their life. Of course, they have to take photos.

Zhao Fugui didn't stop the chattering self portraits of several female service staff, but Xiaolian, sitting in the co pilot's seat, seemed a little nervous.

"Ma Yong didn't go back all this time?" Zhao Fugui thought about it and asked.

"No, I don't know where he is, and there's no phone!" After a pause, Xiaolian continued, "I don't want to call him, either!"

Xiaolian and Ma Yong get married, because they haven't been able to have children, so they have a very low status in the family. Not only does her mother-in-law dislike her, but even Ma Qian, a father-in-law, bullied her before Ma Qian was in prison.

At first, Ma Yong was ok with her, but later he showed his true colors. Ma Yong was lazy, especially after drinking. He had an explosive temper and beat and scolded Xiaolian when he was not satisfied. It's a good thing for Xiaolian that Ma Yong doesn't go back.

"Xiaolian, let's take a picture together!" A waitress holding a mobile phone excitedly said to Xiaolian, the waitress is cousin Ma Yong's girlfriend.

Although Ma Yong is not a good thing, his cousin is not bad, honest and reliable. Xiaolian and his cousin's girlfriend have a good relationship.

"Good!" Xiaolian nodded, leaning back, and took a picture with the attendant holding the mobile phone.

Ma Yong is not a good thing either. However, he suffered from Xiaolian. Seeing that Xiaolian is making money now, Ma Yong won't let her go easily. It's a good thing that he doesn't come back.

However, these are Xiaolian's family affairs after all. Zhao Fugui doesn't have much to say, and there are so many people on the bus. If Zhao Fugui cares too much, it's not good for Xiaolian.

Zhao Fugui didn't ask much. He drove the knight 15 for an hour and then returned to Xiaowan village. When he returned to Xiaowan village, it was already more than 12 o'clock. Xiaowan village was quiet.

The village patrol looked around and went back. Zhao Fugui could see wolf spirit and Yin soldiers patrolling everywhere to protect the safety of the village.

These Yin soldiers and wolf spirits will not have any impact on the tourists of Xiaowan village. As long as they have entered the pagoda, the pagoda will have golden light to protect these Yin soldiers and wolf spirits, so that their Yin Qi will not leak out and will not have any impact on the living people.

Zhao Fugui drives Knight 15 into the village. Xiaolian and Zhao Fugui greet each other and soon return to the village. Zhao Fugui stopped the knight XV and went back to the Farmhouse Inn.

It's quiet in the Farmhouse Inn. It's over twelve o'clock now. People in the village have had a rest. Even Chen Yihan is no exception.

When Zhao Fugui returns to her room, Chen Yihan lies quietly on the bed. The bright moonlight falls on her face, which is peaceful. Zhao Fugui can't bear to wake her up. After washing lightly, he lies beside Chen Yihan.

After a busy day, Zhao Fugui practiced in silence. Now that he has opened the "bridge between heaven and earth", his practice is no longer limited to sitting cross legged. Zhao Fugui can practice Daoli in any posture, but cross legged meditation is indeed the most efficient posture.

After practicing for a while, Zhao Fugui fell asleep. Chen Yihan didn't wake him up until the next morning."Fugui, after you left yesterday, Kimura longer came again and said that he wanted to invite you to Japan for some high-end food tasting meeting. He said that the date has been set. Please go!" Chen Yihan saw Zhao Fugui wake up and said to him.

"He told me about it before. When is the time?" Zhao Fugui asked casually.

"In a week's time, besides, Mr. Shu Yashu will come here today, saying that he wants to discuss something with you!" Chen Yihan said.

"I'll go when I have time in a week, and I'll talk about it then! What's the matter with Mr. Shu Zhao Fugui thinks about it. There's no big deal recently. It's OK to go to Japan to see what the Japanese food tasting can do.

"Mr. Shu didn't say it. He just said he would talk about it when he came to see you today." Chen Yihan shook his head and said.

"Maybe it's for me to go to class. Let's wait until she comes." Zhao Fugui got up from his bed and said excitedly, "I've come up with a way to feed the farm on Daqingshan. We can buy an agricultural airplane and directly use it to feed Daqingshan from the sky! This not only saves manpower, but also makes tourists see something strange. It's not common to drop fodder by plane in China! "

"Agricultural aircraft?" Chen Yihan asked in surprise, but she immediately reflected that this idea may not be feasible.

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