Super Monk

Chapter 731

"Ten thousand mu mountain forest is not a barrier for poultry, but it's too troublesome to raise so many poultry artificially! I'm going to use agricultural airplanes to put in feed. In addition, I'm going to dig some water channels around the mountains in the back mountain to pump water from the lower reaches of the river to form a circular water channel, so that the poultry won't be short of water! " Zhao Fugui said.

Poultry breeding uses agricultural airplanes. When they drink water, they use the circular mountain waterway. The waterway is built like a winding mountain highway. A reservoir is dug on the top of the third roof. After it is full of water, it is drained into the channel, and then it is pumped and drained to form a cycle.

People are not allowed to go up after the back mountain. After the reconstruction of the ancient tomb, a suspension bridge is specially built from the other side of the valley. Tourists want to play in the ancient tomb and go in and out from the suspension bridge.

"That's a good idea. I think it can, but where does the agricultural plane take off from? Besides, where can we buy agricultural airplanes? " Chen Yihan thought about it and asked.

"The agricultural plane takes off from Chengdu airport. If the airport doesn't allow it, we'll come out on the other side of the parking lot by a runway! If I buy airplanes, I'll sell them near us. There's a Delong Machinery Corporation in Jiangcheng downstream of Chunjiang river. They have agricultural airplanes for sale, and the price is not expensive. It's about $5.6 million! " Zhao Fugui said.

"It is estimated that agricultural aircraft will not be allowed to take off at the airport. They are certainly worried about the danger of affecting the flight. They can only find a way from the parking lot!" Chen Yihan said, "agricultural aircraft do not have high requirements for airport runways. We can't afford to buy some land in Qianwan village and build a separate runway! But there's another problem. Driving a plane is not driving a car. Your driver's license is not a flight license. Who can we turn to when we buy the plane? "

"Agricultural aircraft is not the current airliner. How can it be so troublesome? Buy it first!" Zhao Fugui said with disapproval.

"It's not a big problem to drive a car even if something happens on the road. It's not the same to drive a plane. It's dangerous to fly into the sky if something goes wrong. Don't mess about!" Chen Yihan said.

"I know. It's OK. I know it!" Seeing that Chen Yihan agreed with the plan, Zhao Fugui said excitedly, "today is nothing. Later, President Shu will come to ask her what's the matter, and then we'll go to Jiangcheng and buy the plane back!"

"All right!" Chen Yihan nods. After washing, they go to a small kitchen. Chen Yihan deals with Xiaowan village. Zhao Fugui walks around in Xiaowan village.

Now most of the fruit trees in Xiaowan village have been picked, and only the 50 mu seedlings that originally planted happy apples grow small fruits.

Now, it's less than a month before the beginning of autumn in the lunar calendar. Once the beginning of autumn, even with the help of Lingquan water, it's very difficult for fruit trees to bear fruit, and there will be no insect pollination at that time. It's very troublesome to make fruit trees bear fruit again. This 50 mu happy fruit is the last batch of happy fruit this year.

After the beginning of autumn, when the weather gets colder, the business of the water park will start to get worse. If the weather gets colder, you can still count on bars and ancient tombs as new profit points. However, once winter comes, you have to find other businesses.

Ma Wenqiang has started construction here. According to his estimation, the bar can be built in more than a month at most. There is no technical difficulty here. They are going to build the bar first, and after the installation of the large reinforced glass, they will clean up the soil on the other side of the reinforced glass, so as not to be difficult to construct.

"Rich and noble, Mr. Shu is here. She's waiting for you in the farm stove!" Before long in the morning, Chen Yihan called Zhao Fugui and said.

"Well, I'll be right there!" Zhao Fugui nodded, hung up the phone, turned around and went to the farm stove.

There are a lot of traps in the secret passage of the ancient tomb, and Zhao Fugui didn't urge the progress of the archaeological team. Now that Zhao Fugui has a little friendship with Dr. Tu Yatu, it's not easy to urge others.

Zhao Fugui went to the Farmhouse Inn. Before he saw Shuya, a pretty figure ran over and rushed into Zhao Fugui's arms.

"Brother Zhao, I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you miss me?" As soon as Zhao Fugui looks down, he is seeing a bright young face. It's not who Shu Xiaosu is.

"Yes, why didn't you think about it? Where have you been for such a long time? Why didn't you come here for the summer vacation?" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"I've been out on a trip, not long since I came back!" Shu Xiaosu excitedly releases Zhao Fugui, takes out his mobile phone and turns out the photo to show Zhao Fugui. "Brother Zhao, you see, I went diving and took a week's round the world cruise. I also caught a devil fish of more than 50 Jin in the sea! Also, I parachuted! "

Shu Xiaosu excitedly turns out the photos. Zhao Fugui has photos of Shu Xiaosu diving in a swimsuit and fishing on a luxury cruise ship with a sun hat. What surprised Zhao Fugui most was that there was a photo of Shu Xiaosu parachuting in these photos.

"Sue, you can jump?" Looking at the photos, Zhao Fugui was surprised and said that when he jumped from a height of at least 1000 meters, he did not dare to say that he must have the courage. Unexpectedly, Shu Xiaosu, a little girl, had such courage.

"Of course, I've been training for two weeks, and my mother has been with me for two weeks before I'm allowed to jump!" Shu Xiaosu said with some pride.

"Great, Sue!" Zhao Fugui gives Shu Xiaosu a thumbs up. A little girl has so much courage to try these. She really has courage."Brother, if you want to parachute, I can teach you!" Shuxiaosu some proud said.

"Well, I'll go skydiving sometime!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile, and then he saw Shu Ya coming. "Mr. Shu, long time no see!"

"Recently, Meiyan international is very busy. We have undertaken an international competition. There are too many things to coordinate and arrange. We can't find the time to come over. We have finally arranged these days!" Shuya said.

"What project should Mr. Shu be so busy with?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"The international Hercules competition Huaxia competition, undertaking this project is conducive to Meiyan international expanding its influence in the industry. This competition is very important and has been busy for such a long time!" Shuya said.

"International Hercules competition? So that's it. I've seen it on TV before! " Zhao Fugui nodded and said.

"Richness, this competition is very important for Meiyan international, but we can't find enough people to judge. We can't let foreigners serve as referees. Originally, Tu Hu was able to do it, but he has been dismissed. Meiyan international does not have enough talents, so I want you to be one of the judges! " Shuya said.

"Referee?" Zhao Fugui was stunned. He didn't expect Shu Ya to ask him to be the referee, which surprised Zhao Fugui more than asking him to participate in the competition.

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