Super Monk

Chapter 749

Section chief Ma was so angry that he fainted on the road. He was called by passers-by to report to the police. Soon after, he was pulled away by the police and sent to the hospital. However, Zhao Fugui found that this Ma section chief will not only lose a lot of money this time, but also he is afraid that he will soon become a section chief.

Zhao Fugui sent a Yin soldier to follow Liu Daguo, and found that this guy listed a lot of evidence to the Discipline Inspection Commission, newspapers, media and other units in order to prevent him from collecting debts, and sent letters to expose the corruption of Mr. Ma. I'm afraid that Mr. Ma will wake up in the hospital tomorrow and someone will talk to him.

"I've sold this tripod for hundreds of thousands of dollars! Zhao Fugui is a son of a bitch. I must take revenge on him! " Liu sent out several letters of report, then muttered to himself with a ferocious face.

After that, Liu Daguo began to jump up and down and make phone calls everywhere. After more than an hour, he finally got some information. After that, Liu Daduo hurriedly drove his pickup truck and took heiding to a remote village in the suburb.

"For what?" Liu Daduo wandered around the village and soon drove to the outside of a jade processing factory. A strong man with bare arms at the door cheered at him.

"I'm Lao Liu, introduced by boss Zhang. I want to sell something to you guys!" Liu Daguo saw that the jade was processed, and his eyes brightened. He said with a smile.

"Drive in!" The strong man called to ask, and then waved to Liu Daduo.

Liu Daduo drives his pickup into another processing factory. Several men with bad looks immediately surround him. A man in his thirties with a cigarette in his mouth stares at Liu Daduo and asks in a deep voice, "what do you want to sell

"Brother, I want to sell this, my ancestral thing, which has been buried in my yard for decades!" Liu Dazuo nodded and bowed with a smile, and quickly opened the canvas in the trunk of the pickup truck.

"Ding? You can hide this stuff in your family. Your ancestors are quite capable of it! " The man with the cigarette in his mouth saw the big black cauldron, looked and smelled it carefully, and didn't seem to see any flaw. Then he asked, "how much do you want for this?"

"One, no, two million! According to my grandfather, my big black tripod was from the Yongle period. It was used by the emperor to cook meat! If you go abroad and sell it to foreigners, it will be worth a lot of money! " Liu Dazuo's eyes turned around and said.

"The emperor is really idle. He doesn't have to use this to cook meat!" The man with the cigarette in his mouth sneered, his face suddenly changed, and he kicked Liu Daduo down and said, "you take a fake to fool me. You think my nose is useless because of the strong sour smell?"

"No, it's impossible. It was unearthed from an ancient tomb!" Liu Daguo's face changed greatly, and he screamed and said, "I'm sure you want to black my things!"

"Are you still black? Just look for a handicraft market and you can do it in a few days! " With a sneer and a fierce wave of his hand, the man with the cigarette in his mouth pushed the black tripod down and immediately revealed the words under the black tripod. "You leave the time and the name of the handicraft factory by faking. You really treat me as a fool, don't you? Guys, break this kid's leg! He doesn't know who I am if you don't give him some strength! "

"Don't, don't, I was cheated by others, brother, please forgive me!" Liu Dahuo screamed in panic, then screamed violently, and was broken by several strong men.

"Go away, dare to come again next time, I'll kill you!" Several strong men broke Liu's legs and threw him out of the village.

Liu Daguo wants to cry without tears. He does not dare to go back to the city with a broken leg. He can only stop a car and start running. He can't understand how Dading has become a fake.

"Do it for yourself!" As soon as Liu Daduo ran away, Zhao Fugui didn't care about him, so he took back the Yin soldiers directly.

After two days of tossing about with Mr. Ma, Liu Daguo thought that he had found a way to make a fortune, but he didn't think that money had been tossed about, instead, he tossed himself in. One is on the run, the other is afraid to be interviewed by the Discipline Inspection Commission tomorrow, while Xiaowan village is still standing.

There's nothing wrong with the delicious food in Wan village. Zhao Fugui solved the problem of Liu Daduo and Ma Kechang, and then drove Knight 15 back to Xiaowan village.

"Boss, two agricultural airplanes have been debugged! Miss Chen has also arranged the zero hour runway so that the plane can go to work at any time! " When Zhao Fugui returned to Xiaowan village, Lao Li had already come.

Chen Yihan separated a temporary runway about 100 meters long and 30 meters wide from the southernmost side of the parking lot. This runway has a little impact on the number of parking spaces in the parking lot. In the future, we will definitely build a separate runway. A hangar and a house were built at the end of the runway. The house is where Lao Li lived.

"The plane spraying fodder can't be used for the time being. The farm hasn't finished yet! You should try out the passenger and cargo plane first, let the tourists in Xiaowan village have a look, and hang up the sign of manned flight tomorrow! " Zhao Fugui said.

"OK, I'll fly around Xiaowan village for a few times first." Lao Li nodded and quickly climbed on the plane. In a short time, the passenger cargo plane took off from the runway and began to roar around Xiaowan village.

"Where is this plane from? Why do you fly around Xiaowan village all the time? " The roar of agricultural aircraft immediately attracted the attention of tourists, who looked up at the aircraft and began to talk."Two days ago, boss Zhao said that Xiaowan village has also added a project to carry passengers by plane. It's estimated that it's this plane!"

"It should be. The plane looks good! Wow, he's doing stunts! " Lao Li piloted the plane, intending to do business for his new boss, and began to roll continuously.

"I've seen a lot of airplanes. I haven't seen this kind of airplane. It looks very interesting!" Tourists see the agricultural aircraft in the sky, and many tourists are very interested in this aircraft.

Lao Li rolled around Xiaowan village and flew for ten or twenty minutes before landing in the parking lot again.

"Lao Li, how much does it cost to fly this plane for ten or twenty minutes?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"It costs more than 100 yuan to fly for 10 or 20 minutes, which is more than that of ordinary cars!" Lao Li said.

"After that, let's fly for 20 minutes, one or two thousand yuan at a time. I think it's almost the same. It's a small project. If someone plays, fly. If no one plays, leave the plane!" Zhao Fugui said.

"One or two thousand is not expensive. If you fly by helicopter in the coastal area, you can charge three or five thousand for ten or twenty minutes at a time!" Lao Li said.

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