Super Monk

Chapter 750

"Fugui, in the afternoon, President Shu sent someone to deliver some things, a suit of referee's uniform, a pass, and ten seats on the viewing platform! Mr. Shu said that although there are no tickets in the Huaxia section of the international Hercules competition, there are only about 1000 tickets with seats. They are all the best seats and the seats are all important people! If anyone in Xiaowan village wants to go, they can take these tickets! "

Chen Yihan sees Zhao Fugui go back and points to a bag in the office.

"Take the ticket. Then you can ask some people to come and have a look." Zhao Fugui put the beautifully made tickets on his desk, picked up the referee's uniform and looked at them. He said casually, "I'll take these things back and go to the sanatorium by the way! Linglao and Dr. Tu's injuries should have been almost cured! "

"Dr. Tu went to work in the ancient tomb yesterday. You are very short of time for the archaeological team. They are all working overtime!" Chen Yihan said.

"A week is just a word of anger. At that time, the attitude of their security team was so bad! They'll be in the tomb for no more than a month! " Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

Zhao Fugui took all these things, quickly returned to the Farmhouse Inn, put them in the room, and then walked to the sanatorium.

Zhao Fugui's sanatorium has never been publicized to the outside world, so there are very few patients who come here. Basically, they come to him only through some special channels to know that Zhao Fugui's medical skills are connected with the spirit, and there are incurable diseases that can't be solved outside.

As soon as Zhao Fugui went outside the sanatorium, he heard a huge quarrel. A group of old men squatted at the door of the sanatorium and smoked angrily. Several beauty special nurses were also at a loss to stay outside. Unexpectedly, two beauty special nurses were wiping their tears. Others seemed to comfort them.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Fugui speeded up and asked.

"Don't ask if you are rich or not. It's unfortunate! Go and see the two little girls. They have been scolded and cried. Go and comfort them Li Lao's face is ugly, very angry, but I don't know why or endure anger to Zhao Fugui said.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Fugui looked at several old men and found that they were all outside, only Ling was not there. He immediately frowned and asked several special care beauties.

"Mr. Ling's daughter-in-law has come here with a bad attitude. It seems that they quarreled with Mr. Ling because of Xiaoling. Xiaowen and Lili went to persuade him, and then they were scolded and cried by that woman!" A special care beauty said angrily.

"Isn't Ling's daughter-in-law like this?" Zhao Fugui a little can't believe asked, to Ling old identity, can enter his family how also must be a lady, a good wife and mother? How could it be a shrew?

"That woman is like a shrew, we don't know!" Special care beauty said indignantly.

"Ling Lao's injury hasn't healed yet. If he is angry, it will have a great impact on his recovery. I'll go and have a look! Xiaowen and Lili, you should get off work first and go to the snack street to have something to relax Zhao Fugui said.

Xiaowen and Lili nodded, wiped their tears and went to Xiaowan village. Zhao Fugui himself went to the sanatorium.

"Don't make public your family's ugliness! Old Ling is stubborn. If you don't want us old brothers to know about his family, don't go! " Old Li sighed and said.

"Ling Laoji is so old, and he has injuries. It's not good for him to keep arguing like this. I'll go and persuade them!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and went in.

"I tell you, your disabled grandson made our Ling family a laughing stock in Beijing. Otherwise, you disabled grandson, Ling Hao would have been a minister long ago. How could he have been a section chief? If you take him out this time, you don't want to take him back again. Our Ling family doesn't have this disabled thing! " As soon as Zhao Fugui came to the door of the ward, he heard a harsh female voice.

"You, how can you be so mean? It's unfortunate that we Ling family found a daughter-in-law like you. I'm so angry!" Ling Lao Qi's trembling voice said angrily.

"What's the matter? You still want to hit me? I tell you, I've put up with you for a long time, now I can't bear it! You beat me, you beat me, I tell you old thing, my stomach is broken, Linghao's child, if you are not afraid to beat me to abortion, you beat me! "

Zhao Fugui opened the door and saw Ling holding a crutch. He was pale and angry, staring at a young woman. Xiaoling face panic hiding in the corner of the ward, shivering all over.

"Ling Lao, calm down and put down your crutches!" Zhao Fugui rushed up and put linglao's crutch down.

"I was really blind at the beginning. I was blinded by your pretending filial piety and virtue and let you enter our Ling family. I was really blind!" Ling Lao roared indignantly.

"Well, at the beginning, I thought that although you had retired, the relationship was still there, and you could help Ou Hao climb up. I didn't expect that you stubborn old man wouldn't help Ling Hao at all! What's the use of our Ling family? Why don't you die earlier! " Cried the woman bitterly.

"Cough!" Ling could not breathe. His face turned red, then turned pale. He coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"You deserve it, old man. You should die early!" When the woman saw Ling like this, she didn't worry. Instead, she continued to clamor."Shut up Zhao Fugui couldn't help his anger. His face sank and he yelled at the woman. Then he quickly took out the spring water and gave Ling a few mouthfuls.

"Shut me up? What do you count? Get out of here As soon as the woman's face changed, she pointed to Zhao Fugui angrily and cried out.

"This place belongs to me. If you want to get out, get out! Get out of here now Zhao Fugui's face was ugly, and those unreasonable women he met before were willing to bow down in front of this woman.

"Do you know who dares to talk to me like this? Believe it or not, I'll shut you down and send you to jail with one call!" The woman screamed.

"I don't care who you are, get out of here!" Zhao Fugui also came to temper, not to give way to the two special care beauty command way "drive her out for me!"

"Rich and noble, don't mess about. After all, she has ruined our grandson of Ling family!" Ling took a few breaths and said, "you go, I can't take care of your mother's family! I don't care about Xiaoling and me in the future! "

"Old man, my brother will be transferred to the province this time. You can say hello! If you don't say hello, I'll let you two live here in peace! " The woman's face changed greatly and cried sharply.

It turns out that this is the case. Ling's daughter-in-law's mother's home has an important transfer this time. Ling is not willing to go for a favor to say hello for her private affairs, so the woman is furious. Moreover, she still relies on her pregnancy to abuse Xiao Ling wantonly and shows no respect for Ling.

Zhao Fugui looked at the woman carefully. The woman was about 20 or 30 years old. She was good-looking, but her eyebrows were too mean. Zhao Fugui's eyes fell on the woman's stomach and immediately frowned.

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