Super Monk

Chapter 804

"Since the early rice family has problems, they should automatically withdraw from the food selection, so our Shangshan family should win this time!" Shangshan Jiuzhi's eyes showed a look of ecstasy, and immediately cried out.

Zhao Fugui disdains to take a look at Shangshan Jiuzhi. Even if the early rice family quits, it's not your turn to win the food selection. Sure enough, as soon as the three food judges opened their mouths, the face of Shangshan Jiuzhi immediately became ugly.

"The early rice family withdrew from the selection due to the problem of food materials. We announced that the Hanshui fish of ITO family won this competition!" The gray haired food judge announced in a loud voice.

"What? How the hell did you guys choose? How can the top tuna of Shangshan family lose to the two broken fish of Huaxia people? " Shangshan Jiuzhi's face changed greatly. He grabbed the collar of a gourmet judge and cheered harshly.

"Mr. Shangshan, please pay attention to your behavior. Our evaluation is absolutely based on fairness and justice. We will never change the result because we are threatened!" The gray haired food judge said in a deep voice.

"Shangshan Jiuzhi, pay attention to your words and deeds, you fool!" Seeing that the restaurant reporters began to take pictures of him crazily, Shinichi shangsugi immediately yelled with an ugly face.

"Yes, father! I'm sorry, sir. I'm too impulsive! " Seeing his father's anger, his face changed. He quickly released his hand and bowed to the gray haired food judge to apologize.

"Mr. ITO, Zhao Jun, we will apply to the Food Association for approval of Hanshui fish as a 5A food! Although only one kind of food will be approved as 5A grade food by the Food Association every year, we are absolutely confident that Hanshui fish will become a new 5A grade food The gray haired food judge bowed to Zhao Fugui and ITO.

"Mr. Sasaki, please do this!" President ITO also bowed to the gray haired food judge.

President Ito's face was excited, and Kimura's face was extremely happy. Winning the award of this food review means that almost all the high-end food materials of top hotels and high-end places in Japan will be supplied by Shenzhu club in the next year, which is a huge industry of 500 billion yuan a year.

"President ITO, Congratulations Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"Where, today's matter thanks to Zhao Jun Shenzhu society can turn defeat into victory!" President ITO quickly said, "Zhao Jun, then Han Shuiyu asked Zhao Jun to supply Shenzhu club, please!"

"Of course, Xiaowan village and Shenzhu Club cooperate with each other, and we will certainly provide the best quality products! However, the number of Hanshui fish is scarce, and the internal consumption of Xiaowan village is also very large. I am also very embarrassed! " Zhao Fugui pretended to be embarrassed.

"Zhao Jun, please take care of Shenzhu club!" Ito look serious, fierce to Zhao Fugui a bow said.

Top tuna, king crab, Kobe beef, Xizhang melon and Huaishi cuisine are all available in Japan. ITO family, Shangshan family and zaodao family can all get them. It's nothing unusual.

But the ingredients of Xiaowan village are different. The whole world can only buy them from Xiaowan village. This is the root of the competition between Shenzhu society and the other two aristocratic families. ITO can't ignore Xiaowan village.

"The quantity of Hanshui fish is scarce, and it's difficult to cultivate them, and the price is not low! Since President ITO is so sincere, I think so. A fish costs 100000 yen. Xiaowan village will try its best to guarantee the supply to Shenzhu society! " Zhao Fugui said.

Shu Xiaosu suddenly widened her eyes. A Han Shui fish sells for 100000 yen, which is more than 6000 yuan. A kilo or two of fish sells for more than 6000 yuan. It's really a sky high price.

It's really a sky high price to sell more than 6000 yuan for a Han Shui fish, but it's also a 5A grade Kobe beef. Two hundred grams can sell at a sky high price of two or three thousand yuan in China. Compared with this price, it's not high. Kobe beef in Niubi is probably raised by Lingquan water, right?

"Zhao Jun, the price is too high!" Kimura said.

"Kimura, I know that in Japan, all 5A grade ingredients are sold by auction, and there is no fixed price. If the Shenzhu club is not satisfied with the price, I can sell Hanshui fish by auction. Five hundred for five hundred, fifty thousand for fifty thousand. What do you think of Kimura?" Zhao Fugui said.

"Here it is Kimura's face changes. If it's really auctioned, it's hard to say the price. A 5A tuna can be auctioned for several million yuan, a Kobe cow can be auctioned for several hundred thousand yuan, and a Xizhang melon can be auctioned for more than one hundred thousand yuan.

Hanshui fish is in the limelight at today's food tasting meeting. It's really an auction, but other competitors, such as Shanjia and zaodaojia, can get sky high prices. If the ITO family loses the priority to cooperate with Xiaowan village, it will be a strategic failure.

"Kimun, you don't have to say that the No.1 Hanshui fish in 5A class in China is definitely worth the price! Zhao Jun, let's fix this price! " President ITO said quickly.

The taste of Hanshui fish is absolutely the best. No fish can match it. Unfortunately, Hanshui fish can't grow too big, and it's also a kind of freshwater fish. There's less superior fish to choose from. Otherwise, it's more than five times and ten times more than 100000 yen."President ITO is really cool. That's settled!" Zhao Fugui and ITO shake hands and reach a verbal agreement. Today, they didn't help ITO Bai.

"Hum, damn chinese, you won't be proud for long!" Shangshan Jiuzhi stares at Zhao Fugui coldly and leaves quickly with the gloomy Shangshan family.

It's the same with the zaodao family. Their faces are very ugly, especially the man who has been cheated. When he saw the zaodao family leave, he rushed to catch up with them and wanted to leave with them. But the zaodao family yelled at him and didn't let him get on the bus at all.

The head of zaodao village watched the motorcade of zaodao family go away with hatred in his eyes.

"Zhao Jun, you can rest assured that the ITO family will guarantee your safety and will never let the Shangshan family do harm to you!" President ITO said immediately.

"I haven't paid attention to the people of Shangshan family yet!" Zhao Fugui said with disdain.

"Zhao Jun, I've arranged for Kobe cattle. Zhao Jun can visit at any time!" Kimura said quickly.

"Then go and have a look this afternoon." Zhao Fugui is very interested in the most expensive beef in the world. Hearing this, he immediately nods and says.

"Brother Zhao, will Xiaowan's food really be sold to Japan in the future?" When going back, Shu Xiaosu asked Zhao Fugui in a low voice.

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