Super Monk

Chapter 805

"It's about earning foreign exchange. Why not? A Han Shui fish can be sold at most 500 in China and 6000 in Japan. Such a high profit business is not common! " Zhao Fugui said, "but selling Han Shui fish is not my goal!"

"Brother Zhao, what's your purpose?" Shu Xiaosu asked curiously. She didn't know whether the two people in black in front of the car could understand Chinese, so Shu Xiaosu whispered to Zhao Fugui.

"I want to build a top food brand in Japan. It takes time and excellent quality to build a top food brand, but if it is successful, the profit will be explosive! For example, Kobe cattle, such as their Xizhang melon and watermelons, if Xiaowan village can also establish a brand of top food ingredients in Japan, the future profits will be huge! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Can we build a brand by cooperating with Shenzhu club?" Shu Xiaosu asked.

"The cooperation with Shenzhu society can make it easier for Xiaowan village's food materials to enter Japan, and Shenzhu society will spare no effort to promote the grading of food materials. These things are much easier for them to do! When Hanshui fish, Kaixin fruit, native chicken and poultry all get 5A or 4A ratings and are recognized by the Japanese market, I'm going to package and auction the sales rights of Xiaowan village's ingredients in Japan! "

"I see. Brother Zhao wants Shenzhu club to pave the way for us?" Shu Xiaosu said with a thoughtful look.

"Yes, on the surface today, I helped the Shenzhu club, but in fact, our benefits are greater. First, we sold Han Shui fish, and second, we let other big companies know our existence. The more fierce the competition between Shenzhu club and them, the more benefits we have!" Zhao Fugui said.

Not to mention according to Zhao Fugui's calculation, when the conditions are relatively mature next year, Zhao Fugui will consider auctioning the sales right, and I'm afraid that a single sales right will be worth more than one billion.

Zhao Fugui and Shu Xiaosu are too close to each other. At the beginning, Shu Xiaosu didn't pay attention to them. After a while, she found that when Zhao Fugui spoke, the warm breath sprayed on her neck, making her feel itchy.

Zhao Fugui also smelled the faint body fragrance of Shu Xiaosu, and even could see a piece of spring light from Shu Xiaosu's collar.

"Zhao Jun, we enjoy Huaishi cuisine at Shantian's home at noon. In the afternoon, we will enter Hyogo county to visit the breeding of Kobe cattle." The Mercedes Benz drove for more than an hour before it stopped. Kimura longer politely opened the door and bowed to Zhao Fugui and Shu Xiaosu.

"Get out of the car!" Zhao Fugui nodded, touched Shu Xiaosu's head and said.

Most of the Mercedes Benz cars have already left for a long time. There are only three cars left. All the three Mercedes Benz cars are parked outside a small wooden building. The environment of this building is very good. There is a big tree planted outside the door, which is almost hugged by several people. The huge branches and leaves block most of the wooden houses.

The environment in the wooden house was surprised, and a small number of diners were eating. Kimura longer respectfully asks Zhao Fugui and Shu Xiaosu to go in and order their special Huaishi cuisine.

"Zhao Jun, three generations of Yamada family are all masters of Huaishi cuisine. You can have the most authentic Huaishi cuisine here. Please enjoy it!" Kimura said.

"Wow, brother Zhao, how many zeros are there? The cheapest kind of food costs 100000 yen! " Shu Xiaosu curiously looked at the sign on another table and said in surprise.

These signs are all written in Japanese, but Japanese itself is mixed with a lot of Chinese. Although the meaning is different, Shu Xiaosu and Zhao Fugui can still recognize it. It's something similar to a menu.

"Yes, Zhao Jun, the cheapest Yamada cuisine is 100000 yen, the most expensive one needs one million yen, and it also needs reservation. There is no sudden visit!" Kimura said.

"It's not cheap for you to eat in Japan!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

After a while, three pieces of Huaishi cuisine were brought up. Zhao Fugui looked at it carefully and felt that this kind of cuisine was a little similar to the Chinese stone pot bibimbap. Of course, the similarity was only that everyone used a stone pot.

The food is really delicious, and Zhao Fugui admits that it is not worth the price. I don't know if Japanese food is so expensive because of its high price.

This is also very possible, because before he came to Japan, Zhao Fugui heard Chen Yihan say that Japan's per capita net income is about 500 to 6 million yen a year, which is more than 300000 yuan, nearly ten times higher than that of China, and the annual income of the ordinary rich class is even more terrifying, which can reach about 20 million yen, not to mention the rich and rich class. It's hard to understand It's strange that they can afford such expensive food.

After about an hour's delay in Shantian's restaurant, Zhao Fugui continued to go to Danma Township in Kansai Hyogo county.

Zhao Fugui originally thought that Japan is a big city. After all, there are two or three hundred million people living in such a big place. But he didn't expect that once he entered Ma Village, the air became fresh, the mountains and the water, and the environment was very good.

"Zhao Jun, please allow me to introduce Kobe cattle to you!" Kimura longer, sitting in the front passenger seat of Mercedes Benz, said, "Kobe cattle is actually a kind of Danma cattle, mainly distributed in Danma area. The cattle breeding method here is top secret information, but in summary, it can be said that they grew up drinking mineral water and eating medicated food!""There are more than 250 farms in Hyogo, and about 4000 qualified Kobe cattle can be produced every year. The Ministry of agriculture will issue a blood certificate to prove that each cow is a Kobe cow." The price of this kind of beef can only be converted to about RMB 5000 per kilogram per year in Japan

"Five thousand a kilogram is ten thousand, but I heard it's not that expensive?" Zhao Fugui asked in surprise. He knew that Kobe beef was very expensive, but he had heard that 500 grams of Kobe beef of 5A grade was only one or two thousand, and there was no such price as five thousand.

"Zhao Jun, there are almost no 5A grade Kobe beef exported to China, and 4A grade beef is very rare. What you heard may be that those unscrupulous businessmen sell 4A or 3A grade Kobe beef as 5A grade beef!" Kimura said with a smile, and then the three Mercedes Benz cars stopped quickly. Kimura said, "in order to ensure that the air quality is not polluted, the farms in the mountain area are not allowed to be near by cars, so we can only ask Zhao Jun and miss Shu to walk the next distance!"

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