Super Monk

Chapter 812

"There is such a place in Kabuki town in Japan. Go and have a look!" Zhao Fugui has also heard of black boxing places in China. Most of them are along the coast or the border. Zhao Fugui has never seen them. He did not expect that Kabuki town also has such places.

"I don't know that Zhao Jun is also interested in underground fighting. It's really my fault. I didn't arrange the box in advance!" Kimura quickly apologized, then quickly said a few words to the bodyguard in Japanese. The four bodyguards immediately stepped forward and directly separated the crowd, making way for Zhao Fugui.

"You wait here for Miss Su!" Zhao Fugui shouts, pointing to a bodyguard.

"Hi The bodyguard quickly and fiercely bows, and then guards outside the passageway leading to the bathroom. When Shu Xiaosu and Zhao Fugui wait, they go to the center of the fighting field.

In the middle of the fighting field is a black octagonal cage. There are some VIP seats around the octagonal cage. Behind each seat are black bodyguards. Behind these bodyguards are gamblers waving money and lottery tickets. There is a circle of VIP boxes at the top of the back, in which there are some mysterious guests.

"This guy is a sumo wrestler?" When Zhao Fugui came near the octagonal cage, Kimura longer said something in the past. Someone immediately gave up the VIP seat. Zhao Fugui was not polite and sat down directly.

In the octagonal cage, there is a sumo wrestler who is extremely fat. This guy is wearing a pair of underpants and a pure white ribbon around his waist. He poses as a sumo wrestler and steps on the ground. Zhao Fugui can even feel that even the octagonal cage trembles slightly.

"Oh my God, he's the crane turtle lishiro!" Kimura longer carefully looked into the octagonal cage, his face was full of surprise, and he exclaimed.

"Who is he Guili? It's a Japanese name Zhao Fugui has never heard of the name, but he also knows that sumo wrestlers have a high status in Japan. He did not expect that this guy would come to participate in the black market fighting.

"Kishiro is Yokohama of this generation. Yokohama is half human and half god in Japan. I didn't expect that he would take part in black market fighting. It's amazing!" Kimura explained in surprise.

Yokohama is the ultimate title of sumo. It has a high status and strong strength in Japan. Few Japanese players can get this title. In nearly 300 years since 1736, only 71 Yokohama level players have been born.

In the era of emperor's rule in Japan, Yokohama level players need to be crowned by Emperor himself. A Yokohama level player unexpectedly appeared here, which surprised Kimura ryunoji.

"Here's his opponent. He's strong and muscular. He's one of the top foreign boxing experts!" Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and he saw his opponent. This guy was black and hard at least one meter nine.

A host like person in the octagonal cage yelled a few words, and then the gamblers outside quickly crazy.

"He was once a black boxer in America, but he had to win the title of heavyweight! Now the odds are 1.2 for kishiro and 1.3 for Floyd Patterson Kimura said.

"You have a lot of confidence in him!" Zhao Fugui looked at the Japanese yokohama player with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

The strength of the black boxer is really strong, and his body is at its peak. His tonnage alone is twice that of the black boxer, not to mention that the black boxer is no longer at his peak. But because of his weakness, if he meets a good fighter in comprehensive combat, he may not win.

Zhao Fugui and Kimura are talking when the octagonal cage game has begun. Like a mountain of meat, lishiro, the plump crane turtle, pressed down on Freud.

Freud tried his best to attack lishiro, but the Japanese yokohama sumo wrestler was really powerful. Relying on his own tonnage, this guy resisted Freud's two heavy fists, and then knocked him down as fiercely as Mount Tai.

"Bang!" Even the teacup in front of Zhao Fugui's body trembled violently because of the vibration from the octagonal cage. Freud's face showed a painful expression, and he was pressed on the ground by lisanro, the crane turtle, and attacked madly.

The shrieks of the gamblers almost lifted the concrete foundation above his head. Zhao Fugui shook his head. Li Sanlang, the crane turtle, obviously knew what his advantage was, but Freud didn't understand.

After more than half an hour, Floyd, who was about to be suffocated, finally raised his hand to surrender. He had a meat mountain that only ate high-fat and high protein food, had six meals a day, and weighed 500 Jin. Even the heavyweight champion couldn't stand it.

Heguilishiro excitedly clapped his chest and roared in the octagonal cage. Zhao Fugui was about to leave when he saw that there was nothing to see. Just at this time, a disgusting voice suddenly rang.

"You are a damned Chinese. You are so haunted that you can meet you here!" His ugly face suddenly appeared. Zhao Fugui glanced at him and saw him walking respectfully beside a middle-aged man in a Japanese samurai suit."Where's the fly? It's always buzzing. It's disgusting!" Zhao Fugui said with disdain.

"Baga, you damned Chinese dare to insult me!" Shangshan Jiuzhi's face changed, and then he turned his eyes and said to the middle-aged people around him, "uncle, this Chinese man insults our Shangshan family. Please allow me to borrow Mr. crane turtle, teach this Chinese man a lesson, and wash away the shame of our Shangshan family!"

"To deal with a Chinese, we need to use the crane turtle king. I can deal with this Chinese by arranging a boxer at will." The middle-aged man said haughtily.

"Ha ha, such a fat guy also needs my hand?" Zhao Fugui sneered scornfully. At this time, a new player appeared again in the octagonal cage, which turned out to be a 40 or 50 year old man.

"Hum, how dare you insult Mr. crane and tortoise!" The middle-aged man's face changed. He pointed to the octagonal cage and said, "this old man is said to be one of your Chinese martial arts experts. He has won six games in a row here. I will order Mr. crane turtle to break all his hands and feet so that you stupid Chinese people can know the power of our great Japanese Empire!"

"Yes? How dare you bet one billion yen on me? I bet this old Chinese boxer will win! " Zhao Fugui cold eyes, looked at the old boxer who is carefully preparing, coldly said.

One billion yen is more than 60 million yuan. The face of middle-aged people suddenly changes slightly. This is not a small amount.

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