Super Monk

Chapter 813

The Shangshan family has a big business. I'm afraid its assets are at least trillions of yen. But it's a family business, not something that any member of the Shangshan family can use at will.

The Shangshan family has dozens or hundreds of people in three generations. If everyone can easily use the family's assets, the Shangshan family will be rich and the country will be defeated.

When he takes out one billion yen and 60 million yuan, he can't take it out at all. He doesn't have so much liquidity, and because of his personal affairs, his family can't let him use the money. However, a young Chinese man in Yokohama, Japan, can't think of losing.

"Uncle, Mr. crane turtle can't lose. I can withdraw 300 million yen and ask my uncle to make up the rest anyway. Let's fight to the death with this damned Chinese!" On the fir nine wisdom gnash teeth of say.

"You're such a big family. You've been talking for a long time with a little money. I don't know what you're pretending to be every day!" Zhao Fugui said with disdain.

Xiaowan village is definitely not comparable to the Daiwa group of Shangshan family. However, Xiaowan village belongs to Zhao Fugui. He can mobilize as much capital as he wants, which is much easier to use than those of Shangshan family.

"Baga!" The middle-aged man's face sank, his eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, and said in a deep voice, "Jiuzhi, I can make up the remaining funds for you, but I don't believe this damned Chinese can take out a billion yen!"

"Boy, my uncle is right. You bet with us, can you get the money?" Shangshan Jiuzhi suddenly stares at Zhao Fugui and shouts, "you damned Chinese can't take out such money at all!"

Kimura is also embarrassed. Although President ITO authorized him to transfer part of the funds, the funds could never have a billion yen. He really can't get the money.

"This card can overdraw 50 million RMB in any of the top ten banks in the world! Kimura, can you make up the remaining 100 million yen? " Zhao Fugui took out the black card in his wallet and said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Jun, no problem. I can make up for 100 million yen!" Kimura ryunoji couldn't get out a billion yen, but he didn't have a problem with 100 million yen. He immediately called and signed a promissory note from the Swiss bank.

"Our money has been taken out. Where's your money?" Zhao Fugui asked lightly.

At once, a middle-aged man waved a check of 900 million yen and signed it.

"Citibank's cash check, billion! Hum, Mr. crane turtle will never lose The middle-aged man proudly pointed to the tray in the hand of a sexy card girl. Two cheques were put in the tray and he cheered in a deep voice.

"It's no use just talking. Let's see the real chapter under our hands!" Zhao said with disdain that Kimura verified that the check is indeed a cash check of Citibank, which can be unconditionally withdrawn from any Citibank in the world.

"Hum, I'll let you know how powerful you are The middle-aged man snorted and went to the octagonal cage. He waved to Li Sanlang, the crane turtle. The huge meat mountain suddenly moved to the middle-aged man. "Make a quick decision later. Kill this Chinese for me!"

"Hi Heguilishiro can't bend down to salute, he can only nod his head and sink his voice.

"Uncle, have you seen the left leg of that big meat mountain? His left leg has been injured before. If you attack his left leg a few times more, his left leg will be unbearable! This guy is too heavy. Once the old injury of his left leg recurres, he will be dead! " Zhao Fugui also called the little old man over and said.

In the eyes of Zhao Fugui, there is no way to hide the strength of the little old man. Although the little old man is old, he is still strong and strong. He is a master of dark energy, and there is no hidden danger in his body. He practices dark energy step by step.

It's also because the little old man has such strength, so Zhao Fugui believes that he can fight with rigiro hegui.

The little old man looked at Zhao Fugui suspiciously. He didn't feel that there was any injury on him. His action didn't look like there was an old injury. However, the little old man finally nodded his head noncommittally.

"Please two players come here. This is a battle between the honorary Yokohama of the great Japanese Empire and the martial arts experts of China. China thinks their martial arts experts are invincible. Now it's time for us to let them know the reality clearly!" The host yelled in Japanese and Chinese.

The scene immediately rang out a frenzied clamor, although Zhao Fugui did not understand Japanese, but also can hear a lot of gamblers in the small old hair out of the vicious curse.

"Zhao Jun, our bet has also entered the gambling house. Now the odds of heguilisanro are 1-1, and that of Zhang Xishan is 1-2.5!" Kimura said to Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui nodded and the game started immediately.

Like just now, hegui lisanro rushed to the little old man Zhang Xishan with heavy steps. Hegui lisanro obviously wanted to solve Zhang Xishan in an instant.

However, Zhang Xishan obviously has rich experience in fighting, and is far more flexible than the previous black champion. He guilisanlang pounces on him. Zhang Xishan skillfully lowers his head to hide, passes under heguilisanlang's rib, and at the same time, hits heguilisanlang's rib with a backhand."Baga!" He GUI Li San Lang didn't even catch Zhang Xishan's clothes. With an angry curse, he turned his head and rushed to Zhang Xishan again.

Zhang Xishan's dark strength is of little use to heguilisanlang. Heguilisanlang's fat layer is too thick for dark strength to penetrate.

Zhang Xishan looks dignified, constantly swimming, he is only 1.7 meters tall, in the crane turtle lisanlang flexible like a fish.

"If you don't attack the tortoise's left leg, you will lose if you are not careful!" Zhao Fugui frowned and said that he could see that Zhang Xishan didn't believe his judgment and didn't try to attack Li Sanlang's left leg.

Zhang Xishan kept on fighting back, but his attack was very difficult to work, which infuriated him. After all, he Guili is a sumo master at Henggang level, and he has rich experience in fighting.

He soon pushed Zhang Xishan to the corner. Zhang Xishan stepped on the net of the octagonal cage and wanted to dodge behind him. He was ready and grabbed Zhang Xishan's leg with a loud drink.

Zhang Xishan's face changed greatly. Before he could react, he was hit on the ground by Li Sanlang, the crane turtle. Then his huge body rushed to Zhang Xishan.

"Ha ha, Chinese martial arts experts are rubbish! Boy, you are sure to lose. Wait for the loss! " Kazuki Uesugi exclaimed triumphantly.

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