Super Monk

Chapter 844

"Lin you? What are you doing here? " Zhao Fugui looks along the voice and is surprised to find that the person is Lin you.

Hearing this voice, Jin Shao's face immediately changed. His face became very ugly. He bit his teeth, and a trace of Li mang flashed in his eyes. He said in a low voice, "kill him!"

"Shoot!" SWAT captain look a cold, fierce shout.

"I see who dares!" Just at this time, a group of soldiers rushed down from the military vehicle, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the special police around Jin Shao. Mr. Ling stormed over.

Since Zhao Fugui clashed with Jinpeng in the provincial capital, linglaozi went to Beijing directly after being picked up by the military vehicle. Jinlaozi of the Jin family refused to see him. Linglaozi was angry and found Linyou.

Although Lin you is young, his identity is different, and Zhao Fugui saved his life, and the Lin family supports him. Lin you and Mr. Ling are all over the world looking for Zhao Fugui. When they heard the news that Zhao Fugui had returned from the cruise ship early this morning, they immediately took a special plane to come.

"Lin you, are you determined to have a hard time with me?" Being pointed at by a group of soldiers with a gun, the special police team suddenly dare not come. Jin Shao's face is gloomy and asks coldly.

"Brother Fugui, I'm late!" Lin you waved to Zhao Fugui with a smile. His face was still a little pale. Although his illness had been cured for some time, his vitality had not completely recovered.

"It's not too late. It's the right time!" Zhao Fugui also said with a smile that the power in his mind changed, and the mandrill, the big black and the ghost, who had just been released, immediately took them back.

"Lin you, I'm talking to you. Do you hear me?" Jin Shaolin you doesn't look at him at all, and his face is even more ugly.

Although Lin you is one of the most important people in Shangjing, his Jin family is not so bad. What's more, demons are the headquarters of the Jin family. Lin you doesn't give him face in front of so many people. Jin Shao is very angry.

"Brother Jin, I'm so sorry. You know I've just recovered from a serious illness and my ears don't work very well. I'm so sorry! Brother Jin, what did you say just now? " Lin you said with a smile.

As soon as he said this, several soldiers immediately laughed. If you don't have a good ear, it's OK to talk to Zhao Fugui, but you can't hear his words. It's either plain or lazy to talk to you.

"Lin you, do you have to protect Zhao Fugui? This kid killed my brother Jinpeng, and we'll never let him go! " Jin Shao's face was ugly and he yelled.

"Jin Shao, right? If you say I killed Jin Peng, you have to give evidence, right? We Huaxia speak with evidence. If you have evidence, the court will accept it! If there is no evidence, why do you say I killed Jin Peng? " Zhao Fugui sneered.

"Brother Fugui is right. Brother Jin, do you have any evidence that brother Fugui killed Jin Peng? If there is no evidence, how dare you order to kill brother Fugui? I want my father to go to the Jin family and ask your father if the Jin family is so lawless! " Lin you said.

"The last people Jin Peng met before he died were Zhao Fugui and old man Ling. Who else could kill Jin Peng if he didn't kill him?" Gold big little gnash teeth of say.

Jin Peng set up a bureau to kill Zhao Fugui that day, but Zhao Fugui killed all the killers. Later, Jin Peng died in Qinghe villa. Although the Jin family has no strong evidence, Jin Peng was not killed by Zhao Fugui. Who else could have killed Jin Peng.

"Jinlong, according to you, maybe I killed Jinpeng?" Master Ling yelled, "who killed Jinpeng when he saw Jinpeng at the last time, then you Jinpeng's family will be shameful, so that in case someone has something to do, people who met you will become killers!"

Jin Shao was speechless, but he was unwilling to let Zhao Fugui go. He turned his head and said coldly, "Jin Peng didn't say in advance that four or five people on the cruise ship goddess of liberty were killed. Mr. Ivanov and Mr. Ross identified Zhao Fugui as a terrorist. He can't deny it. Killing people pays for their lives. No one wants to take Zhao Fugui away! "

"Ivanov is the leader of the Mafia. He sells women and kills people. Ross is in collusion with him. I'm in self-defense!" Zhao Fugui said with disdain.

"Well, now that the statue of liberty has left Hong Kong, what you said is just a one-sided statement. There is no evidence at all. We only know that you killed people. You don't want to run away! Even Lin you can't save you in this matter! " Kim said.

"You let the liberty go? There are hundreds of trafficked women on it. How can you do that? " Zhao Fugui's face suddenly became very ugly. He slapped the table fiercely and roared.

"Those are just stowaways. Zhao Fugui, you've killed people. You'll be tried and shot!" The gold big little triumphantly cries a way.

"Time's up!" At this time, Lin you suddenly raised his wrist, looked at his watch and said to himself.

"What time is it?" Jin Da Shao immediately felt something bad and asked with a frown.

"You don't want the evidence. I think the evidence will come back soon." Lin you said with a smile.

Almost at the same time, only a few dozen nautical miles away from the port of Mordor, four armed helicopters suddenly appeared and landed directly on the deck of the rapidly leaving cruise ship goddess of liberty. A group of armed soldiers quickly jumped from the helicopter."What are you doing? This is a private cruise. You have no right to come up! " Cried Mr. Ross and Ivanov, who had broken an arm.

"Don't move. The cruise ship will turn around and return to port Mordor immediately!" A soldier yelled at the cabin of the cruise ship.

"We have permission to leave Hong Kong. Why should we turn back? Do you know who I am? I am the honorary chairman of Shenggao group. Even your leaders have to be polite when they see me! Soldier, tell me your name, I'll complain about you! " Cried Mr. Ross.

"What are you doing? Let them go quickly? " On one side of the deck, the soldiers saw a group of Mafia with AK47 driving a group of women to the bottom of the cabin and yelled.

Several Mafia members immediately turned around, AK47 also involuntarily pointed over.

"The enemy has weapons, kill them immediately!" At the command of an officer, the sound of "daddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddaddad.

The remaining Mafia quickly threw away the AK47 in their hands, knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands, and cried out for mercy in horror.

Ross and Ivanov were so scared that they almost sat on the ground.

"We have found the evidence of your crimes. Arrest them all. How dare you be so arrogant in our Chinese territory!" The officer pointed to Ivanov and rose and said contemptuously.

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